Mystic Dominator

Chapter 250: break into the room

Ronald didn't know about Claudia's usual eating habits.

But that didn't stop him from finding a local breakfast that he seemed to pass the test.

Not far away, Ronald saw his goal.

In the riverbank area, which has not yet been fully lit up, there are already small vendors selling breakfast here. Most of them push their small carts to sell food by the roadside.

On this point, people are surprisingly unified.

After a short turn, Ronald bought two 'sandwich buns'.

How to describe it...

Although it is called sandwich bread, it is actually a kind of food with various vegetables or meat sandwiched between two slices of bread, like a variant of hot dog or sandwich.

The biggest difference is that there is a kind of shortbread in the bread.

It's like the crispiness in a pancake fruit.

As for the final option, Ronald bought a bread with a fruit filling and a fish filling.

In his opinion.

A girl like Claudia would probably prefer fruit.

So carrying the sandwich bread wrapped in two paper bags, Ronald walked back towards his residence again.

Until he returned to the door of the apartment, the street lights on the street had gone out.

At this time, pedestrians can occasionally be seen on the road, and the city of Springs is slowly waking up in the early morning.

Especially here is the riparian area.

As Raphael introduced earlier. Because of the excellent surrounding environment, many young students can be seen here.

In a fairly good mood, Ronald returned to the apartment.

Open the gate to enter the courtyard and walk up the stairs.

However, when he came to the door of the room on the third floor where he was, he found that the things in front of him had changed. When I went out, I had already locked the door, but in front of me...

The door of his room on the third floor has been opened, and there is even an obvious crack in the door.

Faced with such a change, Ronald raised his eyebrows.

How is this going!

Did Claudia go home after taking a shower?


With the abilities and habits that Claudia showed, it was not like she would forget to close the door when she went out.

So someone was chasing the trail last night.

Find your home?

Judging from last night's experience and Claudia's identity, this situation is quite possible.


Alerted in his heart, Ronald snapped his fingers lightly with his gloved right hand.

After confirming that the defensive spell on his body was activated, he turned to look inside the room through the crack of the door.

Immediately, a scene that left him speechless appeared.

During the time when she went out to buy breakfast, Claudia had obviously completed the bathing process, and at the same time probably used magic to dry and iron her clothes.

Then, wearing a neat school uniform, the girl even had her disguised appearance restored to her original appearance. She sat on the sofa in the room with her arms folded over her chest, and the old **** Claudia was watching the cup of hot tea in front of her. .

If it was just this scene, Ronald would be fine for the time being.

But in his room, there was one more thing in these pictures that he couldn't ignore.

——The landlady lying on the sofa.

- Cynthia!

It was easy for Ronald to complete everything that happened before in his mind.

Early in the morning in the apartment, Cynthia woke up from her bedroom.

Presumably there was something necessary to notify after the house was rented out, so she opened the door and came in to find Ronald.

Next, as it should be, Cynthia noticed the sound of Claudia bathing in the bathroom.

It is natural to go to ask.


Does this need further explanation?

A classic misunderstanding scene!

After the tense battle last night, Claudia was disturbed when she was taking a bath, and her first choice was naturally to shoot directly.

Then the poor landlady could only be knocked unconscious in the room by her.

The magician on the mysterious side faces an ordinary person, crushing the advantage of the level.


Ronald couldn't help but sighed, and then helplessly pushed the door and walked into the room.

Claudia, who was sitting on the sofa, noticed the sound coming from the door, and immediately turned her head and glanced.

After seeing that the person who came in was Ronald.

Claudia raised her teacup quite leisurely to finish drinking the tea, then simply stood up from the sofa and walked straight to Ronald at the door:

"Ronald, I'm sorry."

"I seem to have caused you trouble."

At the same time, Ronald walked into the living room and said:

"For me as a tenant, this is quite a hassle."

"How can there be a tenant who knocks the landlord unconscious the next day after renting a room?"

Hearing Ronald's bitter tone, Claudia immediately showed a smile:

"Actually, you can't completely blame me."

"This guy was going to push the door and come in directly when I was taking a shower. In desperation, I could only choose to knock her unconscious. After all, it's not convenient for me to leak out what happened here."

While speaking, Claudia had come to Ronald.

With a bright smile on her face, she took a paper bag from the other party's hand with a natural expression and smooth movements, and then walked out of the door without stopping.

"It's getting late, I'll go first."

"The rest is up to you!"


Seeing Claudia walk straight out of the room, Ronald wanted to say something.

But if you think about it, it really doesn't work.

So in the end, I could only watch Claudia go down the stairs.

And when Claudia walked down the second floor of the stairs, the girl did not forget to turn her head to Ronald upstairs, and thanked again in a soft tone:

"Ronald, thank you for the breakfast!"

"We'll see you later when we have a chance."

Kasha -

It was followed by the sound of Claudia pulling open the paper bag.

Ronald's excellent hearing, in addition to vaguely hearing the sound of the other party opening the paper bag, even noticed that Claudia said "delicious" before he walked out of the apartment completely.


Claudia was as hungry as herself.

While accepting the cruel Ronald picked up his paper bag and took out the bread.

However, in the next second, his movements stopped like this.


"Why fruit?"

He stared blankly at the fruit sandwich bread in his hand.

Ronald couldn't help but start to reflect, is his luck going downhill today?

After thinking for a few seconds, Ronald sat on the sofa awkwardly.

Then he took a hard bite of the bread.

Right in front of him now, the unconscious landlady was lying on the sofa with her eyes closed, like a closed boss waiting to be awakened.

After waking up the other party, what kind of excuse should I use?

To deal with the next trouble?

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