Mystic Dominator

Chapter 247: 10 books

In the darkness, the execution ground where the terrain changed drastically was silent.

However, in the calmness of this voice, there are turbulent and violent changes.

At this moment.

Elva, the old spellcaster, is facing the most dangerous situation in his fight tonight.

- The power of 'Rage'.

The thick black fog, which is deeper than the night, permeates every corner of the battlefield, and there is no gap that they will not fill up.

As long as you don't take precautions, you will face the end of unconsciousness the moment you step into the battlefield.

This is Ronald's counterattack.

When Claudia opened this gap for him, these black mists containing the power of the oath of **** surged frantically under Ronald's control, and then devoured everything almost instantly.

So far, the leader of the battlefield has completely changed.

Even though the stone wall made by Elva changed the structure of the execution ground, the ubiquitous black mist further sealed the space here.

And the elderly caster standing on the stone pillar is naturally trapped in it.

But Elva is still very experienced.

At the moment when Claudia opened the prompt, he also realized that he was about to face an attack from the underground.

So the moment Ronald counterattacked, he manipulated the original tome in his hand and immediately constructed a new spell for defense.

It's a whole new way of using spells.

Unlike the previous stone pillars and black liquid, this time Elva summoned a smooth marble-like wall, and tightly guarded him in all directions.

With such an airtight defense.

The black fog, which is not strong enough by itself, is indeed unable to break through in the first time.

But even if he kept himself safe, Elva lost the right to move freely before.


Standing in the small protective technique, the elderly caster looked in front of him with low eyes.

Faced with such a situation, he did not panic.

Although it was dark in front of him, Elva could still monitor the movements of the enemy through the vibration of the wall, so he understood where Ronald and Claudia were now.

Collapsing walls and darkness are also limiting the enemy.

After all, the spells used before were not in vain.

As for what Elva cares about most now...

In fact, it was Ronald's performance in tonight's fight.

The mastery of the original spell, the hostile attitude towards oneself, and the female investigator who helped Ronald...

Combine the three.

Elva easily came to a bad conclusion.

After receiving the encrypted letter from the organization, Ronald, under unknown influence, joined with the Bureau of Investigation to investigate their organization, and already had a certain degree of understanding.


It's the worst situation ever.

Even if it was called the worst situation since the organization was established, there is absolutely no problem.

So it is urgent.

It's about finding a way to contact the organization and be notified of what's going on here.

Either block the cause and effect in this matter, or use the prophecy spell to find the best way to deal with it. In short, the information must be communicated first.

The two students who came with him have been silenced, and Elva himself is an insider.


Thinking of this, I was protected by my own magic in the center.

Elva sighed helplessly.

He has only mastered the five books of the "Ten Books of Architecture" of his own school. If he wants to enter the original test to obtain the right to use the other five books, how can he still be able to do this with his aging body?


- in his own lifetime.

He is afraid that he cannot see the future of this original scripture being completely cracked.

Thinking of this, Elva's somewhat hesitant eyes instantly calmed down. Although regrettable, he has no choice now.

Standing under the protection of the sealed wall, he unfolded the original scripture and held it in front of him.

Although he couldn't see the text in front of him, countless readings had engraved this action in Elva's body memory.

The awkward-toned incantation was immediately shouted fluently:

"Your Majesty Caesar!

When you take the sovereignty of the world in your hands with great wisdom and divine power, and defeat all powerful enemies with invincible heroism, the citizens should be honored by His Majesty's triumph and victory, and all the conquered nations will obey His Majesty's will! "

While chanting the incantation, he raised his right foot, and Elva stepped on it calmly.


The black hard-soled shoes stepped on the stone pillar underfoot, and there was not even a slight vibration, only the small sound that should have appeared here.

Yet at this moment.

Outside the protection of the marble wall, there have been earth-shaking changes.

Responding to the controller's actions, the double-layered stone wall summoned by Elva instantly turned into fine gravel, and a large amount of yellow gravel kept multiplying and fell down immediately, burying the entire execution ground in an instant!

The execution ground, which was surrounded by towering walls, was reduced to a sea of ​​yellow sand.


This is Elva's fairly confident control spell.

The price is that he must lose the right to use the three books of "Ten Books of Architecture" in the next week.

Such spells are, of course, very powerful.

In addition to its own weight and fluidity, these gravel will constantly absorb the magic and physical strength of the enemy in it. Even if the opponent is not buried under the gravel, it is definitely not an easy thing to break free.

Feeling the right to use himself and the last two books of the original scripture in his hand, Elva used his remaining ability to manipulate the sturdy stone pillar to create a slope, and at the same time, the marble barriers around him slid down the slope.

Feeling that he was out of the scope of the execution ground shrouded in black mist, he disbanded his spell.

Standing on the streets of Springs at night.

Elva looked back at the execution ground with complicated eyes.

Although it is shown that the walls here are still intact, in fact, this execution ground has been completely eroded by his original magic power, thus turning into a huge life-hunting...

A huge execution ground...?

Thinking of Elva shook his head with a subtle expression.

After all, at this very moment, he could still feel the aura of the movement of the two enemies in the gravel.

There is no way to simply kill them...

With a wave of one hand with a regretful expression, the wall of the execution ground cracked open, and the guards of the execution ground who had been stuffed into the wall immediately fell out of it.

Judging by the fact that these two guys have lost their heaving chests.

They have lost their lives during this time.

After watching this quietly for two or three seconds, Elva turned back and walked into the street.

It was too late at night, and it was better to get to the train station if you wanted to leave Springs.

Thinking of this, the old spellcaster shuddered in the cold wind.

Then he walked steadily away from here.

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