Mystic Dominator

Chapter 246: The Choice of the Elderly Practitioner

in this tense state of mind.

Elva even slowed down his attack on Ronald under the sarcophagus.

The enemy who was completely unexpected and could not detect by himself was too great a threat to his security.

Faced with such a situation, Elva quickly analyzed in his heart.

Just to say that they can successfully conceal their own spells, there are only a few schools.

The Twelve Witches, the Set Visitor, the Magic...


Bureau of Investigation!

Is that the professional caster of the Investigation Bureau directly under the Queen?

Standing on the ground of the entire city of Springs, Elva immediately targeted the Bureau of Investigation.

If it is said that in this country, the most worthy of his suspicion is the Bureau of Investigation.

His eyes sank.

The level of alertness in Elva's heart has reached the highest level.

He is confident that he will win the enemy in battle, but if he is targeted by the Bureau of Investigation, or even the queen, his...even the activities of the organization may be completely exposed.

Or yourself.

Or Ronald and this unseen enemy.

There must be one side to die here today, there is no other choice!

Decisions are made in the blink of an eye.

Elva has already formulated his next tactics in his mind.

Immediately, the old magician began his performance.

His vision lingered on the ground, and after a few seconds passed, Elva raised his gaze as if he was suddenly startled.

His actions seemed to be too high because of his current position.

Even in such a dark night, there is a high probability that someone in the surrounding block would notice his solitary figure when looking in this direction.

With an embarrassed expression on his face, he supported his original scripture with one hand and activated the spell to change the terrain again, and the tall stone pillar immediately began to lower its position.

At the same time, the execution ground resembles an upside-down pushpin.

The overall structure also began to change.

About two meters from the top of the sarcophagus, a brand new stone wall extended from the stone pillar again, and this time the speed of spread was faster than before.

In the blink of an eye, a new layer of rock walls was constructed.

A top cover was added to the already locked execution ground.

Looking at the result under her feet, Elva nodded with satisfaction.

He seemed to trust his spells, believing that the enemy had been trapped between the newly generated walls.


With a cold snort, he just stood there on top of the stone pillar with only four meters left, and looked at the changes around him sharply.

Then unfortunately, accompanied by a change of terrain.

The enemy who was hiding here didn't show up right away.

Elva stood quietly in the night wind, the smell of the Wes River blowing on his face from time to time in the winter of Springs. At such a white-faced age, even though Elva's body had been strengthened several times, it was inevitable that he shivered with the cold.



At this moment of shivering.

A silver-blue light flashed in the dark night.

As a result, from the position under Elva, this sudden attack slashed directly at the old spellcaster standing on the stone pillar.

However, in the face of this attack, the old scholar's face was full of light.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Just waiting for you to take action..."


The spell that has been brewing for a long time starts instantly.

Just at the bottom of Elva's feet, a large amount of hot dark black liquid was generated from the stone pillar, which immediately covered the position under him.

Although the silver-blue light can break through the barrier of this liquid.

However, due to the interference of resistance, it had already deviated from the direction, and it was completely impossible to hit Elva at the top of the stone pillar.

Soon, this black liquid solidified under the feet of the old caster.

It turned into a pure black hemispherical cover, completely sealing the bottom of Elva.

In this case, the enemy must not be able to escape.

Seeing that the flaws he deliberately leaked successfully lured the enemy, Elva couldn't help laughing:

"People from the Bureau of Investigation, only this level?"

Whoosh whoosh—

The voice fell.

Sharp stone thorns spread out in the next second.

In less than a breath, all the spaces in the black hood were completely pierced. In this case, any flesh and blood can only be pierced by sharp stone thorns, and then killed on the spot.

It's a pity that Claudia is not included.

Just as Elva laughed, the girl who had just entered the battlefield realized that she had fallen into a trap.

While hiding her figure, she activated her spell at the fastest speed.


On the empty stone floor, liquid immediately gushed out and successfully corroded the stone floor, and a circular pothole fell down like this.

The walls made by Elva's original code are strong enough.

But in the face of the strongest corruption spell Claudia can use, its priority is still not as good as the ability of the Encyclopedia Britannica.

This exaggerated corrosion effect is even more than that.

After the first layer of ground eroded and penetrated, it even eroded a hole in the dome above Ronald's head.


Just like that, Claudia continued to fall.

Then it smashed into the black mist filled with the real execution ground!


At the same time, Elva, who controlled the spell, also realized that the enemy was not dead.

Realizing his mistake, he cast his indifferent eyes on the two students who had fallen to the ground before.

Immediately, he waved his hand indifferently.

Select the ability you need at an extremely skilled speed, and then chanted a spell.


The upper and lower stone walls were instantly closed.

Everything in it was also smashed to pieces.

At this critical moment, Elva actually chose to give priority to killing his own people!

As for under the ground...

After an attack attempt just now, Claudia has understood that her best spell can't hurt the body of the original user before he completes his defense.

His eyes swept away in the dark mist around him.

Even in pure darkness, she seemed to be sure of something right away.

So Claudia shouted:

"Ronald, it's now!"

"Do it now!"

Responding to her shout, the phantom of the original text appeared again from the girl's hurriedly threw out a spell, and Claudia rolled in place and avoided her previous position.

Next, the girl's spell continued to work.

Because of the suppression of the original priority.

Before the stone wall on the upper floor could heal, the highly corrosive liquid she continued to launch hurled out, immediately eroding a gap in the black dome above her head.

At the same time, the black fog summoned by Ronald was finally released.

Almost instantly, a light and agile black mist gushed out wildly along the crack.

The power of 'Rage' that had been suppressed for a long time and was freed again.

In this way, the entire execution ground was enveloped in an instant!

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