Mystic Dominator

Chapter 234: remuneration

Hearing Ronald's question, Claudia nodded immediately:

"Yeah, as you think."

"Fortunately, the location where you climbed over the wall and entered is this small garden that was later expanded. If you go further to the student dormitory, the identification mechanism of the defensive technique will immediately detect your invasion."

Having said that, the smile on the girl's face has completely disappeared.

Walking to Ronald in two steps, she held the book in her arms by her side, and at the same time continued in a very serious tone:


"From my personal point of view, I still advise you not to do something too outrageous. Wilderlin is not an ordinary college."

However, in the face of Claudia's serious tone, Ronald's position did not change in any way, but immediately replied decisively:

"very sorry."

"I have reasons to investigate this matter."

"Even if the behavior may be outrageous, at least I won't involve anyone who has nothing to do with it."

While answering Claudia, Ronald's eyes did not waver in the slightest.

Considering the identity of this girl, he knew that he had better not deceive the other party in this matter first, otherwise, with the ability of the Bureau of Investigation, he would only cause endless trouble to himself.

So in this case, it is very important to clearly state your attitude.

Meanwhile, after Ronald made his stand.

The expression on Claudia's face was not as calm as before.

Hearing this, it was obvious that he was rejecting the answer he suggested. The temperature in the girl's green eyes gradually became cold, and the whole person's aura was completely detached from the previous friendly suggestion.

Claudia at this moment, just like when she scolded Gron before.

The look, the attitude, the aura...

All gestures are a look of intolerance of rejection.

But even if the girl showed such an attitude, Ronald continued without flinching:

"It's really bad to break into here without permission today."

"As a mistake I made, I can..."

Ronald is about to cut through the mess with a sharp knife, and then simply put an end to the problem here.

As a result, just before he finished speaking, the coldness in Claudia's eyes melted away, and then the whole person showed a friendly gesture that eased the atmosphere of the conversation:

"Ronald, don't be so nervous."

"I'm not saying that you should give up the investigation, but I hope you can think of other ways."

"Take it easy."

Because of Claudia's sudden change of tone, Ronald paused.

Hearing the meaning of the other party's words, he naturally looked at the girl in front of him.

Immediately, he asked tentatively:

"The other way..."

"You mean, I can look for some help in some way?"

Claudia smiled and nodded, then leaned forward slightly with her hands behind her back:

"Yeah, for example, the student from Wilderlin University in front of you."

"She might be able to give you some unexpected help."


Ronald was silent.

Claudia in front of her had a gentle smile, and her tone of voice had the ease of chatting among friends, which was completely different from the strong attitude she had shown before.

Such frequent change of attitudes and conversations with people is also a habit of people with quite high status.

After all, ordinary people take such an attitude when they talk...

Usually the result is just one punch in the face.

After carefully weighing the pros and cons in his heart, Ronald absolutely continued to follow Claudia's words:

"Then what unexpected help can I get in this matter?"

Hearing Ronald's answer, Claudia didn't seem to intend to let the conversation continue like this, so she directly changed the topic back:

"Tell me about your goals first."

"Name, location, and what they did."


The girl's question seemed very straightforward, but for Ronald, there was no small problem.

After all, he didn't know the names of those two people at all.

At the same time, Claudia quickly read the embarrassment from Ronald's face, and immediately continued:

"You don't know the other person's name?"

"It's nothing, it's normal."

"A passerby encounters a robber in the suburbs, and most likely does not know the name of the other party. So Ronald, can you provide me with any information? Anything related to them is fine."

When the topic came to this direction, Ronald naturally knew everything:

"My target is two young men."

"The two of them entered the academy from the main entrance of the university's east side at 5:15 in the afternoon, and then returned directly to the student dormitory here, and there have been no other activities until now."

After listening to Ronald's description, Claudia immediately asked:

"Are these two [seeds]?"

Ronald nodded with a serious expression:

"They are definitely all [seeds], and I saw with my own eyes one of them used a spell to track traces in the afternoon."

"I don't know that guy's school, but the process of casting spells is like this..."

After confidently listening to Ronald's description, the girl fell into a brief contemplation.

But in just over ten seconds, her face regained her previous confidence.

And then nodded quite affirmatively

"No problem, this kind of information is enough to find people out."


Looking at Claudia with a confident face in front of him, Ronald was rather puzzled.

No matter from any angle, the girl's attitude towards herself is beyond the normal category of friendliness.

What is the reason for this friendliness?

He didn't think it was his face that had the effect, after all, he had the young and handsome Gron as a lesson.

So is it because he has the identity of the original?

There are still unknown reasons...

Just as Ronald was thinking about this, a subtle smile appeared on Claudia's face who had already answered.

Holding her book in one hand and touching Ronald's arm, the girl asked in a teasing tone:

"Ronald, of course I can handle this for you."

"But what are you going to pay me in return for this help?"


A natural proposition.

It's a pity that Ronald was at a loss for words again in the face of Claudia's inquiry.

What kind of reward can you offer the other party?

Ordinary returns obviously cannot impress Claudia, UU reading www.uukanshu. com but to say uncommon...

Of course he can!

As long as he is a mysterious person in this world, he can help the other party to decipher the original script perfectly. This is definitely a proposal that is enough to make anyone feel tempted.

It's a pity that this is absolutely impossible to say.

At this time, Claudia moved.

The girl who was standing quietly in front of Ronald suddenly stepped forward again, shortening the already close distance between the two.

With a voice that only the two of them could hear, Claudia said slowly:

"Don't think so much."

"As a reward, will you accompany me on a trip?"

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