Mystic Dominator

Chapter 233: girl's identity

Standing quietly in the same place, at this time Claudia just stared at Ronald with her quiet eyes, and there was a hint of expectation in her expression.

However, being watched by such a girl.

Ronald didn't have the heart to appreciate the beauty of the other party at the moment.

On the contrary, the tension in his heart has now reached the highest level.

The problem at hand is not the time when the identities of the female students or investigators were the key information in the beginning.

think about it--

In an academy with strict management, what kind of person would be as domineering as the young boy just now, and even dared to scold Ronald before he could see what Ronald looked like?

Children of high-ranking officials, wealthy businessmen, celebrities...

Don't worry about offending someone's identity, that's all.

And taking into account the handsome face of the other party, as well as the tone of voice when speaking.

Ronald thought that the young man named Gron was probably the son of a high-ranking official or a nobleman, otherwise the other party would not have dared to show such a strong attitude just now.

Derive the details further back, and clearer information will also be presented.

through previous observations.

Ronald is confident that Wilderlin University is a pretty good school, as evidenced by its rigorous management and excellent campus scenery.

Therefore, it can be understood that among the students who study here, there is absolutely no shortage of powerful queens.

Yet even such a school.

Just now, Gron, when he didn't know that Ronald was 'breaking in illegally', simply scolded him.

This shows that the identity of this young man is definitely higher than that of ordinary nobles.

So what was the reaction of such a young man?

It was just a scolding from Claudia.

Let him have no choice but to run away in despair!

This approach is too far from his previous youthful spirit.

most likely explanation.

It was the girl in front of Ronald, who was far superior to Gron in terms of identity, so he was able to show such a reaction.

So now the information is simpler.

——The status of being superior, or even several ranks.

——Studied at a university with strict management in the capital city.

——Able to use the spells of the Bureau of Investigation system, and the acting style is quite strong.

Combining this information, a somewhat bold inference came to Ronald's mind.

Claudia, could it be a direct blood relative of a big boss in the Bureau of Investigation?

In this case……

After the conclusion was drawn in his mind like a train going through a tunnel, Ronald instinctively answered the girl's question at a faster speed:

"Ronald, just call me Ronald."


Hearing Ronald's answer, Claudia, who was standing in front of him, immediately flashed a look of satisfaction in her eyes.

But soon, this trace of satisfaction melted into thinking and trouble.

After hesitating for a breath or so, the girl raised her hand and gently hugged the book to her chest, and then said in a doubtful tone:


"Is that Ronald Adler?"

Such an answer instantly made Ronald confirm his guess.

In fact, his identity as the holder of the original code has only been disclosed for a limited period of time, and the ordinary intelligence network may not have time to spread the information.

Only an organization like the Bureau of Investigation, which spreads all over the country and transmits information at an extremely fast speed, has such a level of ability!

Without much thought, Ronald had already confirmed Claudia's identity.

So, he almost subconsciously replied:

"If I remember correctly, this is my name."

"Ronald Adler."


Holding the book on her chest for a while, Claudia smiled cheerfully again:


"What if I remember correctly."

"It's obviously your own name, are you making me laugh by saying that I remembered it wrongly?"

The girls are probably really happy.

Because the action was too intense, she laughed gaudily, and even burst into tears at the corner of her eyes.


Staring at the girl in front of him with an embarrassed expression, Ronald scratched his hair unnaturally.

To be honest, he was a little too nervous right now.

So much so that he lost the composure he used to talk to with people in the past.

After a quick warning to himself in his heart, Ronald immediately adjusted his mentality and continued to speak:


"Actually, there is a reason why I climbed over the wall and entered the school."

To hear Ronald speak again, and get the conversation back on track. Claudia also quickly stopped laughing, and then listened quietly.

Seeing the girl's reaction, Ronald continued:

"This afternoon, I encountered some troublesome things in the city. After that, I wanted to sneak in quietly because I couldn't judge the identity of the other party and its position."

Hearing this, Claudia nodded thoughtfully:


"So you jumped over the wall and came in because you have locked on the target you were looking at before, and then you want to explore the bottom."

Ronald nodded in recognition:

"Yes, it's that simple."


Having said that, Claudia did not continue to ask.

After thinking for a few seconds in silence, she suddenly asked a question beyond Ronald's expectations:

"By the way, the reason why you can follow the target here is to use the kind of spell in your hand?"

Now that he understood the identity of the other party, Ronald had no secret thoughts at all.

He nodded generously and admitted:

"Yes, it's my tracking spell here."

"As long as it's a normal human target, I'll have little trouble tracking down enemies."

Seeing Ronald's confident look, Claudia continued calmly:

"I believe what you said."

"You can lock the target in the Wilderlin Academy under the protection of heavy spells. The spells you use, Ronald, must be very powerful."

"It's just..."

Having said this, Claudia stopped briefly.

Instead, she looked at Ronald with a mocking She seemed to...waiting for Ronald to guess something?

Faced with such an attitude of a girl.

Ronald immediately diverged his thinking for derivation.

The conversation between the two is not off topic now, so what Claudia means in her words is to imply the conversation itself.

Wilderlin University under the heavy protection...

Immediately, a not-so-good idea came to Ronald's mind.

With an ugly face, he looked at Claudia and asked carefully:

"So inside this university..."

"Is there a lot of protection or intruder detection spells at work?"

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