Mystic Dominator

Chapter 335: Spell Cognition

"Go out?"

Ronald was a little puzzled by Claudia's words.

To some extent, he doubted whether he was caught in some inexplicable trap.

After all, in terms of the identity of the girl in front of her.

She goes out for some activities and needs someone like herself to accompany her?

There was only a hint of hesitation on Ronald's face, and Claudia, who was in front of him, immediately caught the emotion. Immediately took two steps back, a rather cheerful smile appeared on her face:

"I said don't think about it, take it easy."

"I usually have strict management around me, so I rarely have time today. I want to go to some interesting places in Springs."


Ronald thought for a moment and tried to answer politely:

"Actually, I just came to this city. If I was asked to be a guide, it would probably not be satisfactory."

Claudia didn't care, or rather nodded happily:

"That's fine!"

"If there is a guide who knows everything, such activities will become boring."

After expressing her thoughts, the girl even happily shook the book in her hand towards Ronald.

Immediately, she continued to ask expectantly:

"So Ronald, you promised me, didn't you?"

It's not easy for me to refuse...

He muttered silently in his heart, and a wry smile appeared on Ronald's face:

"Of course it's ok if there are no other issues."


Then Claudia's reaction surprised Ronald.

After she agreed, the expression on the girl's face gradually calmed down, she sighed very softly, and then Claudia put on her previous cheerful smile again.

After thinking for a few seconds with her body sideways, she said in a low voice:

"Volume 3, 284, page 2."

Another spell of the Bureau of Investigation...

Hearing such a voice, Ronald immediately understood that Claudia planned to cast a spell, and it was an entry that he had never seen before.

At this time, what kind of spell is Claudia planning to use?

Just as Ronald was thinking about this question, the action of the girl in front of him made him instantly stunned.

Amazing spell!

This... this is really an entry he never thought of!

As the catalog entry was read out, a faint shadow of a book appeared beside Claudia, and the contents of the Encyclopedia Britannica appeared on the opened page.

Immediately afterwards, Claudia reached out and grabbed the phantom of the book, and tapped it lightly.


The pages were closed, and the phantom instantly turned into a window like a bookshelf.

Claudia also rummaged inside.


Facing the scene in front of him, although it was only a fleeting picture.

But Ronald managed to capture the first three entries on that page with his excellent dynamic vision.

[Bet Registration], [Mobile Library], [Book Collector's Mark]...

Judging from the entry "Second item on page 284 of the third volume", Claudia used the second item [Mobile Library], and then successfully summoned the original phantom of "Encyclopedia Britannica" !

Ordinary spells have absolutely no requirements for such spellcasting.

Ronald realized immediately that Claudia was borrowing the power of the canon in a special way.

So... she's also a half-original user?

For a moment, Ronald felt a little dizzy in his head.

Can this original set still be used like this?

Most of the investigators I met before only used specific entry and spells when performing tasks, and they were basically the ones with great limitations.

Take Spencer and Nicole for example.

One is good at controlling sound waves, and the other is a rune scholar. In addition to using the Bureau's spells under certain circumstances, most of them still use their own school spells.

In Ronald's view, this should be the result of the Bureau of Investigation's failure to decipher the Encyclopedia Britannica.

But Claudia's actions now completely shattered his perception.

To be able to apply the term to this point...

The owner of the original, that is, Queen Daantrian, the owner of this country.

What's the matter with her?


Just when Ronald was in shock, the movements of Claudia's hands did not stop for a moment.

Just the blink of an eye.

She had already taken out the phantom of a book from the bookshelf in front of her, and then opened the page with a clear purpose.

Standing in front of Claudia.

Ronald clearly saw that this was the fourteenth volume of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and the page number was page five hundred and fifty-three.

Immediately, Claudia recited the incantation again.

And at the same time, two consecutive entries are read out at the same time:

"Volume 14, 553 pages, Item 2, Volume 14, 553 pages, Item 1."

Due to the long process of casting the spell, Ronald could clearly see the entire contents of the opponent's book page this time.

[Plastic Surgery], [Plasticity], [Plasov], [La Plata River].

- A total of four entries.

Seeing that Claudia began to rub plasticine on his face, Ronald almost subconsciously tried to read:

"Volume 14, page 553, page 1, volume 14, page 553, page 2, volume 14, page 553, page 3, volume 14, page 553 Four eyes."

Something interesting happened.

Although the investigator's mark that he got in Burrenwich was on his body, when Ronald read the entry, the mark did not appear at all.

On the contrary, some kind of power communicated with him.

Let Ronald know that he can indeed use these four spells now.

It's just that once Claudia's book phantom disappears, he will immediately lose the right to use the spell.

The investigator's mark cannot directly mobilize the power of the original level.


It's so interesting!

After crossing, Ronald was limited by his personal environment and could only use the original scriptures in his hands, and when he was a temporary worker in the Investigation Bureau, he could only obtain the monotonous spell of a lie However, at the moment, the The ability displayed by Laudia immediately made him feel the possibility of further understanding the mysterious power system of this world.

Perhaps the so-called school imprint...

The relationship with the original is completely different from what I imagined before!

Meanwhile, just as Ronald gets excited by his new discovery, Claudia has completed the process of making a facelift.

Except for the color of her hair and pupils that cannot be changed, her appearance at the moment has changed from a Jingya beauty at the beginning to an ordinary schoolgirl with a plain appearance.

A satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Then with such a new look, Claudia said to Ronald:


"You can just call me Isa next."

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