Mystic Dominator

Chapter 232: gravel path

A female student at Wilderin University?

An investigator from the Springs Bureau of Investigation?

Even though Ronald had already conceived a plan to deal with the girl in his mind, when the incantation of the lie detector popped out of the opponent's mouth, he was still unavoidably stunned.

what is this……

Climbing over the wall to enter this university, and then being caught directly by an investigator?

It's like following your instincts to drive through a red light at the gate of the courthouse, and the result is as exciting as a traffic police patrol car.

From violation to judgment, complete and smooth one-stop service.


How long is the sentence for trespassing in this place?

Subconsciously, Ronald's thinking began to slip in the direction of obeying the law.

A few hours ago, he was still thinking about not letting Rafael report the matter to the Bureau of Investigation, but he ran into it in a blink of an eye.

It shouldn't be too much to say that good luck makes people!

Of course, no matter how complicated Ronald's emotions are now.

Right now, there are problems before him that cannot be avoided.

How should a lie detector respond?

He had no intention of attacking an investigator at such a time, but if he had a normal conversation, he would definitely come to the questioning part of the other party.

Ask someone who breaks the law...

This is a very tricky situation from any angle.

However, just as Ronald quickly analyzed the situation in his mind and tried to find a way to break the situation, the girl sitting on the stone chair suddenly laughed.


"Looking at how nervous you are now, did you hear the spell I used?"

"Don't worry, I have nothing against you."

Between the words, the girl waved her hand generously, and a clear wave of magic power was instantly lifted from her.

Even with Ronald's not-so-smart mysterious knowledge, it can be seen that the other party took the initiative to release the spell that had just been activated.

So Ronald was even more nervous...

In his eyes, this is almost the most difficult situation to deal with right now.

If it is said that the other party is relying on the spell of the lie detector to question him, then Ronald can still think of a way to deal with the past with words. But the generous attitude of the other party at the moment is completely in line with the standard method of bringing closer relationships in psychology.

Get closer, and then there are side-by-side conversations.

With the professional inquiries, some problems can easily be exposed.

To put it another way, the girl in front of him is very likely already planning to extract more information from him, and the way he speaks is far more than one rank higher than the average person!

I wish I was thinking more about it...

As he sighed in his heart, Ronald also understood that he could not completely hand over the right to speak to the other party now.

So he gently nodded towards the girl, and he immediately said:

"Hello, this..."

The girl immediately smiled and replied:

"Just call me Claudia."

"Okay, Claudia." Ronald immediately continued following the conversation when he heard the other party's self-introduction, "Actually, I entered the school this way because of some unavoidable reasons. If it is a little rude, I hope you don't laugh."

Ronald is voluntarily revealing part of his purpose.

If this Claudia intends to maintain her friendly attitude, she should not continue to dig deeper into this matter after her apparent 'last resort' gesture.

This is also a temptation for Claudia.

However, after hearing Ronald's explanation, the girl's face became even more interested. Picking up the book she had put down from beside her, she simply got up and came to Ronald.

At a fairly close distance, her gentle eyes looked softly into Ronald's.

Immediately, the girl asked in a gentle tone:

"Is that right?"

"Then what should I call you, sir?"


Just when Ronald was about to answer the other side.

Suddenly, an angry voice sounded from the other end of the gravel path, targeting Ronald standing in front of the girl:

"what are you doing?"

"Leave Claudia's side immediately, pay attention to you..."

Claudia, who was in front of Ronald, stopped the other party immediately after the shouting came out a little more:

"Shut up, Gron!"

"This is Wilderlin University, not your place to show off your prestige!"


In just a split second, the gentleness of the conversation with Ronald was completely lost on the girl's face.

She turned her body and took a step forward. When facing the person who interrupted her and Ronald's conversation, Claudia's eyes were cold, her tone was strong, and her overwhelming aura was almost overwhelming.

It was during this brief interval that Ronald turned to look over.

Swearing at himself, at the same time coming over from the gravel path was a young man.

This guy is tall and handsome.

Compared with Ronald, it is only a line behind.

Wearing a uniform with the same design style as Claudia, this should be the student uniform of Wilderlin University. If nothing else, the two should be acquainted classmates.

Next, after facing Claudia's scolding.

The expression on the young man's face was obviously very embarrassed, and the look at Ronald was also very aggressive.

But after waiting for a few seconds, he still forcibly suppressed this dissatisfaction.

While walking towards Ronald's position, he explained in a relatively peaceful tone at the same time:

"Claudia, please don't get me wrong."

"I just care about you..."

Claudia interrupted the man again, and said in a deep voice:

"Don't explain it to me!"

"Gron, I know what you usually do at this time. Your exclusive seat in the Whitetail Restaurant is still vacant."

"It's really hard for you to come to this place today, isn't it?"


As soon as Claudia spoke, the young man who was advancing stopped in place.

In just a few seconds, the expression on his face changed several times.

In the end, the guy said quite disappointedly:

"Claudia, things are not what you think."

"I didn't mean to deceive you."

Claudia did not respond directly to the man's apology.

After quietly staring at each other for a few seconds, she spoke again:

"This time, I can pretend it didn't happen."

"Please leave immediately."


Hearing Claudia's words, the young man wanted to say something again.

But after seeing the eyes of the girl in front of him, he finally chose to give up, and then turned around and left the gravel path in despair.

Watching this guy leave, until the figure completely disappeared from view.

Claudia turned around and put on the gentle expression Ronald had seen before.

Seeing that Ronald's attitude had not changed at all, the girl shook her head regretfully, and then said:

"A week ago actually."

"I've been told that something interesting is going to happen here today, and it's even related to my life partner, so I'm here at dinner time to rest for a while."

"It's a pity that the results are a bit disappointing."

Roughly understanding the situation, Ronald should nodded in agreement:

"Actually, that's understandable."

"Young people who pursue the girl they long will try their best and it is only natural."


Hearing Ronald's emotion, Claudia suddenly laughed out after being silent for a few seconds:



"You're younger than me, why do you talk like an adult?"

So he didn't hide his happiness.

After a few seconds, Claudia controlled her smile.

Stopping her smile, the girl looked at Ronald in front of her again, with a hint of seriousness in her eyes:

"So, this gentleman."

"Do you mind telling me your name?"

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