Mystic Dominator

Chapter 228: double trap

Facing Ronald's inquiry, Rafael simply explained:

"This is a quite complex formation, and a person who can come up with this kind of handwriting is at least an old spellcaster who can study knowledge all year round."

"And you look at how it dissipates now."

"This is a fairly safe defensive measure, in order to be able to self-destruct after the effect of the magic circle is over, or it is destroyed by others, without leaving any unnecessary traces at all."

"After this step, even if the group of people from the Investigation Bureau came, it would be impossible to find any clues about his spell here."


Listening to Rafael's explanation, Ronald thought for a few seconds, and then took the initiative to pass the stone in his hand:

"This is the core of the former center of the circle."

"Can you see anything?"


Taking the stone that Ronald handed over, Rafael frowned at this thing.

He couldn't recognize the origin of this thing for the first time.

So controlling his own magic, Rafael began to test the material and properties of this object according to his own school.

Although the thing in hand is the core of a magic circle.

But with his excellent control ability, Rafael is confident to avoid possible dangers.

However, in the next test, a situation that made him a little confused appeared.

The 'stone' in his hand has quite good magic power storage properties, and its texture is strong enough. But other than that, nothing related to the magic circle was carved into the interior.

in other words……

Is this just a hard enough magic storage?

Although something that can store magic power can be regarded as a treasure, but this nature is completely incompatible with the core of the magic circle!

Standing beside Rafael, Ronald also noticed the confusion on his companion's face.

So he immediately asked:

"Raphael, is there anything wrong with this thing?"

"There is no particularly serious problem." Rafael shook his head, and then showed a confused expression to Ronald, "But this thing seems to be only used to store magic power, which is somewhat different from the core I expected."

Ronald immediately asked:

"Can you be more specific?"

Rafael returned the round stone in his hand to Ronald and explained:

"Generally speaking, the core of the magic circle must store the brand of the school's spells internally. This is the basis for a normal magic circle to function, and it is also the most basic thing for all spells."

"But in the situation we are now encountering, it doesn't matter if the pattern of the magic circle itself is a type that can be erased by itself, and now there is no trace of the opponent's school's spells even in the core!"

"This situation is really..."

Ronald probably heard the meaning of Raphael's words, so he continued:

"So the current situation, it's as if we caught a thief who just opened the lock and stole, and then the guy couldn't find any stolen goods on him, not even the tools to open the lock?"

"It's almost like this." Rafael nodded in agreement with Ronald's statement, but then, quite a deep worry appeared on his face, "As far as I know, there is no such technique that can break away from the core in the world today. Array."

"Although various schools are trying to cast spells away from the original text, this has never been successful unless..."

Speaking of this, Rafael's face changed.

"No, we must leave now!"

"It's probably too late!"

Passing Ronald a time-critical look, Rafael immediately rushed downstairs.

Seeing that his companion was moving so quickly, Ronald chased after him.

When passing by the lobby on the first floor, Ronald saw the previous maid again. Although the poor woman was in a coma, she was still tied to the chair by Rafael, and she couldn't move at all.

Seemingly aware of Ronald's eyes behind him, Rafael said without looking back:

"Take her if you want, and I can deal with it later."

Ronald replied immediately:

"no problem."

Speaking of picking up the maid, Ronald followed Rafael and left the house.

Walked through the living room and out the door, just as Ronald stepped out of the room with his legs.

There was a kind of enlightenment in his heart:

——The trial of [Lunar Sky] is complete.

He did indeed rescue the suffering people from the place of distress.

If he wanted to, Ronald could now designate an item to host the power of the guardian angels in [Moon Sky], thus completing the creation of an item with great power.

And at the same time.

Rafael, who walked out of the room first, had already turned over from the surrounding wall, and said to him at the same time:

"Ronald, come here."

"Let's hide here!"


It looks like someone else's home, right?

Looking at the wall where Rafael was standing, Ronald's eyes swayed around.

Although I don't know who the specific occupants are, this is obviously the residence of an unrelated person.

I only came to Springs for the second day, and then I was about to break into the house?

Ronald was in a very complicated mood at the moment.

But considering Rafael's attitude and the current environment, he simply followed over the fence.

Next, Rafael showed very good professionalism.

He took Ronald across several walls in a row, until after they entered the house that was separated by three mansions from the previous side, he opened the mouth close to the wall and said:

"Ronald, come over here."

"I'll take care of the marks on our bodies."

Holding the maid in his hand, Ronald nodded and walked over:

"How to deal with it?"

Rafael showed a confident smile:

"Just leave it to me."

Next, while instructing Ronald, he simultaneously took out a metal vial from his arms and sprayed a transparent colorless liquid on himself and Ronald, and the tension on Rafael's face was relieved.

"Okay, it's done."

"The family just happened to be away, so we can wait here for that Elva's performance."

Putting the maid in his hand slowly on the ground, Ronald also leaned against the wall and looked out:

" was in such a hurry just now."

"What the **** did you think of?"

Rafael explained in a serious tone:

"That magic circle is a double trap."

"Although I haven't completely figured out the spell mechanism of the other party, after successfully destroying the magic circle, the person who built the magic circle in the distance should get the news at the same time, and there will definitely be a lot of trouble if they dare to stay in the house!"

Ronald nodded noncommittally:

"Is that right……"

——The fact and Raphael's estimate are exactly the same.

The two waited for just over a minute, and a white-haired scholar walked into the Elva mansion where Ronald and the others had left with two serious-looking guys.

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