Mystic Dominator

Chapter 227: Destruction Circle

Ronald's eyes were fixed on the ground in front of him.

In front of him, the black mist that was still hard-working and unwilling rushed towards him for the first time.

The churning black mist did not hesitate for even a second.

In an instant, the magic circle on the ground was completely covered by the power of 'rape'.

However, the results were somewhat different from Ronald's expectations.

He tried to manipulate the black fog to pull out the circular object in the center of the circle.

But this thing is very tightly connected to the wooden floor of the room, and the little power provided by the black mist is simply not enough to accomplish such a goal.

Ronald looked back subconsciously.

The threat that I don't know when will appear is on my side.

Now is not the time to hesitate, but to do it yourself.

His eyes sank.

Ronald immediately recalled a part of the black mist wrapped around his hands, and at the same time took two steps to the center of the magic circle in the room.

Just on the ground in front of him, a round object with a shiny metallic luster lay there quietly. It seemed to have no response to the activities on its surface before the black mist, and it just maintained its own function.

So Ronald bent down and squatted down, trying to dig the thing out of the ground with his hands.

The result was the same as the black mist just returned without success.

A round object that is tightly attached to the ground has almost no gaps around it to start, and the smooth surface itself makes it difficult to exert force.

You can't catch it with your bare hands...

Faced with such a situation, Ronald stood up decisively.

He looked at his feet.

Considering the long trip, the shoes he is wearing now are travel shoes bought in Burrenwich, especially the soles are a lot thicker.

- It's quite appropriate to kick things up.

So aiming at the round object on the ground, Ronald directly tilted the center of gravity of his body to his heel, and then stepped on it with a hard kick.


After a rather pleasant muffled sound, the black mist that permeated the ground was even shaken away a little.

Facing the consequences of his own foot.

Ronald nodded in satisfaction, and then kicked him several times in a row.

Bang bang bang!

Under the strengthening of "The Divine Comedy", his current physical strength is quite satisfactory.

After the continuous kicks, the circular object in the center of the circle was still intact, but the surrounding ground had loosened due to Ronald's full strength.

Although there is a magic circle engraved on the ground, this is just a normal bedroom.

The wooden strip floor laid on the ground has already deformed to a certain extent under the continuous impact of glass.

So he squatted down again, Ronald's fingers clasped the end of the deformed plank, and then he pushed upwards.

crunch —


Soon, the plank in Ronald's hand snapped.

After the formation on the ground was structurally damaged, the circular object in the center also dimmed immediately, no longer shimmering with metallic luster.


Looking at the wooden board just pulled out in his hand, Ronald glanced back behind him again.

The picture that caught his eye instantly made him heave a sigh of relief.


"It finally succeeded."

The inexplicably extra walls in the room before, also disappeared behind Ronald in a strange way. If nothing else follows, the crisis in the room's structure is at least resolved.

While sighing, Ronald crouched down again.

He was going to try again to see if he could get the round object out of the ground.

However, the result was unexpectedly smooth.


Ronald just put his hand up, and before he could force the thing, it loosened on its own.

It seems to be accompanied by the destruction of the magic circle.

This core object also lost its previous stability.


In silence, Ronald picked up the round object.

The egg-sized object no longer radiates light, and itself resembles a tan sedimentary rock in color and texture.

If you are not convinced that this thing is the core of the magic circle just now.

When he encountered this thing, Ronald would only regard it as an ordinary stone on the side of the road.

Ronald carefully recalled what he had learned.

There is absolutely nothing to do with it.

Although he had supplemented his knowledge for a period of time in Berronwich, the limited time and book content made Ronald's professional knowledge on the mysterious side somewhat lacking.

And this situation is also the approximate level of ordinary mysterious people.

Frowning, Ronald shook his head slightly:

"So, what is this..."

bang bang bang —

Just as Ronald was contemplating the stone in his hands, there was the sound of hurried footsteps in the corridor outside the bedroom.

Soon, Rafael's voice also sounded outside the door:

"Ronald, did you succeed?"

"I didn't find anything about it on the first floor!"

The voice fell, and the figure of this guy appeared from behind the broken door.

But compared to the last time Ronald saw him.

There are quite a lot of wrinkles on Rafael's clothes at the moment, especially the suspenders, and even a suspender has been forcibly torn. Rafael is now pulling the two ends of the suspender together to make a dead button, so that the dress will not be drawn directly.

Of course, to say more eye-catching.

Or the red lip print on this guy's neck.

Just like I heard through the wall before, when I was downstairs just now, the out-of-control maid was indeed very enthusiastic about him.

In front of Ronald, Rafael walked into the room in two steps.

Looking around the room, he quickly locked the target in Ronald's hands.

From any angle, this tan stone is the most suspect.

So, Rafael simply asked:

"Ronald, is this the core of the magic circle?"

Ronald nodded and replied:

"At least before I destroyed the circle, this thing was placed in the center of the circle."

"And it's still shining."

Rafael raised his eyebrows, but he didn't rush to ask for a stone from Ronald to check, but took two steps forward and started to look at the magic circle on the ground.

Although Ronald abruptly pulled off a piece of the floor. UU Reading

But the overall structure of the magic circle is probably still intact, and it does not prevent Rafael from observing.

Watching the ground silently for a few seconds, Rafael then crouched down, ready to reach out and touch the notch of the magic circle on the ground.

The next second, a surprising picture appeared.

At the moment when the fingers touched the ground formation, the lines engraved on the floor of the room suddenly became gaseous and radiated out, disappearing completely in front of the two of them in almost a blink of an eye.


Facing the scene like solid sublimation, Rafael was stunned, and then murmured:

"Is that so..."

Standing beside Rafael, Ronald played the spirit of asking if he didn't understand, and immediately said:

"Raphael, what do you see?"

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