Mystic Dominator

Chapter 229: Counterspell

Less than a hundred meters away.

Ronald and Rafael crouched on the edge of the wall, quietly observing Elva's mansion from a very hidden angle.

By the way, during this time, Ronald also switched the power of "Hell Arc" to "Rage" to observe the opponent's next specific activities.

After entering the room, the old Elva followed the two young men.

The specific situation seems to be that Elva is in charge of the command, while the other two walk in front of the room to investigate.

Maintaining their movement, almost ten minutes after walking into the mansion, the three seemed to have finished their movement, and then gathered again in the living room on the first floor.

At the moment their position remains standing still.

Ronald could also sense a subtle change in their relationship.

- These people seem to be discussing something.

Think about the situation the other party is in.

And what happened in the mansion before.

The conversation at this time was nothing more than discussing the whereabouts of the person who broke into the mansion.

As Ronald observed the changes in the mansion, Rappel, who was standing beside him, also watching the house, but couldn't see the inside of the house, seemed to have noticed something.

He turned to look at Ronald beside him.

Just staring at the expression of the man in front of him, Rafael asked with a certain tone:

"Ronald, what did you find?"


Ronald was slightly surprised.

But at this time, he didn't care that Rafael knew a certain ability of his spell, so he simply nodded and replied:

"The three guys are standing still on the first floor. They should be discussing something."

"Probably discussing the traces left by the mansion invaders?"

Ronald's voice fell to the ground, and at a very close position beside him, a rather proud smile appeared on Rafael's face.

"Ha ha--"

"Are we leaving traces..."

"Look at it, I bet they will use some kind of spell to track us next."

After a few confident judgments, Rafael continued to ask Ronald with great interest:

"Ronald, believe it or not, the actions of these guys are absolutely the same as what I said!"

Facing Rafael who seemed to be in a good mood, Ronald shrugged indifferently:

"If so."

"Maybe your preparation just now will come in handy?"

Rafael had a noncommittal smile on his face, but replied with a fairly confident tone:

"Just wait and see."


After a few words, Ronald continued to focus on Elva's mansion.

After a period of deliberation among the three, someone finally made a move.

I saw one of the young people walked out of the house and stood in the open space between the outer wall and the main body of the house. Looking around with sharp eyes, after confirming that no one was paying attention to the situation on his side, the guy squatted on the ground and drew something.

Due to the distance, Ronald couldn't see the detailed movements of the opponent.

On the contrary, Rafael narrowed his eyes slightly, and seemed to be very concerned about the young man's actions.

Soon, the young man's spell was finished.

A translucent ripple immediately rose from under his feet, and then spread rapidly towards the surroundings.

As the ripples gradually moved away from the position of the caster, its own translucent state gradually approached complete transparency. Almost at the point where it crossed the wall of Elva's mansion, the spell was completely integrated into the air. No sign of existence could be discerned either.

The spread of this spell did not make Ronald and Rafael wait too long.

That is a few breaths of effort.

An invisible tracking spell came to them.

Although the naked eye can't tell its existence, the mysterious side can still detect the mana fluctuations spreading in the air after concentrating their attention.

However, just when this spell passed through Ronald and the two of them.

The liquid that Rafael sprayed before played a very good defensive effect.

The mana fluctuation of the incantation is like a non-slip slipper stepping on butter, and it 'slips' directly from their side without any obstruction, and it fails to achieve the original tracking and positioning effect!


Time passed little by little.

After about a minute, the young man on the other side of the mansion stood up from the ground, and then began to look left and right with a blank face.

The spells that have been used all the time lose their effect, and there is not even a single bit of useful feedback.

face such a result.

He was clearly at a loss.

Immediately afterwards, Elva walked out of the house with another young man.

After talking with this young man for a few words, the old scholar's face immediately turned bad, and the young man who failed to find Ronald and the others could only stand on the ground and accept the other party's scolding.

At the same time, on the edge of the mansion wall further away.

Rafael, who saw this scene, looked quite happy now.

He even explained to Ronald in a happy tone:

"Ronald, let me tell you!"

"The spells this guy drew are not from the mainstream university schools, but the effects are of a very good grade. It's a pity that he was not very lucky today, and he met an anti-tracking professional like me."

"What a poor child."


Facing his companion with colorful expressions, Ronald simply gave Rafael a thumbs up, and then continued to focus his gaze on the three people in the courtyard.

After a period of conversation.

Elva shook his head with a bad expression, and then turned back to the mansion by himself.

The two young people who stayed in place looked at each other for a few seconds, then turned around and walked out of the mansion in dejection, and walked in the direction of leaving the street.

Aware of this scene, Rafael immediately said to Ronald in a nervous tone:

"Ronald, I suggest that this is the end of the day."

"At least we already know that this Elva is indeed a problem, and it's fine to report him to the Bureau of Investigation as a problem person, and then look for a chance later, but after an old spellcaster is alert, I definitely don't It is recommended to go to the door and fight him immediately."


Ronald can understand Rafael's cautious's mansion, which has caused them a lot of trouble when no one has controlled them before.

Not to mention that the owner is back now!

Breaking in at this time is simply taking the initiative to walk into the position built by the place.

It's totally a child's play with your own safety.

However, according to the current situation, it is not necessary to lock the target on the elderly scholar.

His eyes gradually shifted away from Elva's mansion.

Looking at the backs of the two young men who were leaving, Ronald said earnestly:

"Rafael, I'm going to follow those two guys to see."

"Do you want to come together?"

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