Mystic Dominator

Chapter 226: Array in the bedroom

"I found a book here!"

"There are some patterns similar to the magic circle engraved on it, but I can't identify the specific meaning."

"Rafael, I think this thing should be related to whether we can get out of this house. Do you know something similar to this situation?"

in the most concise sentences.

Ronald told his companions what he had found.

And across a wall, the opposite Rafael also understood the current situation very quickly.

Just after a little thought, he replied to Ronald across the wall:

"Ronald, I probably have some ideas."

"But you still give me a general description of what the pattern on the book looks like, so that I can draw the final conclusion!"


Ronald opened the page immediately, making sure he described the pattern correctly and said:

"The main outline of these patterns is basically made up of several quarters of circular arcs. As for the inside of this frame, there are absolutely no other straight lines except the two triangles that are nested together. The rest Almost everything is a graphic combination of squiggly lines!"


After listening to Ronald's description, Rafael on the other side of the wall immediately replied loudly:

"Wait first, I'll think about it!"


Immediately, Rafael also fell into contemplation.

From Ronald's description, the pattern depicted on the book does not involve the text part, so this thing is probably just a medium used to activate power, rather than a magic circle that contains power itself.

Without an essential object that provides power, any magic circle is just a fragile castle in the air, and it is impossible to produce such an effect.

If so...

If it's what Ronald said, what's in the books is what matters if they get out of here.

Then what is recorded on the page is the magic circle that affects the changes in the house.

As long as you follow this thing to find the source of the mutation, that is, the thing that truly hosts the mana of the caster, all problems will be solved.

After figuring out the problems, Rafael immediately shouted loudly towards the ridiculously hard wall in front of him:

"Ronald, look for something with the same texture as in the book!"

"Use the book in your hand as a reference now, and find a way to find and destroy the source that sustains all this, so that we can stop the operation of this spell!"

"Everything is the same as in Montenegro!"

On the other side of the wall, Ronald clearly heard Rafael's thoughts, and immediately responded:

"I know!"

"Leave the next thing to me, you pay attention to safety over there."

Raphael immediately replied:

"I'll try my best to find it on the first floor."

"Be careful over there too!"


The voice fell, and the two turned to leave the stairs at the same time.

Ronald didn't want to delay even a second now, and immediately prepared to be on the second floor to look for what Rafael said could correspond to the magic circle on the page.

But simply look back.

The sight in front of him sent a chill down his spine.

With just a few words between him and Rafael, a wall appeared out of thin air at the end of the corridor on the second floor, which completely separated the two guest rooms at the end of the house!

It all happened silently.

It was like the wall blocking the stairs, all without Ronald being aware of it.


It seems time is running out.

Realizing this, Ronald walked quickly towards the room on the right side of the stairs.

He had already looked through it in the study just now, so he was sure that there was nothing similar to a magic circle in the study.

In this case, the target of search naturally becomes the room of the owner's house on the second floor.

It was the bedroom where Elva Sherwood himself lived.

From any point of view, this room is now the most suspicious.

So aiming at the locked door, Ronald stepped up and kicked.


This rather violent kick kicked the door open instantly.

The poor door hung miserably on the door frame. Unlike the wall constructed by the mysterious power, this thing was still what it was.

Ronald then rushed into the bedroom.

The interior of this room is still in good condition, and the walls that have appeared twice have not affected this place.

His gaze swept across the space in front of him.

With the bed leaning against the wall, the desk under the window, and the wardrobe leaning against the wall, everything in the quiet room was neat and orderly, and there was hardly anything that could tell the problem at a glance.

But to speak...

Considering that the spell affected the entire house, Ronald's eyes were first locked on the ceiling and the ground.

Taking the actual data he saw at the Bureau of Investigation as a reference, such a wide area is most suitable for placing things like a magic circle.

It's like people on the mysterious side like to build hidden places underground.

The gaze moves, first to the top of the room.

The ceiling was spotless except for a chandelier, and there was hardly anything superfluous in sight.

On the contrary, there was a spacious enough carpet under the bed.



Suddenly, Ronald felt a chill down his back.

It wasn't that someone cast an aggressive spell on him, or the feeling of being slashed with a knife.

But simply behind him, as if something suddenly appeared?

Turn your head to look.

The sight in front of him made Ronald's heart tighten.

An integrated wall has unknowingly stood at the gate behind him.

It only took ten seconds to walk in.

Even this bedroom is enclosed by walls!

If the location where the wall appeared was moved two meters further forward, Ronald himself might also be stuck in the wall that appeared suddenly.

You can only trust your own judgment right now.

From this room, find something interfering with the whole house!

Realizing this, Ronald no longer hesitated, and when he went up, he kicked the bed again.


Under the enhanced power of "The Divine Comedy", this seemingly solid and stable bed was instantly kicked and the carpet on the ground was immediately exposed.

Without even having to walk over, Ronald waved one hand, and the spreading black mist immediately lifted the carpet from the ground.

"Sure enough..."

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ronald breathed a sigh of relief.

There's nothing special about the backside of the furry rug, but not the ground beneath the rug.

——He saw the exact same pattern as the one on the book.

The silver nicks were deeply embedded in the floor, and in the center of these nicks, a round object shining with metallic luster was inlaid.

Ronald's thoughts, or the information and data provided by the Bureau of Investigation, are completely accurate.

The magic circle that is interfering with the entire house.

right in front of him!

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