Mystic Dominator

Chapter 223: 【Moon Day】

"What happened to his body?"

Make sure that Rafael's side has dealt with the maid's problem, and that he will not disturb the other party after walking over.

Ronald approached the table slowly, and began to observe the maid's state from a distance that was not rude.

Judging from his relatively shallow knowledge, the woman lying on the table looked as usual, and there were no obvious scars on the exposed skin.

Considering where they were, it was the mansion of that Elva...

Then it is very likely that the cause of the maid's physical problems is due to some means on the mysterious side.

The inference in Ronald's mind had just been drawn.

Rafael on the side also immediately explained to him:

"It's actually quite simple."

"The internal organs of this woman's body are weakening at a strange speed, and the cause is quite worrying. It is not poisoning, nor is it a physical disease, but someone has cast a ill-intentioned spell on her. ."

"That's what caused this woman's physical problems."

Getting such an explanation from Rafael, Ronald immediately asked:


"Do you think this is what Elva did?"

"It's quite possible." Rafael nodded, while continuing to explain to Ronald, his eyes also looked around the house, as if he wanted to see something from the decoration here, " As far as I know, the Mystery side does have some schools of magic that can enhance one's own body by stealing the life force of others."

"That Elva, if I remember correctly, is already quite old this year."

"In order to protect your own health, it is not impossible to do some shady deeds."


This can be interesting.

If things are really as Rafael said, Elva is hurting her own daughter in exchange for her own health.

That guy, or the organization this guy is in.

I'm afraid it's not even good for others.

And if the other party touches you, there is a high probability that it is not a good thing.

Thinking of this, Ronald had already made a decision in his heart, and then he said:

"Rafael, before that guy comes back, let's see what's in this house first."

Hearing Ronald's suggestion, Rafael smiled:

"Very happy."

The voice fell.

The two men's investigation of the two-story mansion immediately began.

The area of ​​​​the house is not so complicated and wide. Normally, it is suitable for a family to live in. The living room, kitchen, toilet, warehouse, and a guest room are arranged on the first floor. On the second floor, the host's house The residence, study and lounge are also arranged quite neatly.

Looking at it so simply, it is completely an ordinary normal house.

But for Ronald and Rafael.

The situation is not so simple.

With his excellent knowledge reserve, Rafael will go to some specific locations, such as the corner of the wall, to investigate in each room. At the same time, the expression on his face will also change with each inspection.

More or less, he also found something interesting in this house.

As for Ronald...

It's easier for him here.

Summoning the original text from his right hand, Ronald controlled the black mist to spread out inch by inch inside the house. The pervasive black mist could immediately convey the details of the surroundings to him.

After maintaining the inspection activity for a few minutes.

Just when the two came to the second floor, they had not found any particularly noteworthy clues.

The "Divine Comedy" in Ronald's hands suddenly took the initiative to take a new change!

Under the premise that he has no control.

This "Paradise", which was taken from Malcolm's corpse, is about to start the first trial at this moment!

Standing in the study room on the second floor, Ronald's expression froze.

On his right hand, the mark of "Paradise" already flashed on his skin.

The power of the scriptures was reminding him.

At this moment, the environment he is in completely meets the requirements of the first trial [Moon Sky] in the nine trials.

Although the time and place are a bit subtle, after all, this is the first activation of "Paradise", and Ronald made a decision quickly.

Turn it on...

Immediately, different from the requirements for the use of spells in the "Hell".

A verse recited by a soft and beautiful voice resounded melodiously in Ronald's heart:


If the will is not wavered, it will not be extinguished;

Instead, it is like a flame, even if it is twisted a thousand times by the storm, it will not turn skewed.

The will yields once, no matter how much or little;

already supported violence.

Like these people, they did not abscond to the Holy Land when confronted with violence.


The elegant female voice gradually faded from her mind, and the content of the trial of [Moon Sky] was also understood by Ronald.

- In places of distress, help those who suffer.


"Help me..."

As soon as the content of the trial came out, Ronald raised his eyebrows.

Subconsciously, he looked back at Rafael, who was acting with him.

This guy moved with himself, and was checking the structure between the bookshelf and the wall at the edge of the study at the moment, and his movements and postures were very normal.

Doesn't this look like a sufferer?

Thinking of this, Ronald asked at the same time:

"Raphael, how are you feeling now?"

Hearing Ronald's voice, Rafael immediately stopped what he was doing.

Immediately turned around to face Ronald, a puzzled expression appeared on his face:

"How am I feeling?"

"I feel like everything is fine, it's fine."


Between the question and the answer, the air in the study instantly fell into silence.

In just two or three breaths, a not-so-good idea popped into Ronald's mind.

This suffering person, if not referring to himself or Raphael.

It seems that there is only the maid who is still lying on the first floor!

Before he could hesitate or think more, Ronald waved one hand and controlled the black mist to pour downstairs, and at the same time he walked out of the study in two steps:


"Let's go down and see, there may be a problem on the first floor!"

Seeing Ronald's actions, Rafael was shocked:

"Oh, what's wrong?"

While inspecting the house, he has been paying attention to the changes in the surrounding environment, no one is near the mansion, and there is no other person around the two reacting to activate the spell.

What will happen then?

Although he was very suspicious, Rafael still had full trust in Ronald.

So, following Ronald, he also walked down.

Take the stairs to the first floor.

The two of them immediately saw an astonishing scene in front of them.

The maid who had been dealt with by Rafael before and was lying on the dining table.

I don't know when it started, but a faint pink layer appeared on the surface of her body.

Under the infection of this color.

The expression of the maid herself has gradually become strange from the quiet before!

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