Mystic Dominator

Chapter 224: closed house


"How did you know something was wrong with her?"

Seeing that the maid's body became strange, Rafael naturally understood that things could not be delayed.

While walking towards the other party again, he was also asking Ronald next to him.

But unlike Raphael, who can check and provide treatment.

Ronald is limited in what he can do right now.

After spreading the black mist around with a wave of one hand and monitoring the changes in the room all the time, he answered:

"It's a hint given by my spell."

"You check his body first, and I will take care of the surrounding vigilance work."

Just like that, the room soon fell into silence again.

Rafael stood in front of the dining table, lightly pressing one hand on the maid's body, and he didn't know what to find in his frowning expression, so that he couldn't directly help the other party as he did at the beginning.

Obviously, the maid's body is now beyond the scope of his normal judgment and requires extremely careful judgment and analysis.

And the other side.

Ronald's investigations were similarly fruitless.

Apart from the maid lying on the table in the room, there were only him and Rappel, and there was no trace of any extra people or things.

What exactly is going on?

There was no arrival of people, and no sign of spells being used.

It makes no sense that after Rafael's treatment, such a change in the maid's body occurred again.

He frowned slightly.

At this moment, Ronald was still analyzing the information given in the trial.

In distressed places, helping those who suffer...


Dangerous place!

The pupils shrank suddenly.

There is no reason to deceive yourself with the information given by the Trials of the Canon.

The victim is this maid, so this mansion is the so-called place of danger!

Realizing this, Ronald immediately waved one hand and rammed the black mist towards the gate. Even if he did not consider the requirements of the trial, he should not continue to stay in this house at this time.

At the same time, Ronald reminded Rafael who was still examining the maid's body behind him:

"Let's get out of here right now, this house is dangerous!"


Soon, the controlled black mist slammed on the door.

Ronald clearly felt the black fog dragging the door handle and turning, and then tried to open the door.

However, the idea failed.

The door lock was indeed twisted open by the black mist, but the door itself seemed to be connected to the wall. The integrated wall and the door remained motionless, which was completely different from the situation when they came in.

The door can't get out.


Dissatisfied smacking his lips, Ronald also understood that now is not the time to keep his hands.

He waved his right hand vigorously beside him, and the black mist that was originally spread on the gate spread out to the surroundings.

Windows, door cracks, fireplace chimneys...

Such places that can lead to the outside of the house, the black fog has not left a single place to cover the past.

However, the following feedback made Ronald feel very difficult.

This small two-story house seems to be completely isolated from the outside world at this moment, and the black mist cannot escape the scope of this room no matter where it is.

All the gaps that could have gone out were all locked up by a powerful mana.


Suddenly, a loud bang appeared above the door.

It was Rafael who noticed that things had changed and was trying to find a way out.

Unlike Ronald, who used the black mist to constantly explore and find a way out, this guy kicked the door with a hard kick.

It was a loud enough noise to cover your ears.

The sole of the shoe collided violently with the fragile wooden door panel, and a very obvious crack appeared in the center of the door in an instant, and quickly spread to the entire door panel.

However, even though they were broken, these wooden fragments were still tightly attached to the door frame, and their positions did not change in the slightest.

This is the solidity that his power cannot break!


Facing such a result, Rafael frowned, then turned to look at Ronald who was manipulating the black mist to find a way out:

"Ronald, things are a little troublesome."

"Have you found anything here?"

Ronald shook his head and replied:

"I can't do it here either."

"Let's not talk about the two of us now, this house has been completely sealed off, and not even a fly can get out."

for such a result.

Rafael did not continue to express his bad mood

Instead, he simply turned around and came to the maid's side, and then continued to move his hands on the innocent maid.

From the looks of it, he obviously intends to solve the maid's physical problems first.

Watching Rafael's movements, Ronald asked:

"What, do you think she has the possibility of helping us get out of here?"

Rafael shook his head quite generously:

"Not really."

"It's just that my abilities are mainly concentrated in combat. Exploring and finding a way out is not my specialty. Instead of wasting time on things I'm not good at, it's better to leave this kind of thing to a professional like you, and now I am Responsible for the safety of this woman's life."

"After all, I don't want to stay idle here."

Facing Rafael's thoughts, Ronald nodded in agreement:

"Then trouble you."

"Next, I will try my best to find a way to get out of here."

Seeing that Rafael was concentrating on tinkering with the woman, Ronald also began to organize his thoughts again, trying to find a way to escape from this room.

From the current situation.

They didn't know anything about Elva's school, so they couldn't infer what type of spell the other party was using.

So what can be inferred using the information we have now...

First of all, it is the information disclosed by the maid before.

Elva should still be in charge of teaching at the university now, so it is impossible for him to rush back here.

Then the change in the house should be the activation of the defensive spell that was set in advance.

What are the conditions for this spell to activate?

Where is the cause?

Defensive spells cannot be indiscriminately initiated Otherwise, if Elva's other friends visit and the spells are activated after the other party enters the door, wouldn't it trap people here!


The designated target of the spell is a mysterious person?

Do not! Shouldn't be the case either.

Rafael mentioned before that Elva is usually disguising his mysterious side world identity.

Then in a big city like Springs, if there is an emergency population survey or other work, his identity will easily be revealed after his spell is activated.

Therefore, the target of the spell is probably not a mysterious person.

——So, a bold idea emerged from Ronald's mind.

Perhaps the condition for Elva's spell to activate.

Is Ronald here?

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