Mystic Dominator

Chapter 222: opener

Coming to Ronald's side, Rafael immediately set his eyes on the iron sign at the door.

After confirming that his companion was in the wrong place, he immediately nodded and said:

"It looks like it's here."

"Ronald, are you knocking on the door or am I knocking on the door?"

Ronald stepped forward to the door, and while knocking on the door, he replied:

"I'll be fine with this."

"If there is any special situation, you will take care of it from behind."

bang bang bang --

Immediately, three rhythmic knocks sounded at the door.

After knocking on the door in the polite manner of a local, ten seconds passed, and a young maid walked out of the mansion quickly.

While wiping his hands with water droplets on the apron in front of him.

She walked to the fence of the gate, and glanced at Ronald and Rafael outside through the railing.

After confirming that the two men in front of her were still young, and their faces were not fierce, she asked in a doubtful tone:

"You two, who are you...?"

Ronald replied immediately:

"Hello, is Mr. Elva Sherwood at home?"

"I've come to Springs from Burrenwich, and I have some questions I'd like to hear from Mr. Elva about the yearbook that Mr. Elva presided over last year."

"If possible, I hope you can help spread the word."

Hearing Ronald's answer, the maid immediately lowered her head and thought:



"Ah, I remembered!"

"It's the yearbook that Mr. Elva is in charge of editing!"

Finding out what Ronald said from the corner of memory, the doubts in the maid's eyes immediately began to subside, and the precautions in her movements and postures were not as obvious as before.

After standing behind the gate for a while, she hesitantly replied:

"You two, I know the purpose of your coming to Mr. Elva."

"But the school hasn't closed yet, so Elva isn't at home either. I wonder if the two of you made an appointment with Mr. him in advance?"


After trying hard to recall, the maid continued:

"If I remember correctly, when Mr. Elva went out today, he probably didn't instruct any guests to come and visit."

"So I suggest you..."


Suddenly, behind Ronald, Rafael shot decisively with extremely fast speed. Almost before the other party could react, he successfully knocked on the maid opposite the door.

The entire movement is precise and fast.

And the body response to the maid is just right.

It will neither cause serious damage, but also ensure that the opponent cannot wake up for a short time.

Totally unable to resist, not even realizing what was going on.

The maid who was going to give advice to Ronald just closed her eyes.


Facing the scene in front of you.

Ronald couldn't help but look back at his companion.

Based on the distance between the two, he was sure that Rafael's arm was not long enough to hit the maid directly across him. This guy must have used magic to change his body structure.

- Further analysis goes on.

This likely stems from the same source as his ability to change his size and appearance.

All are spells extended from "The Structure of the Human Body".

While Ronald was watching him, Rafael stepped forward and put his arm into the gap of the fence of the gate without hesitation. At a completely anti-joint angle, he turned his arm and grabbed the lock of the gate from the inside. .


With ease, the door opened.

Step into it first, and while holding up the unconscious maid on the ground, Rafael said to Ronald:

"Come in, there's something wrong with this woman."


Hearing this, Ronald's expression changed.

Realizing that things were different from what he expected, Ronald immediately turned around and locked the door, then followed Rafael into the mansion.

Drag the unconscious maid into the living room.

There is nothing special about Elva's mansion worthy of attention.

Ordinary furniture is placed in the house, with buckets and rags on one side of the corner, and there are even water stains on the ground that have not yet evaporated.

before the two of them arrive.

The maid should be cleaning the house.

While looking at the structure of the room carefully, Ronald asked Rafael who was standing over the dining table while checking whether there were spell traps or the like:

"Raphael, what's the matter with you?"

"Is there something wrong with this lady?"

At this time, Rafael was busy laying the maid's body flat on the dining table in the living room, making sure that he had placed the female body in his hand securely before he turned his head and explained to Ronald:

"What else could be the problem?"

"This guy is dying!"

about to die......?

When she opened the door for the two of them just now, the maid's behavior was completely normal.

Ronald didn't see any sign of her imminent loss of life.

After simply looking around the room to complete the inspection, Ronald immediately walked to Rafael's side:

"Are you sure?"

"I don't think she was quite normal just now?"

"It just looks normal on the surface." Facing Ronald's question, Rafael shook his head with conviction, "Our school studies the human body, so I'm pretty sure of her physical condition."

"If you leave it alone, then for the next week, this woman will live like a normal person."

Ronald asked:

"If you say that, it will be different in a week?"

Rafael nodded with certainty:

"Yes, it will be different in a week."

"After the internal organs of the body reach the most extreme state, the woman will directly lose her life within an hour, and no one will be able to save her by then."


While the two were talking, Rafael's movements didn't stop.

After ripping off the maid's clothes, he immediately began to do some simple processing to the maid.

Ronald couldn't be too busy because he used all the mysterious methods.

He simply walked to the edge of the window, where he stood to protect Rafael from the wind behind him.

After all, the current situation is not suitable for being seen by inexplicable Putting aside the actual situation.

If the current scene is seen by an outsider who doesn't know how to do it, it is completely a young boy in his teens who is doing bad things to the maid who is in a coma!

However everything went smoothly.

Less than a quarter of an hour later, Rafael straightened up from the dining table.

During this period, no one suddenly broke in to disturb his treatment of the maid, and Ronald, who was standing by the window, did not see anything suspicious passing by.

After checking the body of the maid in front of him for the last time, Rafael let out a sigh of relief:


"The most troublesome thing is over."

"At least a week later, this lady will definitely not lose her life inexplicably."

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