Mystic Dominator

Chapter 221: sudden suggestion

After listening to Ronald's remarks, Rafael had a thoughtful expression on his face.

After recalling for a while and confirming that there was no more news, he shook his head regretfully:

"I've heard about the organization you're talking about that sends cipher letters to people..."

"But because they have never done anything out of the ordinary, and there are always a lot of things on our side, so I don't know much about the specific situation of this organization..."

Speaking of which, Rafael fell silent for a while.

But soon he stopped abruptly, and after putting his eyes on Ronald's face, the guy said in a whim:

"Hello, Ronald."

"I have a pretty good idea!"

"Would you like to hear it?"


He also stopped, with a hint of vigilance on Ronald's face.

Rafael's current state makes him feel that things seem to be a little subtle, this guy won't come up with some serious idea, right?

So he immediately asked:

"Raphael, what's wrong with you?"

"What's the idea?"

With a meaningful smile on his face, Rafael immediately approached Ronald and whispered in a voice only the two of them could hear:

"I said, do we want to go to Elva's side to find out the truth today?"

"It just so happens that the Bureau of Investigation hasn't sent someone over to watch you specifically, so I can help you out if I go together now!"

Ronald raised his eyebrows, and his tone was a little uncertain:

"You mean now..."

"That's right." Rafael nodded immediately, and then explained his thoughts, "Anyway, the two of you have never met before, and sooner or later things that will meet will meet no matter the time, so it's better to point it in time. earlier."

"after all......"

Speaking of which, Rafael paused, and then placed his right hand on Ronald's shoulder and slapped it hard twice.

"After all, a problem that can only be solved with the use of force."

"I can only help you now."

"If you are under surveillance for a long time, I won't come over to chat with you like I did today."


Facing the reason given by Rafael, Ronald thought for a few seconds, then nodded:

"Okay, then I'll trouble you today."

Hearing such an answer, Rafael immediately released his arms and stood up straight, and replied nonchalantly:

"What's the matter, it's just a trivial matter."

"As long as you remember to go to the show, don't disappear when the time comes."

Ronald said seriously:

"Don't worry, I will go to the Oak Theatre on time."


Ronald and Rafael are both straightforward and decisive types, and they decided to make a surprise raid today to visit Elva, and they naturally set off immediately.

Because Elva is a scholar with a good reputation, he also holds a faculty position at the University of Springs, where he lives in the Riverbank area where Ronald currently lives.

According to the information provided by Rafael.

The detailed location of the old professor's residence is not too far away, just a few blocks away on Goethe Road.

If you walk there, you can get there in about half an hour.

With the idea of ​​getting acquainted with the surrounding terrain at first, Ronald decided to walk over to visit this Mr. Elva.

The embankment built along the Weiss River.

Facing the sun that was gradually falling from overhead, the two of them walked on the land in the river bank area without any rush.

On the left is the normal building complex in the riparian area.

On their right, is the Weiss River that runs through the entire Springs.

In a sense, she may be the most famous river in the entire Grid Empire. While running through the entire capital, in addition to the wide estuary, which is more than 20 kilometers wide, other normal river widths are more than 200 meters wide, enough to accommodate most of the ships traveling here.

Just when Ronald and the others passed by.

Cargo ships transporting goods on the Weiss River and passenger ships carrying guests come and go. Everywhere you look is a scene that symbolizes the prosperity of the city.

At the same time, due to the early planning of urban construction.

In the river bank area, apart from the small dock set under the dam for the convenience of travel, there is basically nothing to see that destroys the integrity of the building's appearance.

Look all the way along the course of the River Weiss.

This is obviously a relatively suitable place for people to live.

When it comes to recommending a place to stay for Ronald, Rafael also obviously put his heart into it.

It went on like this for about twenty minutes.

When the original apartment block has completely disappeared behind.

As the guide in charge of leading the way, Rafael stopped in front of Ronald.

He pointed to the building on the other side of the road along the river bank with one finger, and then said with a more certain tone:

"Goethe Road is here."

"But I didn't remember the specific house number of Elva's house. We need to find this one by one."

"Of course, you don't have to worry about it being too troublesome."

"As a long-term owner of the property, Elva's name will be engraved under the house number, at least we will be able to finish before dinner."

Ronald shrugged nonchalantly:

"Then it's good to start."

"Should we split up or go together?"

Raphael immediately replied:

"Let's go together."

"I'm in charge of checking the house number on the right side of the road. You just need to look at the number on the left side, so that we won't waste time and we won't be too far apart."

Ronald nodded in agreement:

"No problem, that's it."

Just do it.

According to Rafael's idea, Ronald and Rafael began to check the house numbers on both sides of the road.

This time point is still during the teaching period of the university.

Apart from the passing rental carriages, most of the people on the street were servants and the like, and almost no one would pay attention to Ronald and the others who recognized the house numbers one by one on the road.

And the personal residence on the Goethe Road side.

Most of them are small double-storey villas for personal residence. There are well-maintained walls between the courtyards to protect the mansion. Generally, no one pays special attention to the two people who recognize the house number on the road. UU Reading

Just like that, after a quarter of an hour of identification.

Ronald was lucky to find Elva's place first.

[047 Goethe Road, Elva Sherwood House]

On an iron plate inlaid at the door, Elva's name and address were written on it.

Ronald looked up at the mansion in front of him.

Like other residences on the Goethe Road, this is an ordinary two-storey villa with almost no character at all.

So turning around, he called to Rappel across the street:


"Come here, I found it!"


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