Mystic Dominator

Chapter 218: your name

In this way, we sat in the carriage and chatted all the way.

Less than a quarter of an hour passed, and the fast-moving carriage finally brought them to their destination.

- This is the river bank area.

The two got off the carriage and walked on the road in the river bank area.

When they went to the Bureau of Investigation to register, Ronald and the others actually passed by here once, which is where Rafael pointed to the theater building and invited Ronald to enjoy the performance.

Looking around curiously, Ronald was quite curious about the place he planned to live.

Springs in winter is even colder than Berronwich. Many people can be seen walking on the street, and most of them are wearing very warm and thick clothes.

Walking on the street like this, Ronald and Rafael had a casual chat, and the content was mostly controlled on the convenience of urban construction and geographical location.

After a short walk along the river.

Under the guidance of this companion, Ronald came to the door of a quiet apartment along the river.

A more detailed description, the apartments here are not just a few simple buildings, but a row of planned and constructed apartments along the street, followed by the Wes River that traverses the entire city of Springs.

Whether it is the geographical location or the surrounding landscape construction.

The apartments in this row are definitely of a very good class.

Having brought Ronald here, Rafael pointed to the second apartment building and said:

"Ronald, this is it."

"According to what you just thought, it only takes about five or six minutes to walk to the municipal library from here, and if you want to go to the surrounding universities to audit, as long as their institutions are not closed, then there is no problem."

Speaking of which, Rafael pressed his elbow against Ronald's waist, and said in a somewhat mocking tone:

"Quietly tell you, there are quite a few cute little girls in the riverside area, especially there are many children studying art. You can take this opportunity to hook up more."

Ronald immediately gave Rafael a blank look.

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't have that weird hobby!"

Seeing Ronald's action, Rafael immediately laughed heartily:


"Anyway, the house here is not bad, and I remember there are vacancies for rent."

"If it's okay, renting an apartment here is definitely a pretty good option."

Looking at Rafael's highly recommended appearance.

Ronald shrugged noncommittally, then stepped forward and knocked on the apartment door.

bang bang bang --

"Who is it?"

There was a knock on the door, and after a few breaths, a man's voice sounded in the apartment.

Soon, the door of the apartment opened from the inside.

A middle-aged man about forty years old with some silver threads in his hair came out and looked at Ronald and Rafael who were standing at the door. He asked curiously:

"Two... Excuse me, who are you looking for?"

Ronald nodded politely before asking:

"Sir, I plan to move here recently."

"So let's ask if there are any nearby apartments for rent?"

Hearing Ronald's answer, the middle-aged man suddenly realized and nodded, and quickly replied generously:

"If you rent an apartment, many of the locations along the river here are actually rented out, but the person in charge is different."

"If you don't mind, sir, you can come and sit first."

"I'm going to call the landlord here."

While speaking, the man turned sideways to let the two of them enter the apartment.

Ronald walked into it and nodded towards the other party at the same time:

"So disturbing."

Entering the apartment, greeted by the middle-aged man, Ronald first looked at the interior decoration of the house.

Different from the gas-based construction theme of Burrenwich, Springs, except for the street lights on the streets, are all running electric lights, and even ordinary residential buildings already have a primary power system.

And from the construction of the house. All kinds of light industrial products in good shape can be seen everywhere, from which you can infer the economic development of this apartment, and even the entire Springs.

From traversing the remote villages at the beginning, to the large city of Burrenwich.

And then to Springs, which has an absolute advantage in economic strength.

All aspects of the development of this era unfolded before Ronald's eyes in a unique way.

It's a really fun feeling.

Unfortunately, the man who welcomed Ronald and the others into the room introduced himself.

He was actually a painting teacher at a university named Eitor Merk.

He is also a tenant on the second floor of the apartment.

After waiting for a while, Ronald met the owner of the apartment after Aito's introduction.

Unlike a tenant who is a teacher.

Instead, the landlord was a young girl named Cynthia, who was also a student of the art school that Rafael mentioned earlier.

Since I still have to go to school, Cynthia is usually not in the apartment.

The cleaning of the house is also a regular visit by an invited maid.

In this case, Cynthia only provides the most basic housing rental, such as gas bills, water bills, and municipal management fees, which are shared between the tenant and her landlord.

It took another half an hour to get to know Cynthia in detail. Ronald confirmed that the apartment accommodation here met his requirements, and then rented a room on the third floor here at the price of 13 depp per week. .

Of course, this fee does not include food.

After all this is a boarding house, not a pension.

If necessary, Ronald can contact servants to make food for himself, or cook by himself.

Negotiated all rental issues and paid rent and deposit.

Ronald thus determined his next residence.

Walking into the room with Rafael, the area here is not much different from the previous residence in Burrenwich. The overall construction of the apartment is semi-open, and there is even a small garden in the middle.

As for the room that the tenants only enjoy, the basic rooms such as the bedroom and the living room are quite good.

Definitely a suitable place to stay.

After helping Ronald clean up the house, the time officially came to the afternoon.

Looking at the direction of the sun outside the window, Rafael immediately stood up:

" I came to play with you for a long time today, and it's time for me to go back to work."

"It's time to say goodbye."

Staring at Rafael with a smile on his face.

Ronald thought for a few seconds before asking curiously:


"Or my friend."

"Can you tell me your name if you can?"

Hearing Ronald's question, Rafael showed a very subtle smile on his face.

Walking to Ronald in two steps, he said to Ronald almost in his ear:

"If you can meet me with a new identity, I'll let you know when the time comes."


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