Mystic Dominator

Chapter 217: riparian area

The next identity registration process.

Instead, it was more relaxed and simple than Ronald expected.

Under the leadership of the host, he just went to the office at the back of the office building, which was dedicated to dealing with mysterious matters, and filled out an application form to complete all the work.

Everything went smoothly and efficiently, with almost no twists and turns.


It was as if Ronald was just an ordinary citizen who came here to do business.

Of course, when they learned that he was a holder of the original code, the way the staff at the Springs Bureau of Investigation looked at him also changed.

But in general, it is still within a normal range.

In the impression of Ronald's Bureau of Investigation, if this incident happened in Burrenwich, the registration work today would never be so simple.

At the very least, it is not enough to meet with the high-level officials of the Investigation Bureau.

final result.

That is, before and after adding up to no more than a quarter of an hour.

Ronald completed the registration and walked out of the so-called 'power company'.

Because it didn't take long, Rappel was sitting on a bench in a public facility on the side of the road, and smiled as Ronald walked out of the Bureau of Investigation headquarters.

The same look at each other.

Going directly to the other side and sitting down, Ronald immediately asked:

"Raphael, how do I feel about this..."

"It doesn't seem to be as serious as you said before?"


Hearing Ronald's question, Rafael leaned comfortably on the back of the bench and looked up at the gray sky before answering:

"Don't worry, this is just a preliminary registration."

"When the news of you, the guy with the book, coming to Springs spreads everywhere, there will definitely be all kinds of troubles."

"When you settle down, someone from the Investigation Bureau will come to your door to communicate with you."

When he said this, Rafael had the expression on his face recalling the past with clothes on his face.

Looking at each other's eyes, Ronald asked tentatively:

"Looking at you now, life in Springs is not easy, huh?"

Rafael immediately shook his head with emotion:

"In life, all kinds of troubles will always come to you."

"A poor man like me with empty hands, of course life will be especially hard."

Speaking of here.

The young boy jumped suddenly, stood up directly from the bench, took two steps forward, turned around and beckoned to Ronald:

"Okay, let's go now."

"If you can, it's best to find your next place to stay before the sun goes down, so that it will be easier for you to move around later."

Following Rafael to stand up, Ronald immediately asked:

"I just came to Springs, where would it be better to rent an apartment here?"

Rafael seemed prepared for the question.

Ronald only asked, and he introduced in a very smooth tone:

"In the case of Springs, it is currently divided into 14 administrative blocks by the city government. In addition to the Wesleyan Industrial Area and the Palace District where we are now, the other 12 areas have pretty good living places to choose from."

"But according to your current situation, I don't recommend living in the church area, but the river bank area with more colleges and art institutions is more suitable."

Riverside District...  

Although I had a general understanding of Springs before I came, those things were only information on paper in the end, and detailed municipal planning was also a fairly unfamiliar category.

With a ready-made guide now, Ronald naturally wanted to make good use of it.

So he immediately said:

"About the river bank area, can you introduce the specific situation?"

"Of course." Hearing Ronald's questioning, Rappel nodded generously. As he walked to the road to stop the carriage, he continued to introduce Ronald:

"In the case of the riparian area, it is a long, irregular-shaped urban area built along the Wes River, most of which are occupied by universities, scientific research institutions and art institutions. Albert National University is located here, which covers almost all fields and is the number one super university in the world's comprehensive ranking of academic institutions."

"As for art institutions, the art college established by Oak Garden is also established here. Although it cannot be called the strongest art university in the world, it is definitely a famous college that can rank among the top three. Whether it is painting, singing, etc. , music, or performance, she has a very complete education system."

At this point of the introduction, Rafael seemed to have remembered something, and then said something along the way:

"Also, the Municipal Library of Springs is also built in this area. It is a comprehensive library with the largest collection of books in this country and even in the world, and it also has a relationship with the Royal Library. A direct partnership, if interested, this is also a place not to be missed.”


The moment he heard this introduction, Ronald's interest suddenly rose.

Quickening his pace to catch up with Rafael's figure, he immediately asked:

"Since it is the best library in the world, there should be a lot of precious cultural relic-level books in it, right?"

At this time, Rafael had already stopped a taxi on the side of the road.

First, he told the driver about their destination. After getting in the car, he continued to explain to Ronald:

"In terms of books, of course there are collections of cultural relics."

"Even the collection of books you imagined, there is also a collection in this library, but it is basically impossible to check it out as us."

Hearing the meaning of Rafael's words, Ronald smiled and shook his head:

"Don't worry, I just want to read a book."

"There are no other superfluous ideas."

Watching Ronald's unadulterated expression.

Rafael was stunned for a few seconds, and then replied in a somewhat surprised tone:

"If that's the case, then the library I'm talking about will definitely meet your needs. UU Reading"

After saying this, Rafael seemed to remember something:

"By the way, you should pay attention to your funds."

"Although the rent of apartments here is not outrageous, the price is also about 30% higher than that of Burrenwich. You should not accidentally let your budget go wrong."

Hearing this, Ronald had a rich smile on his face:

"You can rest assured, my budget is quite sufficient."

"I'm not the same now as I was when I first arrived at Burrenwich."

Following Ronald's smile, Rafael shifted his gaze to the suitcase he was carrying.

After thinking for a few seconds, he probably recalled Ronald's performance when he first arrived at Burrenwich.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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