Mystic Dominator

Chapter 219: letter

After sending Rafael out of his new home, Ronald returned to the third floor alone and sat beside the bed.

The apartment is divided into three floors, connected by a spiral staircase on the edge of the courtyard.

Entering from the gate, you will be faced with a fairly open semi-open courtyard, where you can even sit directly in the noon and afternoon sun. And around this open space, public places like the kitchen are placed around it.

Between the arrangements on the first floor, a total of two suites are available for occupancy.

One is the landlord's own residence, and the other's tenant doesn't seem to be here recently.

Then go up the stairs to the second floor.

Aito, who had greeted Ronald before, and a tenant who had not yet met lived here, and there was a spare suite that was being rented.

As for the third floor where Ronald himself is, he is the only one living there now.

There is also a room next door that has not been rented yet.

Although the location on the third floor is relatively high, there is an attic with a small area that can be used more than the first and second floors. Generally speaking, it is also a very good accommodation environment.

Sit on the already made bed.

Ronald relaxed and lay back, thinking about what he needed to do next.

The first thing to solve when coming to Springs is naturally to find a way to find the whereabouts of Lumire. Not only are there still unresolved mysteries on the Black Mountains, but according to the various encounters that happened in Berlenwich before, Ronald feels that "The Divine Comedy" The last remaining "Purgatory" in the game is likely to be in Rumir's hands at present.

This can also be said to be the main purpose of Ronald's visit to Springs.

And then there's Elva Sherwood.

The editor-in-chief who presides over the compilation of the Burrenwich Yearbook is related to the mysterious organization that sent the ciphered letter. He is also living in Springs now, so Ronald will naturally find an opportunity to visit the other party.


After sorting out his itinerary in his mind, Ronald only remembered the white-gold figure at this time.

Patricia also lives in this city.

I don't know when and under what circumstances, I will meet this straightforward friend again...

In this way, he thought about it again and again.

Although it was still afternoon, the sun did not set.

But as everything around him settled down again, a feeling of exhaustion came over Ronald. Slowly moving his body to the bed, he didn't bother to take off his clothes, so he fell into sleep vaguely.



bang bang --

"Is Mr. Ronald there?"

bang bang --

What woke Ronald from his sleep again was a rush of knocks and calls.

regain consciousness from sleep.

He, who had not taken off his clothes and slept with his clothes, immediately got up and walked towards the door:

"I'm here, who is it?"


Reaching out to open the door, a middle-aged woman dressed as a servant stood at the door.

Probably because of cleaning, the eyebrows on the woman's face were slightly wrinkled.

But soon, this situation changed.

After seeing Ronald's face clearly, the impatience on the maid's face quickly faded, and she put on a smile and said:

"Mr. Ronald, I'm Rita who is in charge of cleaning here."

"I saw your letter at the door when I came here before, so I came here to remind you."

"If you need it, I can get it for you now."

Ronald stopped immediately:

"Don't bother, I'll just get it myself."

While feeling a little emotional about the speed at which the maid's face changed, Ronald left the room at the same time and went straight downstairs.

The winter sun in the courtyard lazily poured in.

Even without resorting to the ability of the original text, just from the angle of light exposure, it can be seen that the time has come to noon.

Have you slept for so long...

Going down the stairs, Ronald walked directly to the door, ready to pick up the letter Rita said.

And behind him, the maid who was cleaning the stairs ran after him, and said in a very gentle tone:

"Mr. Ronald, if you have any letters in the future, I'll just bring them up for you. I usually come here at noon and at night every day, and I can help you with meals if you need them."

"By the way, I don't know where you are from."

"Actually, to tell you the truth, I know a thing or two about the cooking methods of various foods around Springs, and I can definitely..."

Seeing a young handsome guy who fits his aesthetics move into the apartment, the maid's enthusiasm comes up and the talk is so hard to deal with, and it's impossible to get rid of it.

Especially Ronald and others are not long-standing enemies.

Rita just showed a good impression of herself, and he was too embarrassed to drive the other party away with a cold face.

After about a quarter of an hour tangled like this.

Ronald finally managed to hold his letter and went back to the house alone.


Sitting on the chair in his living room, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although this kind of thing will not bring any physical pain, but the mental torture is definitely not good.

This kind of experience reminded him to a certain extent of the situation when he first joined the job at Burrenwich Railway Station.

After a few seconds of rest, Ronald sat in his chair and turned to open the window.

Taking two sharp breaths of the moist air blowing from the Weiss River, he turned to check the envelope in front of him.

On an ordinary pale white envelope, the short-distance postage was paid at the outset.

At the moment, there is only a string of addresses written in beautiful fonts.

[Springs - Riverside District - No. 003 Brook Street - Oak Theatre]


When he saw this address, Ronald already had an inference in his heart.

This is probably an invitation letter sent to him by a guy whose real name has not been disclosed.

Tear open the envelope and take out the contents.

Sure enough, it was an opera ticket and stationery with little content.

Aside from the clichés of social etiquette, it can be summed up as "I'm playing this weekend night, here's the ticket. 】

Staring at the contents of the letter, Ronald smiled and shook his head:

"I knew it......"

He opened the drawer and put the tickets in it and put it Ronald got up from his chair and moved around a bit.

Since it is an invitation from a friend, then I will definitely go to support it.

And now...

Just go for a walk around the surrounding riparian area.

After all, this is the area where you will live next, and it is always good to familiarize yourself with the environment in advance.

If you encounter a situation that requires fighting or dodging, you can prepare yourself.

- Quietly pushed open the door.

Ronald made sure that the maid was not on the third floor before quickly locking the door of the room and walking out.

He lowered his footsteps and quickly descended to the first floor.

In this way, he left the apartment without hesitation for a second.

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