Mystic Dominator

Chapter 216: Utility Power Communications


Staring at the boy with a healthy smile in front of him, Ronald subconsciously asked.

However, realizing the identity of this guy, he immediately changed his mouth and said:

"This one, what's your name...?"

Standing beside the busy road, the young boy quietly watched Ronald in front of him and smiled with satisfaction.

Of course he heard Ronald interrupted in time.

Simply bend over and salute, and then he bends down and salutes like a boy who is really looking for a job on the street:

"Raphael, you can just call me Rafael."

"And then as you can see, I'd like to get a job as your tour guide to earn some decent pay."

After self-introduction, Rafael straightened up without asking Ronald if he agreed, and simply continued:

"Sir, do you need to rent a house now?"

"As someone who has just come to Springs, a suitable foothold is also essential."


Looking at the boy in front of him, Ronald also replied with a smile:

"In my case, I'm going to make a grade first."

"After all, I just came to this city, and I have to make all the preparations."

Rafael nodded slightly and said:

"Shall we take a carriage?"

Ronald agreed:

"Of course."

After confirming the destination, Rafael skillfully led Ronald to the street to stop a carriage, and then indicated the destination as [No. 23 Crown Road].

Riding a rental carriage, Ronald kept observing his surroundings on the way.

Although there is a certain gap with Burrenwich, the vehicles that can be seen on the streets are still mainly rented horse-drawn carriages. There are also vehicles with shapes similar to early cars, but the number is extremely rare.

On both sides of the wide main road, various buildings have their own characteristics, and Ronald even saw a gift shop with a sign in the shape of a ginkgo biloba.

"Mr. Ronald, do you see that?"

While the carriage was advancing, Rafael suddenly pointed to a splendid building and said:

"Miss Arida also came to Springs more than two months ago."

"Her performances are often performed at the Oak Theatre and are well-received by the city's most sophisticated people, so you should try it if you have the chance!"


Hearing this, Ronald had no interest at all to see the building the guy was pointing at, but fixed his gaze on Rafael in front of him.

Sure enough, this guy is now looking at himself with a mocking look.

The meaning in the blue pupil is intriguing.

After thinking back and forth for a while, Ronald replied:

"If I have the chance, I will definitely try Miss Arida's performance."

As soon as the words came out, Rafael was silent for a while.

His body was so stiff that he shrank back and stared at Ronald for a few seconds, before he avoided sight with a smirk on his face, and began to look aimlessly at the scenery outside the carriage.

That freshness.

It was as if he was on his first day in Springs.


The speed of the rental carriage is not slow.

But even so, it took Ronald and Rappel quite some time to arrive at Crown Road, accepting a fare that was a bit higher than Burrenwich from the passengers, and the driver nodded and drove the carriage away from here.

Stay put, where Ronald is now is Crown Road.

Even in a city like Springs, it's a vital road.

Because No. 1 Crown Road is the residence of the Queen of this country.

——【Tianhai Palace】

The ruler doesn't seem to ask how unique his house number is.

According to the municipal planning scheme, the buildings on the entire road straight from the gate of Tianhai Palace are all marked with the street number of Crown Road.

Ronald, where they are now, is No. 23.

You can even see the towering walls of this palace from a distance.

While Ronald stared into the distance, Rafael next to him laughed and said:


"It was the first time that Mr. Noble saw the Queen's Palace that he was loyal to, and now he is moved?"

Ronald raised his eyebrows and didn't respond to the guy's teasing.

However, when he heard that this guy had already admitted that he was Arida, or Nassus, Ronald felt a little relaxed.

Immediately, Ronald asked:

"Raphael, generally, the registration for entering the city should be at the city gate or at the train station, wharf, etc."

"Is it really appropriate for us to come directly to this kind of place?"

Hearing Ronald's question, Rafael immediately smiled and shook his head:

"Ronald, what are you thinking?"

"Your current status is different from what it used to be. How could an ordinary city gate registration dare to accept you into the city with a book!"

"Even if you register in that kind of place, you still have to report to the General Administration."

holding a book...

It refers to the identity of the owner of the original code.

Hearing the meaning of Rafael's words, Ronald nodded in understanding.

"In that the procedure troublesome?"

Rafael shrugged indifferently:

"Actually, there is no trouble, just go through the process."

"In your current capacity, they prefer you to stay in town, and that's the best case scenario for their job."

"That's true." Ronald nodded in understanding, then continued to ask, "Next, shall I go in alone?"

Rafael replied with a natural expression:

"Of course."

"I'm just a small person here, and I don't dare to enter such a place."

Hearing the answer, Ronald did not hesitate, then turned around and walked towards the building at 24 Crown Road.

The headquarters of the Bureau of Investigation is an office building with a zigzag structure.

There are six floors and a height of about 17 meters by visual inspection. The light gray building itself is not very eye-catching, but it also spans a considerable part of the street.

And it's different from the Bureau of Investigation building that is concealed by magic. a working office building!

At the top of the gate there is even a huge sign with the words [Practical Power Communications Company] to remind people that this is a company-owned company building.

With an inexplicably complicated mood, Ronald reached out and pushed the door into the hall.

It was at this moment that he realized that he had walked into a rather faint barrier.

If it hadn't been for the experience he had fought against Malcolm before, and the strength of the body-strengthening power of "The Divine Comedy" had always resided in his body, he wouldn't even be able to detect this change.

And this point, the ordinary mysterious side of the caster is definitely not aware of it.

Just when Ronald was feeling a little emotional, a girl dressed at the front desk came to him from the other side of the hall.

With a business smile on her face, she said softly:

"Sir, is there anything I can do to help you?"

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