Mystic Dominator

Chapter 215: disembark

The blue sea is tiled around, and the color of the sky is reflected.

Seabirds can be seen flying in the distance, and occasionally passengers are bustlingly discussing their journey on the deck.

Sitting in the public seat of the passenger ship, Ronald looked at everything in front of him.

I have to say that this trip exceeded his expectations from the beginning.

I planned to take the train to Springs like ordinary people, but when I checked out of the house, Mrs. Hudson found out a ferry ticket and gave it to herself.

And when it was given to him, the landlady had the look on her face that she was sure she would go to Springs. Ronald tried a polite and polite refusal, but Mrs Hudson won in the end.

So half-push and half-placed, Ronald boarded the passenger ship.

At the point of transition from the age of steam to the age of electricity, this passenger ship was built with the characteristics of this era.

Tough, huge, and rambunctious...

Although the speed is definitely different from the train on the rails, but because it is a special passenger ship, you can also enjoy a good journey along the way.

As far as Ronald's personal experience is concerned.

Lying on the deck and basking in the sun is also a very good way to relax.

At this moment, the movement of others sounded from the side:

"Hurry up!"



Ronald raised his body in a conditioned reflex and looked over.


Above the deck, a young man was rushing to the edge of the deck with his companions, and they also had an old pail in their hands.

When they reached the edge of the deck, the companion who was supported by the young man immediately leaned there and vomited.


In the silence, Ronald slowly put his body down again.

Of course, it would be better if there were no seasick and vomiting passengers on the deck during the trip.

This is real tourism.

It's a relaxing time to relax.


— On the morning of January 14.

- 9:27:45.

On time, Ronald stepped on the dock in Springs.

To be honest, he still can't believe it.

At the beginning, he ran into the alienation of the world on the Montenegro in the caravan of the traveling caravan; later, he and Alyda took the downwind train together to encounter the assassination case.

So when preparing to go to Springs, Ronald also made mental preparations.

When he was on earth, he often watched movies and TV works in his spare time, such as "Terror Cruise", "Star Trek", "Extremely Cold", "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure"...

This kind of film about accidents on the vehicle is really seen a lot.

Having experienced the stressful life in Burrenwich, Ronald is naturally confident in dealing with all problems!

However, when he felt some emotions in his heart.

A strange voice suddenly sounded from behind Ronald:

"Sir, can I trouble you for a moment?"


Turning his head, it was the passenger who disembarked behind Ronald.

He stood here and sighed with emotion, but he actually blocked the way for the passengers behind to leave the pier.

An apologetic smirk appeared on his face.

Ronald stepped aside immediately:

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Nodding to Ronald, the passenger didn't say much, and then walked out of the dock.


It was like this for a while, and when the flow of people disembarking became sparse, Ronald dragged his suitcase and walked outside.

The heavy suitcase is made of plenty of materials, and its own weight is a weapon to smash people, and Ronald himself is now basically storing it in it except for the entire net worth of the original text.

Just like this, I walked slowly on the road to the pier.

Ronald looked at the surrounding scenery while thinking about his plans for the day.

There was absolutely nothing false about what I heard in Burrenwich.

The city of Springs, in terms of size and physical facilities, is not comparable to Burrenwich, which is located on the border.

Well-constructed roads, reasonable and tidy wharfs, and the flow of people coming and going.

And, of course, the grey sky due to air pollution...

Compared to the previous Springs, the first impression of Springs is that it is heavy and solid, and everything is so organized.

Consider the issue of the times.

If these aspects cannot be done well, it will surely lead to a huge disaster if you want to accommodate millions of residents to live in this city.

Especially since this is another world...

A million-level population corresponds to mysterious side personnel with a scale of more than 10,000 people.

in such a place.

The work to be done at the [Gridiron Mystery Investigation Bureau] headquarters, the way of behavior and the difficulty of the work are absolutely different from Burrenwich.

On the first day in the city, Ronald's planned plan was to go to the Bureau of Investigation branch in Springs to register his identity, and then search for the apartment he would live in from the city.

In this way, after passing the pier inspection and leaving smoothly all the way.

Standing on the edge of a road that could accommodate eight cars, Ronald's mind briefly stagnated as he watched the people coming and going.

This time it was no better than Berronwich.

With Arida's help back then, I wouldn't be smeared in the dark.

Although in the past due to work, Ronald often traveled to places he had never been before...

But back then, he had a cell phone!

Losing the convenient assistance brought by [XX Map], he had to think about how he found his destination in an unfamiliar city before the birth of the smartphone.

Want to go buy a local map and then...


Don't you have the original...

It's time to try it out...

Suddenly realizing his identity as the holder of the original book, Ronald immediately used the ability brought by the "Bradshaw Railroad Guide".

— 9:41 a.m. and twelve seconds.

- Location: Springs White Star Dock Dock Area.



It doesn't seem to be particularly effective help?

Standing in the same place and thinking about it for a while, Ronald found that he was probably going to buy a map.

Shaking his head with a wry He began to look around here.

According to Ronald's travel experience, there will always be people selling this kind of thing at important transportation nodes.

I just don't know if the uncles and aunts in another world will raise a little flag to sell some useless little things.


"Sir, is this your first time in Springs?"

At this time, a young boy's voice came from behind Ronald.

He turned his head and saw that it was a young boy in suspenders and a brown top, looking like he was fifteen or sixteen years old.

At this moment, the boy stared at Ronald with his bright steel blue pupils, then asked with a smile:

"If necessary, I can lead the way for you-"

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