Mystic Dominator

Chapter 202: prelude to war

For Ronald.

Now he has no way to judge whether the so-called friendship of the church is sincere or with ulterior motives.

Even guessing it can only be regarded as a hypothesis and cannot be regarded as sufficient evidence.

However, as far as the situation is concerned, one thing can be understood without thinking.

- Stop Lumire and her footman from escaping Burrenwich.

——At the same time, they also want to take back the "Divine Comedy - Heaven Chapter" they hold.

Both Ronald and Audrit have the same purpose at this moment.

Next, I came to the train station with Audrit.

Now in this place that he is familiar with among the best in Burrenwich, Ronald looked around and confirmed that there was nothing to be alerted about before gradually turning to the nun beside him in the cold night wind.

"Audritt, what should we do now?"

"You can't just rush in and fight them for your life, right?"

Ronald's inquiry is a very real one.

It is also something that cannot be avoided.

—After all, this is Burrenwich Railway Station.

In a place like this, work has always been carried out day and night.

Whether it is a freight train that transports goods, stops here and workers are unloading the goods; or a passenger train that ordinary people travel on; or a spare locomotive that is being repaired.

the existence of these things.

As a result, the railway station is carrying out their work all the time.

And in such a crowded and frequent place, Ronald and the others were absolutely unable to make any big moves.

The question of principle lies there.

Neither Ronald and the church members on the chasing side, nor Rumir and her footman on the chasing side, were reluctant to use obvious spells that would attract attention.

This is a custom that the mysterious side has accumulated over a long period of time.

It is also a necessary criterion for maintaining everything around you.

It's like a normal person understands that he can't smash someone's door with an axe in the middle of the night, even if no one opens his mouth to remind him.

Facing Ronald's inquiry.

Audrey nodded confidently:

"Please don't worry."

"Although what happened today is a bit sudden, we have also sent people to sneak into the carriage, and we have also made preparations on the track in the direction of the train."

"As for us..."

"We just need to enter the carriage quietly first, and then wait quietly for the timing of the shot."

After quietly listening to the nun's plan, Ronald couldn't help but ask:

"Any arrangement of this level was temporarily arranged tonight?"

in such a time.

make such arrangements.

This is not something that can be achieved just by being organized.

In addition to the rapid transfer of its own personnel, it is quite difficult to negotiate with Berronwich officials and make many adjustments.

With reference to this exaggerated power of action...

Ronald felt that his previous expectations for the church as an organization might have to change.

At the same time, in the face of Ronald's inquiry.

Audrit nodded very calmly, and then continued to introduce in a calm tone:

"To be precise."

"Today's actions at the station were all prepared after discovering that Lumir's carriage did not return to Linzhong Road."

Hearing this answer, Ronald couldn't help but admire:

"To be able to achieve this level of speed is really amazing mobility."

Audrey smiled and bowed politely:

"You are overrated."

"It's just our job."

While speaking, the two had walked through the square in front of the train and entered the interior.

Probably because the church had greeted him in advance.

The two of them passed through the platform passage dedicated to the station staff unimpeded, and came to the third-to-last carriage of the train for the first time.

Just like ordinary passengers around.

Ronald and Audrit sat in their own seats, quietly waiting for the train to start.

During this period, Ronald also paid attention to the surrounding situation.

For the church, after all, the situation happened suddenly tonight, so there is no special arrangement on the carriage of this train, and even ordinary passengers can be seen in front.

If it wasn't for the fact that Rumir and his footman were sitting in the back compartment, he would have attacked them later. Ronald felt that even if he took this boarding as an ordinary outing, there would be no problem at all.

Time passed minute by minute.

During this silent waiting, Ronald turned his head to look at Audrit:

"Audritt, if we start at the end of the carriage, will it affect the safety of ordinary passengers?"


Beside Ronald at the moment, Audrey was sitting upright and upright on the train chair, with her hands folded and tightly pressed against the front of her knees, her whole person seemed dignified at first glance. feel.

After hearing Ronald's question, the nun from the church smiled very happily, and then explained:

"Mr. Ronald, you can rest assured."

"Our church has no habit of disregarding human life. In the last carriage, except for Rumil and his male servant, all the other passengers have been replaced by spies from our church."

"They are the most professional."


Hearing Audritt's answer, Ronald couldn't help but think of the two priests who had been locked in the dungeon before.

There is no habit of disregarding human life...

This is really a bad habit to judge...

At this time, Audrit also asked Ronald a question:

"Mr. Ronald, we will definitely fight the enemy afterwards."

"So before the official battle, I would like to confirm with you again."

"Apart from the black fog that can burn people, do you have any other offensive abilities that need my attention?"

When it comes to life-related matters like fighting, Ronald naturally has no intention of concealing it. Shaking his head simply, he immediately explained:

"You can rest assured here."

"All my spells have a very good identification mechanism and will never hurt my companions."

"No matter what happens in the battle after that, you don't have to care about my actions."

Audrey nodded and responded:

"Thank you for your explanation, I understand."

After speaking, she seemed to remember The nun immediately added:

"By the way, Mr. Ronald."

"My ability in combat is basically pure melee combat. The movements are not small and it is easy to spread to the surrounding. You should be careful not to be affected by my battle in the future."

Ronald nodded to show that he understood:

"Okay, I know."


After a brief exchange, the two immediately became silent.

It was not until nearly a quarter of an hour later that a whistle sounded from the front of the train.


The train is ready to go.

At the same time, it also means that the battle is about to begin.

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