Mystic Dominator

Chapter 201: friendly attitude

The latest website: "You mean... the original?"

Looking at Audrit in front of him, Ronald asked in a slightly surprised tone.

But although he made a very shocked look on the surface.

But actually, I was prepared.

During the previous journey, the information revealed by Audrit had proved that the church had a lot of information. Under such a premise, they knew that the manservant also had a copy of the original, and it was natural for them.

Intelligence Swift can detect.

There's no reason an institution like the church can't find clues.

On the other side, after Ronald showed a shocked expression.

The nun of the church continued to explain with a smile:

"Yes, it's an original."

"And to a large extent, we have determined that this original tome is the culprit that caused the explosion of magic power two months ago in Burrenwych."

"Mr. Ronald, what do you think of this matter?"


Ronald silently looked at Audrit in front of him.

After thinking for a few seconds, he tentatively asked:

"This original..."

"It belongs to the same system as the power I use?"

The nun of the church nodded slightly:

"Yes, it's a whole series of abilities."

"It's just that in the specific process, the situation we encountered was somewhat different from what you said at the beginning."

"After confirming that Miss Rumil is not a human being, the people we dispatched discovered that the manservant beside her was actually a very powerful master of the scriptures before they had time to make further contact."

"And what happened next, just like what I told you just now."


After listening to Audrey's story.

Ronald didn't answer for the first time.

On the one hand, he was sorting out his thoughts for the next conversation, and on the other hand, he was thinking about his recent activities.

According to Audritt's current level of access to information.

During this period of time, at least after the situation on Rumir's side was exposed to their eyes, there is a high probability that he will also be included in the key monitoring scope of the other party.

You must carefully recall all your recent actions!

After the two walked on the road in Burrenwich for a few minutes at night, Ronald felt that he was ready, and then tentatively said with some emotion:

"Miss Audrit, the reason why you invited me tonight is because if there is an original holder of the same faction, it will be easier to deal with that guy."

The nun of the church smiled noncommittally, and then continued:

"According to what we have heard here."

"In the middle of tonight's banquet, Miss Rumil suddenly expressed her unwellness and announced to leave the venue. However, the carriage she was riding did not go to the warden's mansion on Linzhong Road, but drove in the direction of the train station. "


Looking at Audrit's serious eyes, Ronald knew that his guess was right.

This trip to the train station was no ordinary walk.

It was a real battle plan for Rumir and the manservant to launch a crusade against the master of the scriptures!

Just as Ronald was thinking about everything in his heart, the church nun's narration continued:

"According to the evaluation of professionals within the church, we feel that the scriptures held by the manservant are quite closely related to the scriptures held by you, Mr. Ronald."

"Even the two original books are the result of a complete original book being split. In this case, if they are collected, do you think there is a possibility of recovery?"

Yet another informative statement!

Ronald has always guessed that the other two books of "The Divine Comedy" should be scattered somewhere in this world, and there is a high probability that they will appear in Burrenwich.

But really when Audrit told him such information.

Ronald's mood at the moment is still a bit complicated.

This original book that I have been relying on for a long time...

Maybe tonight...

He can see what another "Paradise" really looks like.

But this time is not the time for him to only care about his emotions.

Nodding slightly towards Audrit, Ronald immediately replied:

"Of course, I think it's totally doable."

"The original scripture of our school is in a state of being divided into three. If it can be collected again, there should be no problem with the restoration operation."


However, facing Ronald's answer, Audrit was stunned for a short time.

After a few seconds of hesitation, the nun of the church asked cautiously in a low voice:

"Are you saying that this scripture is divided into three parts, not two?"



Hearing Audrit's question, Ronald instantly realized that he had leaked.

I come from the earth, and I naturally understand that the content of "The Divine Comedy" is divided into three parts.

But for the aborigines of another world.

Without understanding the original appearance of "The Divine Comedy", they will only judge it as the original text of only two parts of **** and heaven based on limited information!

He accidentally revealed a very important message to the other party.

However, after all, the words have been exported, and Ronald does not intend to pretend to be a fan.

So nodding generously, he simply explained:

"Yes, it can be divided into three states."

"I have only one third of the original scriptures in my hand, and if I am not mistaken, the manservant has only the other third."

Audrey's eyes were a little low, and she hesitated for a few seconds before continuing:

"So there's an undiscovered tome in Burrenwich?"

Possibly more than one...

Looking at the nun's bad expression, Ronald couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Judging from the fact that he could get a copy of the "Bradshaw Railway Guide" in places like Burrenwich Railway Station, there might be an undiscovered original book somewhere.

After all, no one can guarantee that the magical explosion on the day of "The Divine Comedy" can activate all the original texts in Berronwich City, and the "Bradshaw Railway Guide" is the only case in the end.

I thought so in my mind.

In reality, Ronald had already nodded to agree with Audrit's guess, and then continued:

"I don't know the whereabouts of the last copy of the original book, except for the one in my hand and the one in the servant's hand. Besides, I would like to remind you of this rather than something that can't be determined."

The nun paused, but quickly returned to her original state:


Ronald then continued:

"If you expect me to provide news of the other party's original ability, then you may be disappointed."

"Before direct contact, I could not know the specific abilities of the other party."

Ronald is telling the truth.

Although he has already mastered a considerable part of the abilities of "Hell", he does not dare to speculate on what kind of abilities "Heaven" can After all, whether it is from mysticism Meaning, or from the content of the text.

The difference between the two parts is huge.

However, unexpectedly, facing Ronald's statement, Audrit did not show any special dissatisfaction.

The nun of the church still kept her steps calm and said in a chatty tone:

"Mr. Ronald, the invitation to walk with me tonight does not mean that the Church is coveting the text in your hands."

"To be recognized by Her Majesty the Queen and allowed to continue to carry out activities within the border, we have always followed the purpose of being kind to others."

Speaking of this, the nun looked at Ronald with serious eyes.

In a very sincere tone, he said:

"The church is friendly to you."

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