Mystic Dominator

Chapter 203: Raid

The latest website: The seats of the train are directly connected to the floor of the carriage.

Therefore, after the train started, the shaking of the body was transmitted to Ronald along the seat.

Watching the train station platform outside the window gradually move to the back of the field of vision.

While feeling the speeding train, Ronald turned his gaze slightly and asked in a low voice to the nun next to him:

"Audritt, when can we start?"

Hearing Ronald's question, the smile on the nun's face remained the same.

With a voice that only the two of them could hear, she replied calmly:

"Don't worry about it."

"When the train is about to reach the place, I will naturally remind you to leave."

After receiving such an answer, Ronald stopped talking.

The two of them sat quietly in the seats of the train, just like real passengers without saying a word.

Time passed little by little.

As the train left the platform, and then gradually moved out of the city of Burrenwich, until it finally turned into a completely dark suburb outside the window.

Beside Ronald, Audrit seemed to sense something.

Immediately, the nun patted Ronald's knee lightly, and then stood up from the chair first.

At the same time, Audrey reminded in a faint whisper:

"Ronald, the place is here."

"Let's go…"

Ronald nodded in understanding, and immediately stood up to follow Audritt's footsteps.

Most of the train passengers were resting at this time, and no one noticed the movements of Ronald and the two at the end.

So from the end of the car, crossing the junction of the train, Ronald came to the penultimate car of the train.

Here, he saw firsthand the preparations of the church for the operation.

It was supposed to be a carriage for passengers. At this moment, only a few young men in black robes of clergy could be seen standing in the aisle of the carriage with a serious look.

At the farthest end of the carriage, there was an older priest guarding the door. He was seriously guarding the situation on the last carriage so that he could deliver news at any time.

Needless to say.

These men and women who are ready in advance.

It must be the fighters sent by the church to participate in this raid tonight.

That's when Ronald realized it.

Audrey was already walking in the middle of this carriage.

Surrounded by the crowd, the young nun looked around, and then said:

"Hunter, report the situation."

In response to Audrey's inquiry, a priest immediately stepped forward and bowed to salute, while explaining in a respectful tone:

"Lord Supervisor, everything went well with our arrangement in the car."

"The two targets showed no signs of leaving the carriage, and the church members who were watching them did not issue warning alerts. According to the original plan, in two and a half minutes, the train would arrive at the ambush we prepared earlier. Inside."

After listening to the priest's answer, Audrit nodded with satisfaction:

"Okay, I know."

"Now everyone check their weapons, we are ready to raid."

After giving the order to prepare for the raid, Audrit turned to look in the direction she and Ronald came from:

"Joryl, after we go in and start the fight, you are responsible for cutting off the connection points of the train carriages to ensure that the battle here will not attract the attention of ordinary people."

Hear Audrey's order.

A young nun who was guarding the door of the carriage stepped forward immediately, and nodded excitedly at the same time:

"I see, Ms. Audrit!"

"Make sure to complete the mission!"


It only takes a dozen seconds to complete the task assignment.

Communication and communication among the clergy is efficient and fast.

Next appeared in front of Ronald, this group of clergymen in black robes began to prepare for their final battle.

From the side car position.

Several people took out a one-handed razor or short sword that was easy to use, and some people could see small firearms such as revolvers in their hands, and even one held a cross emblem on his chest.

By and large, these church fighters are not tied to a particular attack.

Instead, decide which weapon to use based on your past fighting habits.

But the most special one was Audrit in front of Ronald.

Among the clergy, the nun who took the lead was the most unusual in his choice of weapons.

—Audritt’s preparation is actually very simple.

She didn't need to take out a prepared weapon from the carriage, and she didn't hold a cross like some priests to prepare for a spell.

The nun in a black robe put both hands into the hidden openings on both sides of the robe, and then pulled out an iron rod with a thickness of **** from the robe on the left and right.

Raise your hand and align the tips of the two iron bars together, twist them clockwise, and they will be tightly joined together. In the blink of an eye, a slender iron rod that was four-fifths of her height appeared in Audrit's hand.

He nodded slightly as if to confirm that he was in good condition.

Otterit gave Ronald a look to keep up with him, and then he walked to the end of the carriage first, and there was no other extra action during the period.

it looks...

That's all Audritt is ready for?

Watching the nun's movements, Ronald followed and called the scriptures out of his hands. The other party already knows that he holds an original book, so he doesn't need to pretend at such a time.

"At this moment, please look into the deep valley.

The river of blood is in sight.

It boils and boils down criminals who are violently wounded.


Turning the pages of the book and reciting the poem, the familiar black mist instantly emerged around Ronald.

But the next second.

Ronald felt that there was nothing but Audrit in front of him.

All the clergy around him counted as one, and they all focused on themselves.

To be more specific with the description...

—It was a look of awe.

Before the personnel of these churches took action, they might have been informed that there would be a source controller on their side to join the battle. Due to the excellent qualities trained by the church, none of them behaved particularly gaffe.

However, when such an existence that symbolized the mysterious side vertex appeared in front of them, they subconsciously expressed their respect with their eyes.

This is the holder of the original after all.

in the church.

At least regional bishop-level figures are eligible to be compared with them!


Ronald silently accepted the sight of the crowd around him. UU reading

And following behind Audrit, he soon heard the incantation softly recited by the nun.

"Yunze sacrifice is the daughter of Wu Song, who praises and sings here, Mu Fang of Hua Cai, Long Jia of Emperor Clothes, Qi Guang of Kyushu, you are the one who controls the wind of the emperor of the high heaven, and the rotten fog light washes away chaos and darkness. !"

It reflects the initiation of the nun's surgery.

At the tip of her slender iron rod, a sharp arc of light blue light surrounds it, and the condensed magic power is as stable as a sharp blade.

Immediately, the nun stepped forward and pushed open the door of the train compartment.

The time just came two minutes after the scheduled time

Putting the spear in her hand in front of her, Audrit said calmly:

"Let's go, we're on!"

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