Mystic Dominator

Chapter 200: What to do?

Latest website: It's getting dark.

After accepting the other party's invitation.

Ronald and Audrey walk the streets of Burrenwich at night.

All the way down, the nun kept a smile on the corner of her mouth and silence.

After successfully inviting Ronald to go to the train station with her, Audrit was like a car without gasoline. Other functions were basically unusable except for moving forward according to inertia.

Just like this, about halfway forward, Ronald couldn't help but said:

"Audritt, you invited me to the train station at this time, shouldn't it be as simple as a walk?"

Hearing Ronald's question, the smile on the nun's face seemed to become a little really happy.

Gently tilting her head towards Ronald, she said in a leisurely tone:

"Of course it won't be a simple walk tonight."

"Faced with a powerful master of the original scriptures, our church hopes to show goodwill as much as possible. After all, there may be opportunities for cooperation in the future."

"It is also for this reason that I am inviting you at this time."


Hearing Audritt's reply, Ronald immediately fell silent.

So this is ah……

Although it is impossible to judge the specific situation at present.

However, based on what he had seen and heard since his time traveled as a reference, Ronald also had a rough guess in his heart.

It may be because the power attributes of the two parties are very close, or it may be that the church has a strong ability to detect, in short, it is the same as the mysterious organization that sent him an invitation letter.

The church side also knows that it is a master of the original scriptures.

And it's the kind worth pulling.

While Ronald was thinking, Audrey also raised a new question:

"Mr. Ronald, have you read the latest Metro Daily?"


Hearing this sudden question, Ronald first looked at the nun's expression with wide eyes, making sure that he couldn't discern any more useful information, and then he shook his head in a pretentious manner:

"No, I don't see this in the newspapers I usually read."

- In fact, this is a lie.

—Ronald, of course, has read the Metropolitan Daily.

Although Mrs Hudson does not have a subscription, know that this is currently the largest circulation newspaper!

The Metropolis Daily is to the world what The Sun is to the earth. Faced with a young girl, Ronald was really embarrassed to admit that he saw this too.

After Ronald denied it, Audrit's expression turned slightly subtle.

Looking at the man beside him with scrutiny, the nun of the church was silent for a few seconds before continuing:

"Then you are indeed a gentleman."

Ronald nodded cheekily:

"Thank you for the compliment."


The two sides were silent for a while.

After moving forward for about fifty meters, Audrit couldn't help but speak:

"Then I'll get it straight, Mr. Ronald."

"A notice about streetlight repair information was recently published in the Burrenwich's largest circulation newspaper, which asked citizens of Burrenwich to stay away from construction areas during nighttime streetlight repairs to avoid the risk of electric shock. ."

Repair street lights at night...

And also informed the surrounding residents not to approach the construction area...

This announcement is made at this time, at this place.

It's easy to think of everything that happened tonight.

After a little thought, a bold idea popped into Ronald's mind.

So with a hint of temptation in his tone, he asked the nun beside him:

"This notice...was sent by the Bureau of Investigation?"

Audrey looked very happy, and immediately nodded with a smile:

"Mr. Ronald, you are indeed a person suitable for conversation. You are right, this notification was sent by the Bureau of Investigation directly contacting the newly built power supply."

Hearing that his previous guess was correct, Ronald then continued to ask:

"Then the city is deliberately creating a no-man's land at night, presumably the Bureau of Investigation is preparing to do something big, right?"

Hearing this sentence, the smile on the nun's face became even brighter:

"You guessed right."

"There will be such a thing, and I would like to thank you for the information you disclosed to the church before. After we tried to get in touch with that Miss Lumil, we made an amazing discovery!"

Having said that, Audrey deliberately stopped talking.

Instead, he turned his quiet gaze towards Ronald.

Seeing that the nun had already disclosed the information to this level, Ronald also understood that he should communicate calmly at this time, so he simply said directly:

"You found out she's not human?"

Audrit seemed relieved, and then admitted generously:

"You sure know this too."

Hearing this, Ronald inevitably had a problem.

So he immediately asked:

"Since you have gradually understood everything, why did you allow the two priests to be imprisoned in the dungeon by the warden? Did all this happen with your acquiescence?"

Facing Ronald's question, the smile on Audrit's face disappeared for a moment.

But the nun quickly adjusted her expression again, and then said in a calm tone:

"There is a reason for this."

"It is inconvenient to disclose the specific situation, but you can understand that this is a choice we made to prevent some accidents, and the two church members themselves recognized this choice."


Hearing Audritt's reply, Ronald wisely did not pursue further questions.

The two continued to move forward for a while before he turned the subject back:

"Since you have determined that there is something wrong with the warden, everything I saw at the Bureau of Investigation was done through communication in advance and then performed?"

"I hope you don't misunderstand this point." Audrey shook her head immediately in denial, and then explained, "A person with the status of a warden must make very good preparations to move him, and concealing information is also a factor. crucial link.”

"Any level of sloppiness can make this guy sense the wind."

"And for this secrecy..."

Speaking of this, Audrit considered for a few seconds before continuing:

"Just take the example from the Bureau of Investigation."

"There are fewer than five investigators in Burrenwich who know the key to this matter. At best, the other investigators are changing their schedules and concentrating stronger people to work at night."

Dare to love yourself, Nicole, and Swift's actions, is it a surprise?

Ronald continued to ask in a subtle mood:

"In that case, has the Bureau of Investigation been ordered to leave now?"

Audrey shook her head with a smile:

"I don't know the details of this."

"However, according to the habits of the group of investigators I know, they should prepare a cipher order in advance. After a high-level person completes negotiations with the Springs headquarters, the high-level person will issue this code, Everything after that will start working right away.”


At this Ronald remembered Ms. Mapel's reaction a quarter of an hour ago.

The time spent on the second floor of the Investigation Bureau was probably in contact with the headquarters, and in the words of the investigator Kate...

There should be the order that Audrit said!

According to what this nun is saying now, I am afraid that at the same time as she and her went to the train station, the investigation bureau's actions against the warden have been fully launched!

So as it should be, Ronald asked his only remaining doubts:

"Then what is our real purpose in going to the train station in this situation."

The nun's tone was quite calm, and at the same time she said with a smile:


"Of course we are going to recycle that original text."

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