Mystic Dominator

Chapter 199: Invitation to the night

Latest URL: After Investigator Kate pushed the door and left the lobby.

The originally delicate and tense atmosphere in the investigation bureau became low again.

At this moment, Ms. Mapel stared calmly at the warden in front of her.

In front of the female investigator, Bach Critchens, the original master of Burrenwich, also looked at her with a confident look, looking at her with an expression without a trace of guilt.


Neither of the two were the first to speak, but maintained the silence between them.

It's been about a minute or so.

Nicole, who was following behind Ms. Mapel, finally couldn't bear it any longer.

The investigator girl took the initiative to step forward and came between the two of them. She protected Ms. Mapel in front of her. She reminded unabashedly:

"Ms. Mapel, let's go now."

"After all, it's time every night now, and there may be some things that people don't want to see happening at the scene. Time is running out."

After Nicole's suggestion was over, Mapel immediately asked the warden:

"So Mr. Bach, can we go now?"

Facing the actions of the two investigators, the warden's expression turned cold.

However, he still took the initiative to step aside and asked in a provocative tone:

"Of course, Ms. Mapel."

"But my mansion is relatively remote, do I need to show you the way?"


This time Mapel did not answer the warden.

With Nicole and Swift beside them, the three of them immediately walked out of the hall and left the Bureau of Investigation.

Obviously, they are going directly to the warden's mansion.

And after Mapel left.

The warden was still standing in the hall, watching the three of them leave indifferently, and then he glanced around the hall with sharp eyes.

On the first floor of the relatively spacious Investigation Bureau, there are only a few ordinary investigators and Ronald, an ordinary person filling out the form, and there is absolutely nothing suspicious.


Bach snorted.

Immediately after waving his hand, he also walked out of the investigation bureau with his subordinates.


After leaving the hall, the door of the Bureau of Investigation pitifully slammed against the door frame and made a stiff sound.

For a time, the first floor of the Bureau of Investigation only left the atmosphere still solidified here.


a few breaths.

As the indoor temperature gradually rises under the action of the heater on the beam.

In front of Ronald, the two investigators who were so nervous that they were holding their breath before broke away from their state of being completely unable to calm down.

Watching the gate where Mapel, the warden, and others left, one of the investigators said in an uneasy tone:

"I guess . . . we're afraid something big is going to happen here?"

"Isn't this nonsense!" Beside him, another investigator with his partner responded immediately, "If you are not blind, you can see it."

Speaking with some emotion, the investigator shook his head:

"Outrageous, outrageous!"

"I have worked as an investigator for nearly two years, and I have never encountered such a strange situation recently."

"First there was a large-scale cult warlock rebellion, and then even a big man like the warden was involved. What happened to Burrenwych?"

Beside him, another investigator opened his mouth and said:

"What I'm curious about now is actually what happened to the warden."

"It's impossible for this powerful man to betray Her Majesty the Queen, right?"

After speaking, it seems that his thoughts are a little funny.

He immediately shook his head and denied his guess:

"Impossible, how is this possible?"

"In this world, no one is stupid enough to betray Grid, right?"

Just as the two were sighing with each other about their fate and work, the investigator at the front desk also came over and participated in the conversation:

"Guess what..."

"The cult warlock's rebellion has just ended, will we start a new round of overtime?"

Hearing the companions who came over from the front desk guess so.

The Gek that Ronald knew lay back, leaned his back completely on the back of the chair, and said in a rather ominous tone:

"You can spare me!"

"It's dangerous to be in our business, but we haven't been working like this for a few months! When it comes to a guy with a complicated identity like the warden, God knows how many troubles will be involved."

Seeing several investigators beside him, he began to feel sad about his work. Ronald hurriedly wrote the rest of the form in his hand, then put the document on the table and stood up:

"Finally finished."

"Jick, please help to enter it here."

The investigator responded immediately:

"No problem, just leave it there."

A few words of courtesy to several investigators.

Ronald left the Bureau of Investigation.

Back at the side of the road on Long Beach Street, he looked up at the sky in the distance.

The time at this moment is just before the night is about to fall, the sky in the east has completely darkened, but there are still a few clouds floating in the air in the west.

This is the moment when it is about to fall into the night, and Ronald's current mood is also changing frequently.

Judging from the Warden's reaction just now, this guy has probably already dealt with the things under his own dungeon, so he can directly confront Ms. Mapel so confidently.

If the other party's plan is successful.

Then there is a high probability that this operation against the warden will face a failed ending.

After all, the combination of the warden's status in the open-faced society and the identity of the mysterious controller of the scriptures results in a network with intertwined relationships and complicated interests.

This is like a hedgehog that is well defended, making it difficult for ordinary hunters to speak.


However, just as Ronald was thinking about whether to go to the forest road again, a soft footstep suddenly came from behind him.

Immediately, a gentle female voice called his name from behind:

"Ah, isn't that Mr. Ronald?"

"Do you have anything to do with the Bureau of Investigation?"

Hearing the sound, Ronald turned his head and looked over.

Just behind him, Audrit was quietly watching her with her usual smile.

But it was different from the previous meetings.

There seemed to be a subtle smile in the eyes of this church nun at the moment.

Combined with the current situation...

Obviously, Audrit, a cleric of the church, also has his own unique intelligence network for what happened during this time.

Looking at the nun, Ronald was silent for a moment before speaking:

"I'm here with the Bureau of Investigation. There are indeed some private matters that need to be dealt with."

"But it's quite a coincidence that we can meet at this position at this moment, Ms. Audrit."


Hear the meaning in Ronald's voice.

The nun of the church generously stretched out her right hand to Ronald to signal him to hold and then took the initiative to invite:

"Mr. Ronald, don't mind if we take a walk together."

"It's going to be dark in Burrenwich, and I don't know if there will be such an opportunity after that."

In the face of Audrey's attitude.

Ronald hesitated for a while, and finally took the initiative to take the other's arm.

"Where shall we go for a walk?"

The nuns of the church were very satisfied with Ronald's attitude.

With a slight smile, she said generously:

"In our case, let's go to the train station."

"There's a train going to Springs tonight, and we might be able to meet some interesting stray lambs there."

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