Mystic Dominator

Chapter 178: new changes

clap clap —

At this moment, a faint voice came from the depths of the black fog.

Although the sound was not loud, the quiet hall caused people to hear the faint sound.

Immediately, everyone's eyes shifted to the direction of the sound coming from the black fog.

His eyes didn't dare to move for a second.

Everyone was nervous about the changes in front of them. For them, the black fog summoned by Ronald was an absolute unknown that could not be measured.

Is the man in front of him going to control the spell to make any new moves?

- It's pretty much what's on everyone's mind.

Only Ronald, who understood everything, raised his eyebrows and sighed softly to himself:



So, Ronald has some regrets.

Hansen didn't have time to launch his own spell at the same time.

The sound became clearer from far to near.


In the black fog behind Ronald, vague voices gradually followed two distinct rhythm footsteps. The black fog surged into the darkness, and it seemed that something was approaching them.

The scene was already frighteningly silent because of Ronald's questioning and Hansen's silence.

The sound of footsteps approaching at this moment is like the drumbeat of a sentence of fate in people's hearts.

Finally, under everyone's attention.

The direction of the footsteps sounded in the dark fog, and the surging black opened a passage, from which came the doorman who opened the way with a lamp...

And Everton who followed behind him.

Yes, this businessman from the [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance] finally came to this place at this very delicate moment.

Seeing the familiar figure in front of him, Hansen's body, who was still in depression, instantly softened. Thanks to his excellent physical fitness, he is still supporting his posture. Otherwise, if he is so slack, it is not impossible for him to kneel directly on the ground.

On the other side, after walking into the hall shrouded in black mist.

Everton showed a completely different look from before.

Although he had only met the businessman a few times, Ronald could see the anger of the other party in the cold eyes of the other party.

Obviously, this section of the road from outside the manor.

The doorman has told Everton everything that has happened here.


Looking at the caressing and reconciliation who walked in here, Hansen naturally shouted:

"Mr Everton, you are finally here!"

"Let Ronald let us go. Kevin died in the office this morning. The current situation..."

"Hansen, you shut up first." Everton suddenly interrupted Hansen's explanation, the businessman just gave him a cold look, and then said simply, "Probably, I already understood when I came here. No need for you to repeat it."

Immediately, Everton turned to look at Ronald.

The coldness in the businessman's eyes just now disappeared without a trace in an instant, and Everton said in a very cautious tone:

"I trust Mr. Ronald's judgment."

"Since you decided to let the doorman notify me before entering the manor, it must have been known to me. Please ask Mr. Ronald to give me an explanation."

It seems...

The next time you go to the businessman yourself.

Assuming that the other party is eating, I am afraid that they will not be able to enjoy the food with peace of mind like last time.

Watching the cautiousness deep in Everton's respectful eyes.

Ronald clearly recognized this.

The ability he has shown has caused the businessman's view of himself to undergo a very drastic change.

After understanding the subtle changes in the positions of the two sides, Ronald nodded lightly:

"Then Mr Everton, out of my duty to my job, I will tell you what I know next."

"First of all, you also know that my technique involves human content, so when I approached the exhibition location this morning, I noticed in advance that the number of staff inside the venue was wrong, one less than before."

"So, when I realized that something was wrong, I immediately conducted some relatively hidden tests on the manor, and immediately confirmed that someone died in the manor, so I notified the doorman to go to Burrenwich to inform you."

"And then in order to ensure that there would be no problems at the scene, and to prevent the prisoners from escaping, I immediately subdued everyone and left them here, while controlling them."

"After all, maintaining the status quo is also necessary."


After listening to Ronald's explanation, Everton stood there and lowered his head for a few seconds.

Then he raised his eyes and continued to confirm:

"Mr. Ronald, you can be sure that the prisoner did not escape."

"Or, is there a traitor among these guards?"

"Of course." Ronald nodded with confidence and certainty, "I guarantee that the murderer is still here, and is one of these people. As it is worthy of the reward you gave me, I will not will deceive you about this."


Looking at Ronald's eyes for a few seconds, Everton nodded:

"Okay, I see the end of the matter."

While talking, Everton walked to the guards who were bound by the black mist.

While pacing back and forth in front of everyone along their positions, he also made an undisguised analysis:

"So, Mr. Kevin died in his office this morning."

"Then the killer took it..."

Everton stopped for a few seconds, and then his tone changed:

"No... not right."

"His usual work rarely touches our exhibits. This does not mean that the unicorn's horn was taken this morning. It is very likely that Kevin wanted to check the exhibits this morning, and there were some It was an accident that led to his killing."


"It's a shame that Mr. Kevin has always been faithful to his duties."

Shaking his head and sighing on his face, Everton then continued:

"So, whoever did this, admit it yourself."

"If you take the initiative to return your things, I will at least let you get out of here alive."

"Attention, I only remind you once."

Hello everyone, our public account will find gold and coin red envelopes every day, as long as you pay attention, you can get it. The last benefit at the end of the year, please seize the opportunity. Public account [Book Friends Base Camp]

"This is your last chance!"

Saying that, Everton raised his right hand and spread his fingers, UU reading www. then closed one by one to indicate the final countdown.

five four three two one......

In front of the businessman was the silence that no one spoke.

Of the more than ten guards bound by the black mist, no one stood up at this moment.

- This is naturally understandable.

The innocent guards are of course unwilling and will not take responsibility for such crimes that do not belong to them.

And Hansen is even simpler.

He really understands the conditions offered by this guy Everton. In fact, the businessman is just talking about it.

Even if Everton does quite abide by the code of promises.

But the problem is that people can leave alive.

It does not mean that this person has gone out completely!

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