Mystic Dominator

Chapter 179: strange decision

In the face of such a situation that is not conducive to him, Hansen couldn't help but open his mouth to argue.

After all, he had laid out enough misleading clues to hide the truth.

Saying what you have in mind at this moment can at least help you clear your suspicions.

But just as he was about to speak.

Hansen saw a picture that made him very uneasy, and even felt that something was wrong.

Everton is talking to Ronald at the moment, although the main focus is on the man in front of him. But in the gap of a certain conversation, Everton glanced at himself from the corner of his left eye.

This look contains very, very complex emotions.

But in general, it is the look that a person has before making a decision.


What's the meaning?

Everton see something wrong with him?'s impossible!

Hansen's mood that had just stabilized became flustered again, and the frequent changes in the situation were already torturing his heart to some extent.

on the one hand.

He knew there was nothing wrong with his previous statement.

Everton has only just arrived at the exhibition venue. He has done nothing wrong in this period of time. How could he realize his betrayal?

On the other hand.

You must know that when people are guilty of being a thief, they are most likely to think wildly.

Hansen at the moment is the most apt example.

Even if he is sure that he has not shown his feet, facing Everton's fleeting eyes, Hansen's heart has undergone a very drastic change.


Are you still ready to fight?

The magic power that had just stopped poured out of his body again, and Hansen was about to attack immediately.

Then also at this time, Everton spoke again.

His eyes were cast on Hansen, and while Hansen was too frightened to move, he said to Ronald in a very calm tone:

"Mr. Ronald, I already know the current situation."

"Now, you should remove this powerful spell first."

"I want to know more about some things with you. Let's go to Kevin's office to talk privately, and by the way, see if there are any details left at the murder scene."


Looking at Everton in front of him, Ronald was a little surprised.

He naturally noticed the look in the businessman's eyes just now, and the other party was undoubtedly suspicious of Hansen.

So in this case, why did Everton make such a decision?

This is totally illogical.

So Ronald tentatively said in a more euphemistic way:

"Mr. Everton, are you sure you want me to remove the black fog that controls this manor?"

"Of course." Everton nodded immediately and continued to explain, "It's almost dawn at this time, and it's hard to guarantee that no one will accidentally pass by our location when they plan to go to Burrenwich."

"At that time, if someone sees the manor as it is now, the situation will not be very good."

"Confidentiality is the most important thing on our mysterious side."


Ronald kept his eyes on Everton.

Naturally, it can be seen that when he said these words, the eyes of the businessman in front of him were quite perfunctory.

The other party obviously understands the current situation.

But he had to choose to leave the hall with himself, and at the same time remove the black fog that surrounded the manor.

Although he didn't quite understand it, Ronald nodded:

"In that case, it is as you wish."

The voice fell, and Ronald waved his right hand.

Starting from the black fog surrounding the hall, the black fog in the entire manor was pulled into the exhibition hall in a blink of an eye. The surging black mist spread over everyone's bodies, and also robbed them of their ability to observe their surroundings.

Under such a menacing scene, everyone dared not move.

They can only stay in place one by one, honestly waiting for Ronald to recover the black mist.

After about two or three breaths.

Everyone present finally regained their vision.

At this moment, the black mist transformed by the power of 'rape' has been taken back into his hands by Ronald.

Losing the occlusion of the black fog, the hall finally returned to normal lighting.

Nodding slightly towards Everton beside him, Ronald then said:

"Okay, it's done."

The businessman responded in a serious tone:

"Okay, let's go up first."

Next, Everton skillfully instructed the guards to look after the group of 'criminal suspects' who were tied to chairs.

And he himself took the initiative to lead the way and walked to the second floor with Ronald.

The two quickly came to the second floor and looked at Kevin's office in front of him.

Everton pushed in the door in a familiar gesture, and then invited Ronald:

"Mr. Ronald, let's rest here for the two of us."

"When I was out of the city, I had already instructed Hao Tang to announce that our exhibition was temporarily suspended. So today... no, it should be tomorrow that you don't have to work, you can go directly back to Burrenwich and go to Do what you want to do."

Ronald nodded and said:

"Of course I'm fine with that."

Following Everton, Ronald watched the businessman take the first step in the chair, so he also sat down.

At this moment, the two of them were sitting in the room where they had just died, and there was no expression of too much concern on their faces.

A few seconds passed before Everton looked at the blood on the floor and said with some emotion:

"It's really regrettable."

"Mr. Kevin has been working for me since he passed the sign seven years ago. He has always been conscientious. He has never made any outrageous work mistakes. At the same time, his ability to do things is very worthy of my trust."

"I really didn't expect that today, he would be directly killed by that guy Hansen in this way."

Having said this, Everton sighed:



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Sitting not far from each other, I heard this sigh from Everton.

Ronald thought for a while before asking:

"Mr. Everton, are you sure the murderer is Hansen?"

"Of course, of course I'm sure." Everton shook his head with a wry smile, and then took out a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket. He subconsciously took out one and wanted the servant to help light it, but found that the housekeeper beside him did not follow .

There was a look of regret on his took out a match and lit it, then took a deep breath:

"This guy Hansen is short-sighted and likes to have fun. The unicorn's horn is really a huge temptation for him. I have been paying attention to that guy since I entered the venue today."

"If it wasn't for him, my cronie wouldn't have that look when we talked before."

Speaking of which, Everton sneered:

"Ha ha."

"In the end, this guy chose to betray, just for the horn of a unicorn..."

Then, at this moment.

The two in the office heard angry shouting from downstairs together.


"Catch him now!"

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