Mystic Dominator

Chapter 177: keep asking

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After a period of heated 'discussion'.

The people present almost got everyone's old bottom upside down.

Because of their 'altruistic' description, Ronald also took the opportunity to make a statistic about the school spells of these people.

These ordinary grades of mysterious side people.

In fact, most of the spells that can be activated smoothly and used for combat are simple types and single methods.

Not to mention the huge exhibition of various spells with Nicole.

Even compared to some of the investigators Ronald had encountered in his previous work at the Bureau of Investigation, most of these people were far out of reach.

After all, any official investigator of the Investigation Bureau must have at least three or more spells, which can be used as fluently as an arm and a finger.

Of course, this situation is also understandable.

Soldiers who join the army can naturally bring down an ordinary person one-on-one.

A comparison between the Bureau of Investigation and ordinary mysterious people.

The result is the same.

And after joining the [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance], even the bottom-level mysterious side personnel who can only do some guarding work, naturally their quality is not much higher.

Most of them joined their own school, and after a period of study, they chose to seek a living for various reasons, and they were regarded as the lowest-level combatants on the mysterious side.

After all, it is impossible for a true sect elite to fall into the Chamber of Commerce to do the duties of a low-level guard.

He stood there and listened quietly to the guards' wrangling.

Ronald didn't do anything new at this time, he just turned his body and started to look at Kevin's body again.

Looking at everything, Hansen felt more and more secure.

Silently counting the time.

Every second spent is a blessing.

According to Hansen's observations in his past work, Mr. Everton would definitely rush to the scene as soon as possible when faced with such a problem, and now his high-end black carriage is probably already galloping on the way to the suburbs.

You don't have to support yourself for too long to get out of it successfully.

He has seen the other side of victory!

- But things often don't go as planned.

Just as Ronald was looking forward to spending the weekend in peace today, only to encounter such a thing, Hansen's luck didn't last long.

When the guards were arguing for the early three minutes.

Ronald moved.

Taking two steps away from Kevin's body, he clapped his hands lightly.


The two high-fives were not too big, but the effect was very good.

The guards who were arguing with each other just now closed their mouths like ducks strangled by their necks.

At the same time, everyone put their awe-inspiring eyes on Ronald.

Watching the man's movements quietly.

Faced with such a situation, Ronald nodded expressionlessly.

Then he simply stared at Hansen, and said with almost no tone fluctuations:

"Mr. Hansen, why have you been silent?"

"As the person who managed this exhibition ground before me, you should have the best understanding of everyone's spells.


Ronald's voice fell to the ground.

The hall surrounded by black fog also fell silent in an instant.

It was a dead silence that was even more silent than before.

Hansen, who was sitting there without saying a word, shrank even more tightly.

He didn't even have to turn his head to guess what the person beside him was doing now. Ronald raised himself to the most suspicious position in the audience with an emotionless question.

Once again, all eyes are on him!

And the situation is much worse!

Hansen was still careless.

When all the guards were shirking their responsibilities, he was the only one who sat there without saying a word. His behavior was contrary to common sense, but he seemed a little special.

But fortunately at this time, his mistakes were not so serious.

Realizing this, Hansen immediately defended loudly:

"Ronald, are you doubting me?"

"You have to be clear, I am a direct subordinate of Mr. Everton, and I have worked under him for at least three years! The reason why I don't speak is because I want to make a fair attitude, any words that may frame others, Never say it from me."

"Please! How could I betray the Ginkgo Leaf Business Alliance?"

"Compared to you, I was trained by the Chamber of Commerce, and I am a direct member of the direct line of responsibility!"

Speaking of which, Hansen paused.

Concealedly, out of the corner of his eyes, he looked at the expressions of the surrounding guards, and then he continued:

"Ronald, I tell you not to go too far!"

"Your technique does not necessarily guarantee that you will not make mistakes, and everyone present is not free to doubt it!"

After some impassioned speeches, Hansen's mood was significantly calmer.

- He can see the changes in the people around him.

After taking a stand and speaking for everyone.

The look in the eyes of the guards on both sides was not as dangerous as before, and his statement obviously had the desired effect.

The only thing Hansen was not sure about was Ronald in front of him.

After this fierce speech, Ronald did not make any degree of rebuttal.

He just waited quietly for Hansen to yell at him.

It wasn't until the other party finished saying and the air calmed down for a while, Ronald said calmly:

"Mr. Hansen, you are too excited."

"I just asked why you didn't speak up."

"Aren't you feeling guilty?"


In an instant, the steady heart became turbulent again.

The sight from the left and right sides immediately became cold.

With just two or three words from Ronald, everyone has already begun to doubt himself, a downright unfavorable situation.

How to do?

Want to get started?

This guy is doubting himself!

Realized that Ronald was deliberately directing public opinion in a direction that was not beneficial to him.

Hansen finally panicked.

He instinctively told himself to calm down now.

After all, he had already disposed of the traces left when he killed Kevin, and there was no reason for him to see through it.

As long as he was bitten and refused to admit it, Ronald could not find conclusive evidence.

As Everton's cronies, he must be safe.


Once you think about the problems that will arise after you have been exposed.

Hansen couldn't help but want to do something to break the embarrassing situation in front of him.


Must fight!

After four or five heavy breaths.

This member of the [Ginkgo Leaf Business Alliance] decided to do it.

Even if it is not Ronald's opponent in front of him, he has to try to get out of here.

The mantra began to gather on his hands along the inside of his body, and he lowered his head slightly to prepare. At the same time, he did not forget to paralyze the other party:

"Ronald, don't talk nonsense."

"I walk right and sit right."

"There is no place for a guilty conscience..."

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