Mystic Dominator

Chapter 176: infighting

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At this moment, Hansen is thinking about how to escape.

no way.

The situation in front of him was too bad for him.

First of all, Ronald's exaggerated strength has completely exceeded his expectations when he started.

Originally, after he planned to sell the unicorn's horn, he would just pretend that he didn't know anything, and nothing happened in the manor.

Until the opening of the fair this morning.

That's when Ronald prepares to deliver the unicorn's horn to the booth.

Put the blame for the theft on this guy.

But Kevin, a guy who doesn't know how to work around, asked him what kind of record work he was going to do this morning.

As a result, things got worse.

Hansen tried to make up a lie to fool the past, but Kevin, who was sorting out the paperwork, actually saw through the trap he set up to shirk the responsibility for Ronald.

Immediately, the lie fabricated in a hurry was immediately debunked by the other party.

Without any choice.

Hansen can only let dead people who can't speak as his companions.

After that, Hansen actually has plans.

This time was originally Ronald's upcoming time node. With the experience of the previous two jobs, he even quickly forged a new arrangement of blame and responsibility, ready to change the way, and put all the problems and responsibilities on Ronald. body.

But the result...

The black fog around him that controlled himself said it all.

Now this situation has developed to the point where it is completely out of control.

If Mr Everton comes here, he can use the relationship between the two parties to completely persuade the other side, so that he can completely remove himself from suspicion.

- Provided that Ronald didn't find himself.

If you let the other party find any clues, or directly expose yourself, you are the real murderer.

That's all a big deal.

'What the hell...'

Hansen couldn't help but curse in his heart.

Even the internal intelligence of the [Ginkgo Leaf Business Alliance] is sometimes unbelievable.

What's that called?

A 'slightly more powerful caster'?

If he could meet the person who provided the information, Hansen really wanted to give him a slap right now.

Not to mention a country place like Burrenwich.

Even in the capital Springs, it is impossible to call a mysterious person of this level a 'slightly powerful caster'!

No, you have to keep fooling around.

If you can't do it, you will fight, and try to rush out directly.

Just looking at Ronald's daring to detain everyone now, he doesn't dare to hand over his life and death to an illusory destiny!

at the same time.

Just as Hansen was frantically calculating his actions in his heart.

The situation on the field has changed dramatically.

After Ronald spoke, all the guards became suspicious, and their eyes revealed distrust of each other.

Even before they were good colleagues.

Human nature is like that, emotions can be transmitted.

In the face of high pressure and tension, often the first person's actions will greatly affect the development of things.

crisis now.

The first person to step up and take the lead, others will soon follow;

And if the first person chooses to run away, running away will become the mainstream choice of the crowd.

The current situation is when facing Ronald's doubts.

Someone was trying to justify their innocence just now.

So soon, the other guards also began to find ways to clear their suspicions.

The first person to speak was the one who worked as the entrance guard on the first floor.

His name is Alan Cooper.

I saw this guy's expression collapsed first, he turned his head to the right to look at a companion, and immediately shouted loudly:

"Mr. Ronald, I know this guy's technique."

"Charlie's spell can definitely achieve this effect!"

"On the second Wednesday of last month, the two of us once hunted wild dogs together in the suburbs and were going to feed ourselves. I saw with my own eyes that he used an aggressive technique to directly kill That prey, and the prey's surface, didn't do any damage."

"You should interrogate him first, this guy is the most suspicious!"

"Fart!" At this time, the person who was accused immediately blushed and scolded, "How could I have done this kind of thing! With my unsophisticated technique, it's okay to kill a few. It can only be used as a starting point.”

"Like Mr. Kevin's current appearance, I have to torture him alive for more than ten minutes. If that's the case, his screams would have spread throughout the villa. Are you people deaf?"

Suddenly, Charlie, who was pointed out by his companions as a suspect, lit up.

"I...I get it!"

"Mr. Ronald, this guy put the crime on my head and wanted me to take the blame!"

"Everyone knows that Aaron's spells are related to plants, and he is usually responsible for everyone's diet. He must have secretly used some poisonous plants to make poisons that destroy human internal organs!"

"This guy is the biggest suspect!"

Seeing that he was beaten upside down, Alan, who was the first to speak, was also anxious.

Putting on an expression of wanting to fight for his he cursed loudly with red eyes:

"You fart!"

"I have a good relationship with Mr. Kevin as usual!"

"It can't be me who does it?"

At this time, a new guard on the side also joined the rebuttal:

"Who knows if you used the relationship between the two of you to poison people in the morning, and then took the opportunity to take the unicorn's horn?"

Allen immediately followed and shouted:

"Yes, you are the most suspicious Charlie!"

Others also began to discuss, including some who were inspired by the dark hearts, and those who remained calm:

"Everyone, stop arguing, we can't mess up!"

"what are you talking about?"

"I remember Molideko's technique, it seems that this effect can also be achieved, right?"


Ha ha--

Just keep making noise.

I saw the scene that started to become chaotic next to me.

Hansen felt a lot more at ease.

As long as this group of rabble can continue to make trouble, let Ronald not cast doubt on himself.

Then wait for Mr Everton to come here.

Everything comes naturally.

With his years of working experience in the [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance], and the trust they have accumulated over the years, he is confident that he will put the suspicions aside.

Then find a scapegoat from among these guys.

Today this is over.

Keeping his calm, Hansen was slightly glad that he didn't do it before.


The last thing he wants right now is a military conflict with Ronald.

As long as this group of people is looking for things on their own like they are now.

He is happy not to join in!

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