Mystic Dominator

Chapter 173: cage

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It's complicated, really complicated.

Sitting in the rental carriage, it was difficult for Ronald to describe his current mood.

A second ago, I was still in my seat looking forward to a peaceful weekend, and then I officially introduced Nicole and Swift next week, and the three began to investigate the warden's mansion together.

As a result, the exhibition has not arrived yet.

The "Divine Comedy" in his hand gave himself a slap first.

It's impossible to live in peace.

According to the previous experience of the activation of the power of "The Divine Comedy", the current situation is that in the suburban manor not far away, there are relatively serious fraudulent acts by mysterious people.

This time, this place, this event.

Ronald can't guess what's going on!

It must be like what Hansen said last week, people with ulterior motives heard that the event of the [Ginkgo Leaf Business Alliance] was going to show the unicorn of the unicorn, and now they came to do it.

The value of such a rare thing, as expected, some people are still moved.

So Ronald raised his hand and knocked on the side wall of the carriage.


"Please stop, just send me here."

Aware of Ronald's movement in the car, the driver obediently stopped the carriage even though he was a little puzzled.


The carriage slowed to a stop, and Ronald immediately jumped out of the carriage.

At the same time, the coachman sitting above asked:

"Sir, the place is almost there."

"You mean to...?"

Ronald simply took out the fare and threw it to the other party, then ran to the manor and said:

"Just send me here, you can go back to the city."


Watching Ronald's retreating back, the driver sat in the car in a daze before counting the coins in his hand.

The passenger gave a lot of money.

Shaking his head with a puzzled expression, the coachman immediately turned the carriage and headed for the city.

If the client likes it, so be it.

Anyway, he got the money.

At this time, he didn't really want to drive in the suburbs.


On the other side, Ronald was rushing to the manor.

Since he did not know the specific situation of the exhibition venue, he did not intend to enter the manor directly by carriage. After all, the distance is not too far. If you want to avoid disturbing anyone, it is better to walk quietly with your legs.

While advancing, Luo Ed waved his right hand.

The original text of the black cover appeared in his hand as before:

"Its name is Styx,

The black water flowed down to the foot of the dark and precipitous cliff.


Do your reconnaissance before approaching.

And the reconnaissance effect of the power of ‘Rage’ has always been good.

While rushing to the exhibition venue, Ronald had an insight into the situation in the manor in advance.

The number of guards, sentries, and patrol personnel are all within the normal range.

Only in the paperwork room, there should be someone empty.

Apart from that, the mood of everyone else in the manor was calm as usual, without any major fluctuations.

It was exactly what Ronald thought.

His technique was related to emotions. After the Bureau of Investigation and the Church knew about it, it had already spread to a certain extent in Berlenwich.

After all, he is a 'very powerful caster'.

Any mysterious person with the ability to collect intelligence basically knows that there is such a person. As members of the [Ginkgo Leaf Business Alliance], these guys can naturally receive news.

Since there are precautions.

Then the ability of emotional investigation, I can't use it for the time being.

You can only use the perception brought by the power of ‘Rage’ as a tool to monitor everyone’s location.


With that in mind, Ronald had already arrived before the manor.

When the two guards on the side of the gate saw Ronald, they straightened up immediately:

"Mr. Ronald, good morning!"

Ronald nodded to the two:

"Good morning."

After a few steps into the manor, Ronald turned his head and instructed the two:


"You just lock the door now."

"The manor's sealing technique is also activated immediately."


Hearing Ronald's order, a guard immediately asked in confusion:

"Mr. Ronald, what do you mean?"

Ronald did not answer the other party directly.

Turning around, his eyes sank, and he asked in a rather serious tone:

"You two, shouldn't you have seen the document leave here?"


Hearing Ronald's question, the two guards looked at each other.

Silence for a few seconds.

One of them replied:

"No, Mr. Kevin should be in the office."

Sure enough...

Confirming the previous guess in his heart, Ronald turned around and walked into the venue, and instructed the two guards behind him:

"Then Mr. Kevin's current situation is probably not very good."

"By the way, one of you will take the carriage out and go directly to the city to inform Mr. Everton that there is trouble here."


Watching Ronald's figure entering the venue, the two guards realized that something big happened in the manor.

Don't dare to slack off.

They immediately acted on Ronald's orders.

On the other side, Ronald, who walked into the venue, rushed to the office where the clerk was located.

He walked fast and arrived in no time.

At this time, the sky outside the manor was getting brighter, but the second floor was surprisingly quiet.

According to Ronald's previous impression, this should be the start of a new day's work. Even if there are not many people in the manor, there is no reason to be so quiet.

With a wave of his hand, the power of 'Rage' turned into a black mist spread on the During the turbulent, he helped Ronald plough the corridor on the second floor, and even got into the clerical office on the second floor. .

However, in this case, the house is still surprisingly quiet.


Knowing something was wrong, Ronald went up with a kick.


How effective a strengthened physique is.

A simple wooden door is simply impossible to withstand him.

Immediately, Ronald saw the expected picture.

—The corpse of the document.

The man in his mid-thirties was lying on the ground weakly at this moment.

The blood still running under him proved that he was not long dead.

"Ha ha--"

Ronald sneered.

Usually, he is a person who likes to obey the order, after all, he himself is the beneficiary of the order.

——Now there are no ordinary people on the mysterious side in this building.

——The location in the suburbs, and the time in the early morning, also ensure that there will be no witnesses.


You can let go and do it yourself.

Turning to look at the corridor, the original text immediately appeared in his hand.

The next second, a thick black mist spewed out from Ronald's body and swept everything!

Just under ten seconds.

Corridors, rooms, halls, gardens, cellars...

The entire manor originally used for the exhibition was completely swallowed by the thick black mist.

Just quiet.

In an instant, it became the dead silence now!


At the same time, the guard who was just driving the carriage to enter the city suddenly felt a chill behind him.

He subconsciously looked back.

Then swallowed.


The manor not far behind has turned into a pure black prison at this time!

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