Mystic Dominator

Chapter 172: final conclusion

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The essence of a password letter is to modify and replace the information in order to achieve the purpose of making it unrecognizable to others.

Simple as a popular Tibetan poem;

There is also a Caesar encryption method to increase the difficulty;

Further up is the codebook used by the telegraph;

And the most apex, the computer that symbolizes the pinnacle of human technological creation, the computer protocol used.

All of these things can be covered by the essence of cipher letters.

But to say what they have in common.


To be precise, it is to use the rules set in advance to dig out what the expressor really wants to express.

The prefixes in Tibetan poems, the sequence transformation of the Caesar encryption method, the Morse code of the telegraph, and the algorithm protocol of the computer.

In any case, these passwords are following a certain law of their own.

In other words, a codebook that can correctly unravel the real content in it.

Then this password letter in your hand...

What is its codebook?

Thinking of this, Ronald turned his eyes to the "Bronwich Almanac - 37" on the bookshelf on the side. The thick books were sandwiched between the surrounding books, and they lay quietly on the bookshelf.

The same as when Ronald cracked the code before.

There is absolutely no difference.

When he cracked the cipher letter, Ronald just used this yearbook as a reference book, and put it back in its original place after use.

but now......

The situation is probably a little different.

With this in mind, Ronald stood up and went to the bookshelf to take down the yearbook.

Flicking his fingertips, he quickly turned the page number to page 687 again.

This time, unlike the precise search last time, Ronald carefully read the contents of the yearbook.

But the result was unfortunate.

- still nothing.

On page 687 of this yearbook, the main content of the record is succinct.

Basically, at the end of the winter of the previous year, some trifles in Burrenwich City, such as the famous robber scheduled to be publicly hanged in February next year, the maintenance work on the Joiz Forest Railway went smoothly, the opening of the New Age Theatre in the city.. ....

Ronald read line by line.

There wasn't really anything in it that was worthy of his attention.

The yearbook of a city involves just that.

Either the birth and death records of famous people, or some specific incidents that surfaced on the surface.

To say that it is against this mysterious force, it is really not a single one.



There is a familiar word.

Regarding the preparations for the execution of the hanging, the execution order was also announced by the warden, among which the name of Bach Christians, Ronald, was firmly remembered.

But this.

It is also not compatible with mysterious forces.

After all, it can't be the warden who leaked the news to Ronald himself, is he a traitor?

This is not at all possible, logically or emotionally.


"Isn't that what this page is about?"

I stood in front of the bookshelf and thought for a few seconds.

Ronald confirmed that he had written down the general contents of the page before turning the yearbook to the cover and title page to examine it in detail.

Since there is no information on this page of the cipher letter, look at the whole yearbook.

So after flipping through it, Ronald finally remembered a name.

—Elva Sherwood.

This is the editor-in-chief of the yearbook in Ronald's hands.

Because there is a character introduction on the title page, he is sure that Mr. Elva Sherwood is not young this year, and is also a highly respected scholar in the country of Grid.

As the author of the yearbook, his suspicion is currently the biggest.

If you want to investigate.

Be sure to start with this guy.

Silently writing down the information, Ronald flipped through the book in his hand again.

Confirming that he had no omissions of information, he put the yearbook back on the shelf.

Anyone with a bit of money in this era wants to pretend to be literate.

Therefore, decorating the bookshelf has become a necessary interior decoration, and supplementing your own personal bookshelf is basically indispensable for this kind of urban yearbook with thick pages and beautiful binding.

Even after Ronald was not at home.

If you are looking for this book, you will definitely find it.

So he wasn't going to rip page 687 out of the book.

——If possible, Ronald doesn't like to destroy books.

Slowly returning to the desk, Ronald still put the password letter in the notepad and pressed it back under the corner of the desk.

Immediately, he stretched his waist comfortably:


That's it for today's brain activity!

Ronald asked in the afternoon that the cipher letter that Nicole had received was successfully cracked by using a picture book as a cipher book.

Next time I meet the investigator girl, I'll just have a discussion.

After all, he only left the other party's mansion today, and it is really not suitable for him to come to the door again immediately.

Thinking like this, Ronald pushed the door and walked downstairs.

Although Nicole's big meal at noon was quite enjoyable, it still inevitably left a shadow in his heart.

Just take this opportunity to learn how to cook with Ms. Hudson...


Time flies, and a new weekend meets winter in Burrenwich.

Early Saturday morning, the eastern sky showed a hint of brightness.

Ronald drove out of the city in a taxi.

To be honest, Ronald is a little distracted right now.

Although there is important work at the exhibition, he is now full of questions about password letters.

Because just last night, he found an opportunity to discuss with Nicole again.

As a result of the discussion, Ronald knew:

The picture book that Nicole cracked the cipher letter a year ago was actually the publication where Elva was in charge of the editor-in-chief!

In this way, things have become obvious.

Even if Elva is not a member of this mysterious force, it is definitely an important part of the invitation letter.

The reference objects of the two people's code letter deciphering point the clues to each other.

The target can be locked almost without error.

If I want to continue my investigation, there is no doubt that I should visit this scholar.

——It’s a pity that the opportunity is not right now.

Because the scholar named Elva has now moved to the capital Springs.

As for going to the capital to find Elva...

Just think about it first.

Faced with such a situation, even Nicole said that she would go to Mr. Yakin to confirm it again and ask the investigator for the details of the password letter that year.

At this point, the priority of this matter has moved one place down.

Their activities in Burrenwich are still focused on the Warden's "betrayal" and the "Rumiel" descending from the Black Mountains.

Sit in the carriage with your back against the wall of the carriage.

Ronald's line of sight also followed the roadside to see the suburban manor.

Today's exhibition venue is no different from the previous two visits.

Hope to work these two days.

May it be as smooth as before...

With that in mind, Ronald suddenly shook his right hand.

Actually nothing else.

In "The Divine Comedy - Hell Chapter", the power of "fraud" was activated——

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