Mystic Dominator

Chapter 174: ask

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Crack la la la la-

In the darkness of consciousness, the harsh and sharp sound of wood hitting and rubbing came from in front of him.

Awakened Morris, who had been unconscious.

What were you doing before?

By the way, he was hired by Mr Everton as a sentry post at the fair outside Burrenwich.



Taking a deep breath, the sobered Morris recalled what he had seen before.

Originally this morning, he was on standby on the first floor of the exhibition venue as always.

As a result, not long after Mr. Ronald came here, a ferocious black mist came from around him like a flood.

Corridors, halls, roofs...

As far as the eye can see, there is absolutely nowhere to escape.

In a hurry, he prepared to cast a spell to defend, but when the spell was used, it couldn't stop the overwhelming black fog, and he quickly lost consciousness during the impact.


What's going on now?

Trying to lift his heavy head, Morris saw the source of the sound that had awakened his consciousness.

— Ronald.

Ronald Adler, who was nominally responsible for protecting the exhibition.

At this moment, dragging the back of a chair with one hand, he was walking out of a bottomless black fog.

Where this silent man has gone.

The surrounding black mist that exuded a dangerous atmosphere and suddenly robbed him of his consciousness, at this moment, like a jester to greet the king, crawling at Ronald's feet, and moved to the sides as he advanced.

Gradually walked to the center of the hall that was not shrouded in black mist at the end.

Ronald set up the chair in front of everyone and sat down with a calm expression.

Surrounded by black fog, only a lantern placed on the ground provided illumination.

The light cast a shadow on Ronald's face, and against the black fog around him, a shuddering air suddenly rose.

Then he opened his mouth:

"I'm sorry, now I'm wronged everyone."

"I'm going to ask you some questions next. If you haven't asked, please don't speak..."

"Ronald! Are you crazy?"

Suddenly, a fearful voice sounded from the side:

"Why did you attack us?"

"Are you going to betray us [Ginkgo Biloba]? Do you know what you are doing!"

Morris turned his head and immediately saw the man who dared to roar at this moment.

It's Mr. Everton's confidant, Mr. Hansen.

So far.

Morris has regained full consciousness.

Also realize how bad the situation is now.

Surrounding an open space in the hall, the staff of the entire exhibition were tied to chairs in a circle in turn. Except for the head, all other body parts were covered by a thick black mist.

If only that was the case.

Not to mention Hansen, who only dares to roar and question him now, as a member of the mysterious side, Morris himself has to secretly cast a spell to try to break free.

But he dare not!

It's not just Morris, the reason why everyone present is afraid to act rashly.

after all......

The dazzling blade was in front of them.

In fact, the black mist that enveloped the crowd also controlled the sharp knives to reach the crowd.

The black mist that enveloped everyone was almost sticking to the skin.

If someone makes some small movements, I am afraid they will be noticed in the next second.

This result speaks for itself!


At this time, Ronald coughed twice.

Then simply said:

"Then I'll just say it."

"Among all of you present, there is a traitor."

"He killed Mr Kevin last night and then stole an important thing, that's why I'm keeping you all under control."


Ronald's voice fell, and the dark hall fell into dead silence.

Although the people present were afraid, they also understood that Ronald, who controls everyone's life and death, did not need to deceive them.

If this can't be solved.

Let alone Ronald in front of him, Everton will definitely fire them later.

For all staff at the exhibition.

- This is absolutely unacceptable!

Seeing that everyone acquiesced in their own words in silence, Ronald nodded with satisfaction:

"Then, please answer my questions next."

"Please don't panic too much."


Immediately, Ronald patted his palm lightly.

"Then, from left to right, first tell me the time and place when I last saw Mr. Kevin."

After speaking, Ronald smiled slightly:

"By the way, friendly reminder."

"I worked in the Bureau of Investigation before. I think you all know that there is a spell that can distinguish lies, right?"


After speaking, Ronald did not urge everyone.

Just sit quietly in a chair and wait.

After being silent for nearly two minutes, the first person on the left looked beside him and finally spoke:

"I saw Mr. Kevin in the hallway at dinner last night."

After speaking, he turned his gaze to the second person, and the person behind said:

"I...I was at dinner last night too!"

"A lot of people were there at the time!"

"Mr. Kevin's death has absolutely nothing to do with me!"

Then, the next person said:

"I saw Mr. Kevin during a shift change last night, in the corridor on the second floor!"

The next person continues:

"I also saw it at dinner last night, UU reading and I've been standing guard on the first floor until now!"

Another said:

"I'm just like them..."

After such a circle of questions, a confusing situation emerged.

Ronald had only examined Kevin's body, and he died not long ago this morning.

But here's the problem.

Everyone present confirmed that the last time they saw Kevin was before his death.

Ronald is not bluffing.

He did turn on the capabilities of the lie detector.

Although the mentality of the guards in front of him was fluctuating, none of the feedback was that [he was lying].

"Ha ha-"

Shaking his head with a smile, Ronald continued with some emotion in his heart:

"The next thing, every one of you say 'I didn't kill Kevin.' You can't go wrong with a single word."

This time there is no need for Ronald to specify the order.

The man on the far left responded as if participating in a quiz competition:

"Kevin didn't kill me!"

Next, a series of voices sounded between them:

"Kevin didn't kill me!"

"Kevin didn't kill me!"


After another round of answers, all the members denied that they were the murderer, and Ronald also did not recognize that someone was lying.

This is interesting...  

Not long after "The Divine Comedy" received the "fraud", Ronald started the exploration of perception. Unless the murderer is a monster with a flying speed of several Mach, it is possible to escape from his perception range in such a short time.

Ronald is confident that The Divine Comedy can't go wrong.

Then the result is simple.

Someone is lying, and he can pass the lie detector test!

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