Mystic Dominator

Chapter 166: Nicole's invitation


Rested at home for two days.

In addition to recording the whereabouts of the warden reported in the newspapers and some basic intelligence gathering, Ronald did not do other superfluous things. It was enough for him to know what events Bach Christians was going to attend.

And in Burrenwich, Swift is also taking advantage of his wide social circle to inquire about the recent dance party in the city.

Because the ball was held and invited a lot in advance, Mr. Detective's responsibilities were more troublesome. After all, he still hoped to get this information 'inadvertently'.

After all, at such a time, the more movements, the easier it is to startle the snake.

Both he and Swift understood this, and went their separate ways, silently gathering information and waiting for the best time to act.

But on Wednesday.

Ronald had one more thing to do himself.

- Nicole's invitation.

He's not inherently someone who likes to default.

So on Wednesday morning, he picked up the record in the morning paper, and he decided to go around the investigator girl's house.

Even if it is used as a blind spice in a stressful life, it is still good.

With this in mind, Ronald bid farewell to the landlady and left the pension.

The weather in Burrenwich is sunny today.

Although it is still in the coldest period of the year, according to locals, the temperature will slowly start to rise from next week until spring returns in about forty days.

It is worth mentioning that festivals in this world are also different from those on Earth.

They have festivals that span the year, but they are not very important.

From what Ronald knew, at least there were three most important days in a year in the country of Grid.

The first rain in late winter or early spring will be called the Rain Festival;

The last day at the end of autumn, a harvest festival to celebrate the harvest of grain;

And what will change in the future, Her Majesty's birthday.

This kind of unique holiday customs in another world, Ronald also knew about it after he made up for it.

Among them is the division of the twelve months of the year and the origin of the naming method.

A leisurely walk in Burrenwich alone.

Half an hour later, more than an hour before noon, Ronald came to a residential street in Bailu District.

The address Nicole told him earlier was here.

Ronald searched one by one according to the house number, and soon came to the place where the investigator girl lived.

"If you feel it..."


Looking at the house in front of him, Ronald sighed in a low voice.

Location of Nicole's private residence.

It is an ordinary street in the huge residential area of ​​Burrenwich.

From the appearance of the investigator girl's house, there is hardly any distinctive place. A simple second-floor bedroom, an ordinary private garden, with a mailbox inserted at the door as usual.

Of course, I have to say find something different.

That is probably because the vegetation, flowers and trees in Nicole's garden are well taken care of. Even in this winter, they can still see the vitality contained in the branches.

Thinking back to the plant maze created by Nicole before, this is quite easy to understand.

With that in mind, Ronald stepped forward.

The fence was some distance from the house, and he simply shouted:

"Nicole, are you at home?"

"I'm Ronald!"


As Ronald's shout came out, Nicole's figure appeared in the house almost immediately, and through the window facing the street, she beckoned to Ronald exaggeratedly.

Immediately, the investigator girl disappeared behind the window.

After a few breaths, she pushed open the door and ran out of the room.

She rushed straight to Ronald, and while pulling aside the fence, she invited Ronald:

"Come on, I'll show you my house."

"Also, I specially prepared a lot of delicious food today, to ensure your satisfaction!"

Under the leadership of Nicole, Ronald entered the house, and Ronald found that there was something special inside the house.

It's not the same as what I saw outside.

This seemingly ordinary house on the outside has actually been transformed into a natural plant garden by Nicole. Rare and rare vegetation covers the surrounding of the house, and gorgeous flowers bloom in the house against the season.

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If it weren't for Nicole's cover up, I'm afraid I can smell the fragrance inside the house even standing outside.

In addition to this, especially green vines are the most common.

They can be found in almost any corner of the room, and the growing nature of climbing and winding makes them well covered in various positions, almost turning this good house into a maze of virgin jungles.

And even better.

Nicole's aesthetics and layout skills are also very good.

Under the cover of various vegetation, she also made it take into account the beauty and the spare area necessary for daily activities.

- astonishing.

Aware of Ronald's surprised look, Nicole immediately raised her chest proudly:


"This is my house, isn't it super interesting to dress up?"

Ronald nodded:


In Ronald's impression, the treehouse of the protagonist and others in "The Lost World" can be compared to this place.

With emotion in his heart, Ronald then asked:

"So Nicole, are you inviting me over today to enjoy these plants together?"

Faced with Ronald's question, Nicole bowed her head slightly, her eyes flickering:


"Not really."

Saying that, the investigator girl patted the vines on the wall behind her.

Immediately, the door closed automatically under the pull of two vines, and the locks of the surrounding windows were all inserted.

The sun was cut off from the outside, and the flowers of a plant at the top of the room began to glow, illuminating the space for both of them.


Gently patted his palms, two wooden rattan chairs were pulled over by the vines from another room, and then placed behind Ronald and the others, providing a place for the two to sit.

"Come on, let's sit down first."

At this time, Nicole invited Ronald to take a seat, and at the same time said in a tangled tone:

"Ronald, someone followed me when I saw you that night, so it's not convenient to talk. Now let's talk seriously."

At this moment, the investigator girl's tone was quite serious, no longer as lively as before.

After putting forward his own ideas, he sat down and waited for Ronald's reply.

However, deep in Nicole's eyes, she could still see that she was a little nervous now.

Faced with this situation, Ronald also straightened his posture and sat on the chair:

"It seems Nicole, you asked me to come has something very important to say?"

"Not what I meant to say!"

Seeing Ronald's reaction, Nicole naturally corrected her attitude.

"Ronald, how can a normal person wander the streets at that time, not to mention I know your current job."

"If you come back from outside the city, it's impossible to walk down that street!"

Speaking of which, Nicole seems to have suddenly made a certain decision.

Her tone suddenly softened, and her eyes began to look in other directions in the room:

"Ronald, tell me what happened."

"In the name of the queen, I promise that I will keep it a secret for you."

"And if you need help, as long as you're not too busy with illegal things, I'm absolutely bound to."

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