Mystic Dominator

Chapter 167: distant view


Watching Nicole's reaction, Ronald was speechless at the moment.

It's not that he was angry that Nicole invited herself to the house and then put on such a battle.

But he really didn't expect it.

In just one night encounter, Nicole noticed her flaws from such information, but she didn't notice it.

To be honest, Nicole's usual carefree disposition is so strong at disguising her ability that under this appearance, her attentiveness, which belongs to elite investigators, is often overlooked.

Of course, Ronald is still not panicking.

On Nicole's side today, other investigators were not ambushed to subdue him, and the 'Botanical Garden', the girl's absolute home, did not raid him, which showed that the other party had no malicious intentions.

Now what he has to consider is how to cover up his own affairs in front of Nicole, who is keenly observant.

Gently hold the hair on the upper side of your forehead with your hands.

Ronald began to think about how to answer the other party's inquiry next.


However, while seeing Ronald's action, Nicole's expression suddenly changed.

The girl who was dodging her eyes just now, the expression in her pupils suddenly sank, and her slightly opened lips were tightly pursed.

The expression with a hint of sadness in the depths quickly turned into seriousness and solemnity under the deliberate control of the investigator girl.

Then, she spoke:

"Volume 11, page 260, item 6."

The incantation of the lie detector was read out unabashedly, and Nicole said quickly:

"Ronald, if you don't want to answer me, then there's no problem. The two of us will still be friends from now on. We'll happily have lunch here today. I've specially prepared a lot of good things at home these two days."


"But if you want, now I want you to tell me something. If you agree, in the future, no matter what, as long as you don't do anything wrong, I will definitely stand by your side unconditionally!"

Facing Nicole with a serious expression in front of him.

Ronald looked at her without dodging.

But under the calmness shown, it is really difficult for him to make a decision at this moment.

Recalling the time when she and Nicole acted together before, this investigator girl was basically taking care of her own safety as long as she could still move.

He didn't want to mislead the other party with some messy stuff at this time.

As for direct deception...

The lie detector is waiting in front of you.

Ronald is not a professionally trained guy like Arida, who can perfectly defraud under this kind of surveillance.

The final choice, honestly?

This behavior is unquestionably irresponsible for Swift's security.

As long as something goes wrong, it doesn't matter that he is a person who is already hostile to the group, but a person like Mr. Detective who is rooted in Burrenwich can be in big trouble.

Let's just say it's very tricky.

Aside from Nicole's carefree personality, that strong observation ability might even lead her to touch the warden herself.

At that time, it will be time to face the luxurious combat power on the Warden's side.

It's impossible to say that Ni may not be able to escape a life...

In the end how to answer?

Just when Ronald was thinking about a solution to the situation, Nicole took the first step.

The two stared at each other for nearly a minute.

The investigator girl did not intend to delay any further, so she said directly:

"If you continue to be silent, then I will ask directly."

"Ronald, have you recently received some kind of hard-to-crack cipher letter that hurt you in an unexpected way?"


Ronald was still trying to control his expression.

However, Nicole's question left him stunned on the spot.

Another unexpected question.

He was still thinking about how to perfunctory this matter, but Nicole asked himself about the cipher letter?

Could it be that the investigator girl in front of him still has an intersection with this mysterious force?

Even know a little about them!

- The actual situation has changed completely.

That organization not only knew about the warden's problem in advance, but also mastered the fact that it owns the original code.

Things to do in Burrenwich.

If you have to put things in order, this is definitely the first priority.

There was no way to start before, just because Ronald had nothing to do.

Right now, it's not about him playing a decryption game, but an important choice related to the future of everything!

For this situation, Ronald nodded honestly without thinking too long:

"Yes, I received this code letter."

"But what's wrong with this, and how did you know, Nicole?"


Nicole was silent.

Hearing Ronald's answer, the investigator girl showed an expression that was as expected.

Her eyes were tangled for more than ten seconds before she sighed and said:


"I knew that a talent like you would definitely be noticed by them. To tell you the truth, when I first came to Burrenwich, I also received a coded letter."

Nicole also received a password letter?

Ronald glanced.

In the words of the investigator girl, it was revealed that young Junjie would receive a password letter from this mysterious force.

From this point of view, the intention of this organization is intriguing.

So Ronald immediately asked:

"Nicole, how much do you know about this organization?"


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The air was silent.

Nicole didn't answer directly this time, but shook her head first.

"Ronald, looking at your tone, you should have deciphered the contents of that note, right? Otherwise, you should not be asking me about their details, but what the contents of the note are."


This guy is still really sensitive in special places.

Looking at Nicole, who was staring at him, Ronald couldn't help but sighed in his heart:

"Seriously, sometimes I wish your shrewdness wasn't in a place like this."

"There's nothing I can do about it." Faced with Ronald's emotion, Nicole spread her hands helplessly, "As an elite I still have the caution and logic I should have. , who said that this job is all day with those weird people who think too much."

After explaining a few words at random, Nicole suddenly turned her eyes away to the locked window on the side.

At this moment, the girl's vision seemed to pass through the cover of plants.

Also through the streets outside and even across the vast expanse of Burrenwich.

The pupils stared at something from a distance, and a bleak and sad smile gradually evoked the corner of her mouth:

"When I got this note, it took a lot of work to successfully decipher its contents."

"However, something in it tells me..."

" teacher is dead."

"So Ronald, I hope you can give me information on your side."

"This is important to me."

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