Mystic Dominator

Chapter 165: encounter at night

Ronald looked back in the direction from which the voice came.

As expected, I saw Nicole's figure at the end of my field of vision.

This investigator girl was probably on a mission at night, so she was still in the same old outfit, walking in the dark part of the street with a coat and a hat.

And behind her, followed by two investigators dressed in the same way.

However, looking at the attitude of the other two who only dared to follow behind Nicole, most of them were newcomers who were assigned to Nicole, which perfectly conformed to the staffing habits of the Bureau of Investigation.

And stopped Ronald, who was walking alone on the side of the road.

Nicole walked over to him immediately, and at the same time, she did not forget to wave to the two newcomers behind her:

"Come, come with me."


On the other side, as Nicole's figure keeps getting closer.

Ronald also saw changes in the investigator girl.

Although it has only been ten days since the last banquet, Nicole's smooth hair was now mixed with a few strands of silver threads.

Ronald immediately realized that this was the aftermath of the last battle in the backyard of the winery.

Although it was fine.

But as time went by, the sequelae of overuse of spells also began to appear on Nicole. This strand of white hair meant the other party's current physical state.

And while Ronald was thinking, Nicole had already walked up to him.

As before, he patted Ronald on the shoulder hard:

"Hey, why haven't I seen you lately?"

"If you are free, you can also come and play with me. Now the work of the Investigation Bureau is not as busy as before."

"Don't because we don't work in the bureau, the relationship between us has become so raw, aren't we friends?"

The girl's warm invitation didn't seem to have the slightest false emotion in it.

And considering Nicole's character...

Ronald thought that should be her true thoughts.

This kind of pure friendship, Ronald naturally nodded:

"Actually, I've been very busy these two days. I'll definitely find you when I get a chance."

"Hey, let me tell you where my house is."

Smiling and telling Ronald his home address, Nicole's eyes swayed beside him.

After walking around Ronald directly, she asked in a sarcastic tone:

"What about your dear Nicklaus, why didn't she come out with you today?"

"Aren't you two always together?"

Ronald replied immediately:

"Of course it was like this before, but Patricia is back in Springs now."

"Oh huh?"

Hearing this news, the investigator girl suddenly came to her senses.

"I heard that she had completed her mission, and I thought she would stay in Burrenwich to develop a good relationship with you. In the end, your beloved Parrini left you?"

"Why... don't you plan to go after her?"

Ronald smirked:

"Ha ha-"

The Parrini that Nicole is talking about is the heroine in a very popular opera recently. This opera with a tragic love story as its main body can probably refer to the status of "Romeo and Juliet".

Right now, the investigator girl's ridicule is just messing with his mentality!

And in front of Ronald, Nicole saw the awkward expression on his face, which made him even more excited.

He gestured twice in the air with his hands, imitating Patricia's swordsmanship.

At the same time, she said in a rather regretful tone:

"This kind of super beautiful girl is still a noble, and she is very powerful!"

"A rare and rare stock in the world! You really don't plan to pursue others?"


Looking at Nicole who kept making fun of him, Ronald smiled and nodded:

"If it's Springs, I'll still go later."

"But before I go there, I have to deal with my own affairs. There are a lot of things in Burrenwich."

Seeing that Ronald was no longer playful, Nicole nodded earnestly:

"Well, that's true."

At the same time, the two novice investigators who had followed behind her also came over and watched Nicole and Ronald chatting and laughing. One of them hesitated before saying:

"Ni...Ms. Nicole."

"This gentleman is...?"

"He, he's Ronald, a friend of mine with good skills."

Nicole answered the question simply, and then said dissatisfiedly:

"Also, didn't I say that?"

"I'm not one of those oldies in the training class. You don't need to be awkward when you talk to me. How many times do you have to say it to understand that elite investigator is just a name, and I'm not a person with two arms and two legs!"

Immediately, the talking novice investigator nodded hesitantly:


"I...we got it."


Turning around helplessly, Nicole pointed behind Ronald:

"Look, here are the two newcomers I brought, Pat and Borg."

Ronald nodded and said:

"Hello you two."

Nicole then formally introduced Ronald to the newcomer she brought:

"Here's Ronald, my dear former partner."

"Don't look at him like this, but people don't rely on looks to eat, they are actually a very powerful caster."

Immediately, the two newcomers greeted earnestly:

"Hello, Mr. Ronald."

Look at how serious they are...

I am afraid that he is already thinking about how good a magician Ronald should be as a friend of the elite investigator Nicole.

After chatting casually with Ronald, Nicole seemed to remember that she was still an investigator on a night patrol mission, and she was ready to continue her work.

But before leaving, she reminded Ronald:

"Ronald, you must remember to come and play with me."

"let me see......"

"If you don't set a date, God knows when you will come to me. UU Reading"

"Just this afternoon, Wednesday!"

"How is it? I shouldn't have any work on Wednesday. You should come to my house when you arrive. It should be fine, right?"

"Of course, no problem."

In the face of such a warm invitation from Nicole, Ronald is naturally not easy to shirk.

Although he worked in the Bureau of Investigation for a short period of time, the investigator girl left a very good impression on him.

Ask yourself, Ronald thinks this is a friend of his.

Of course, he has no reason to directly refuse a friend's daily social invitation.

Immediately, the two sides bid farewell to each other.

Ronald continued on his way alone, heading towards his house.

When we walked all the way to the pension, the pension was quiet in the dead of night.

Mrs. Hudson was not on the first floor at the moment, and the fire in the fireplace was about to burn.

On the contrary, the hot soup on the shelf still has a trace of residual temperature in the jar.


"Sure enough, it's still late..."

While sighing in a low voice, Ronald bent down and took a bite.

The taste is good, it is the craftsmanship of the landlady.

So he stepped aside, picked up the food that Hudson had prepared, and returned to his room.

He probably couldn't sleep today.

At the detective's office, his glass was never empty.

Don't know why.

People in this world always especially like to drink tea

[Thanks to Kasaan for the tip! 】

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