Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1566: deep in genes


Ronald immediately guessed the reason for this scene.

But even so, he still didn't go after Lilya immediately.

Ronald swung his sword, [Power of Solar Power] formed a wall of fire in front of him, burning the devouring zerg along the way to ashes.

At this time, Lilya in the center of the heart ring courtyard seemed to feel something.

The president of the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] controlled the devouring insects, but did not immediately drive the insects to attack Ronald, but waited quietly.

Ronald stepped on the long path of flames, all the way to the edge of the fragments of the heart ring courtyard, and under his feet was the ground that had just been lifted by the spell.

He held out his right hand, and "Origin of Species" began to transform Ronald's palm.

Pieces of blue scales grew out of the skin, completely covering the right hand, and finally formed a hideous appearance like an insect.

Then Ronald stretched his hand forward.

Costa nodded and said:

The purple void shrouded the sky, and the venom fell like raindrops.

It was just the first contact, and "Origin of Species" analyzed the genes of the gnawing Zerg, and even dug out that hidden ability!

But no one thought of it.

The blue insect claws drilled into the transformed space cracks, and soon made the cracks appear like water waves.

But the situation is completely different when the command is changed from the front of the worm to Ronald.

Ronald completely reproduced the body structure of the Devouring Zerg.

In just one minute, he completely destroyed the structure in the space rift.

With the same space development ability, he completely tore up this space rift. In this way, even if there is another accident later, it is impossible for other devouring Zerg to find this place from the completely destroyed path.

I directly produced a poison sac inside my upper arm, and the venom targeting the phagocytosis zerg was secreted like that, and then flowed out of the body through the gap between the nails.

The president of the [Four Precepts Secret Meeting] is a professional on the mysterious side, and knows best how to deal with weak spellcasters.

Lilyat's tone hesitated.

Ronald used the cross scepter in an instant, causing the endless stream of devouring zerg to rush towards Costa.

Ronald and my swarm were unaware of impending extinction.

So Liang Hanghan simply stopped chasing and let the devouring zerg gather on the ground to form a defensive formation.

But very slowly, I found the Devourer Zerg to be difficult to deal with.

Afterwards, the insect swarm relied on large-scale insect sea tactics to retreat and attack, which was most suitable for small-area battlefields. Costa responded with personal strength far beyond common sense, just like an awl stabbing a piece of fabric, and tension can penetrate it.

It was a kind of venom specially aimed at the phagocytosis zerg, as long as the phagocytosis zerg came into contact with that toxin, it would die on the spot within a few breaths.

Costa also retracted his claws, using the power of "Origin of Species" to exchange them for human arms.

As a result, most of the devouring zerg have degraded their ability to deal with that kind of war.

The ability to kill the same race!

As the core of the race, the body of the former zerg contains the genes of all the devouring zerg. At this moment, along with the analysis of the gene in "Origin of Species", Costa has made new discoveries.

Liang Hanghunt's eyes immediately fell on the center of Xinhuanyuan.

But Costa shook his head to stop Liryat from thinking:

Insect instinct.

It is almost possible for heaven and man to find each other in the densely populated sea of ​​insects.

At that point, the Devourer stopped its pursuit.

"That's wrong. You haven't killed the worms who commanded those devouring zergs before. The one who controls them now is the president of the [Four Precepts Secret Meeting]."

In the end, the space rift completely disappeared.

"Yes, it is so troublesome to use."

The smile on Liang Hanghan's face was full of confidence.

There seemed to be no visible signal activated in the air.

While speaking, Costa was still pushing back the transformation of the body by the spell.

At that time Costa turned around, and the devouring zerg, which had stopped moving, also surrounded me at that moment.

The reason is that just now I collected the genes before the devouring zerg.

"Lilyat, spread that venom with his wind, covering those bugs as little as possible."

Except for Liang Hanghan who hasn't marked it under [Celestial Globe].

"You haven't prepared new tricks yet, as long as that guy has no other way, we will soon be able to tell the winner."

Under the persecution of the Devouring Zerg, Costa wanted to fall into the void, so he flew directly into the air, condescending.

"Sir, the way those bugs retreat suddenly changed."

At the same time, Liryat also left the battlefield and flew to Costa's side.

Their ancestors were like special creatures, preying, multiplying, and degenerating... Naturally, there were many battles!

Destruction is always easier than creation.

Ronald completely uses the Devourer as a weapon.

Liang Hanghunt immediately summoned the airflow, tore the venom secreted by Costa into bits and pieces, and sprinkled it upwards in pieces.

But as long as the configuration is reasonable, there is no possibility of fighting it!

The Devouring Zerg is a rather heavenly species. They hunt other creatures with ease, but they seem to be weak against their own kind.

"I really don't have two brushes."

Costa is stingy with complimenting his enemies, not to mention Ronald really deserves it.

But I immediately overcame that awkward feeling, and then told Lilyat:

The servant is not ready yet. As a vanguard, you are willing to sacrifice yourself to help Liang Hanghan open the way to defeat the enemy.

"Sir, do you need to help him retreat in a surprise attack?"

Even Liang Hanghan's strength is beyond common sense.

Costa feels weird though.

With the sound of 'Bo', the transformed space fissure was annihilated due to the completely chaotic internal structure.

Every time Costa swung his sword, the devouring zerg without a soft carapace on his body resisted the blade, and the [Power of Solar Power] burned immediately, but the magic-absorbing worms appeared just right and devoured the flames.

The devouring zerg will meet Costa there, and encounter ordinary classics like "The Origin of Species".

When competing for resources, the Devourer will also encounter its own kind, and then fight.

Costa was naturally afraid, and UU Reading directly swung his sword down, starting a new round of massacre.

Before getting the cross scepter, Liang Hanghan understood his ability, and first buried the square with insect nests.

Behind the resources of the limited world, the genes that can kill each other are naturally hidden, and only remain as a few reserve genes.

The enemy is moving, you are moving!

After developing into the form it is today, the devouring zerg did not start as a special creature.

The Zerg that came to eat devoured the ability to travel through space.

"With former aid, we can always kill cleanly!"

Each is a different bug, and in my hands it is a prop with the same function. Coupled with precise judgment and the ability to devour the rare types of Zerg, Costa was really at a loss what to do for a while!

Not all species of devouring zerg can fly, and they have lost part of their functions, which is bad for Costa.

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