Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1565: 10 word scepter

"Lilya, you really know how to find the time!"

Ronald turned around and looked towards the center of the heart ring courtyard.

The president of the [Nine Commandments Secret Society] was also looking for a way to deal with the devouring insects, but after all, he did not have Ronald's comprehensive and versatile spells.

Lilya even touched the edge of the transformed space rift.

But since he didn't have any spells that could change the situation, he was helpless.

Until just now, Ronald and Costa came over.

After seeing his enemy attacking the Devouring Zerg and gaining an absolute advantage.

Lilya decisively gave up the idea of ​​dealing with the devouring zerg.

Instead, he took advantage of the opportunity when the two sides were fighting, and slipped into the center of the heart ring courtyard alone.

The devouring insects that originally occupied this place have all gone out to defend against the enemy, leaving only the cross statue standing here alone.

If I have to find an example, that monster Stella is not the best candidate.

As the epitome of that power.

However, just for a moment, Terina felt that her projected ability was being resisted. Stella has too few original scriptures, and it is almost possible for that kind of spell to work on me.

Take the scepter, infuse the magic, that's all.

Sure enough, white light immediately appeared under the cross necklace.

The touch of the cross statue was icy and cold, and there was no reaction.

The first to bear the brunt was naturally not Stella.

"In history, people who have mastered two books, or even less, have never had such a reaction!"

In the last second, Trina's body suddenly went straight up.

It's a pity that the cross scepter even has a way to connect with You Yujunte.

but let go...

In front of the screaming worm, he was pierced through the head by a sword, and only struggled for two seconds before there was any movement.

"Sure enough, it has anti-theft measures."

It looks like iron.

The moment the insect died, all the devouring insects stopped their movements, it looked as if they were controlled by someone!

Trina gasped heavily.

It's not like I'm kidding with my life!

The magic power structure in the body changes accordingly.

That weak enemy possesses many original scriptures, and it is also one of the best in the entire history of mankind.

Obviously even a guy like that shows signs of a canonical conflict.

So Trina took out the original code obtained from the small library, and then deciphered it with the ability of "Shuowen Jiezi".

But Trina was not discouraged, and her face became a little weird instead.

I looked at Trina's position, waiting for the opponent's next attack, but the president of the [Four Precepts Secret Meeting] did not move forward.

The structure of that treasure is very complicated. The main staff is a short metal stick, without a rough and delicate cross on the top.

Trina quietly waited for the change.

Trina didn't look surprised.

Stella breathed a sigh of relief, the primary enemy had been killed.

It was less than a minute later, and all the light and magic power disappeared behind me, and instead a silver-white scepter was inserted in the place where the statue originally stood.

I cut open the worms surrounding me with a single sword, and leaped up low, reaching in front of and behind the worms in an instant.

The other things in the square have long been destroyed by these monsters. Only the cross statue has survived to this day due to its special texture.

Then the white light also appeared under the statue, and finally completely covered it.

On the other side, You Yujun just resisted the control of the cross scepter.

As an aborigine in that world, You Yujun had thought about it and knew it.


I immediately acquired access to the Hebrew Bible.

I immediately terminated the conversion of magic power, and then suppressed the magic power of the riot.

That was to be expected.

The ability of the scepter of the cross is the same as that of the sword of Saint Carlo, it can tamper with my mind with a weak force, and then achieve complete control.


Under the control of magic power, the necklace floated up by itself and approached the cross statue.

You Yujun sighed with emotion, but before that he firmly activated the ability of the cross scepter.

But when I turned my head and looked around, I found that the situation became weird.

This is not a rare treasure of the Devouring Zerg.


Terina sent magic power to the necklace, but the necklace did not respond.

Let those two original scriptures take effect outside the body at the same time.

"That's not a crucifix."

Lilya stared at the statue, walked slowly to the center, and reached out to touch it.

But that time was the same, the quality of magic power provided by the "Hebrew Bible" was equal to the quality of newborn magic power for the first time.

You Yujun sensed a suction force coming from his hands.

Before mastering my own Yuyu, the magic power in my body derived from "Zarath Costa Spoke" has always maintained a very low occupancy rate, and the magic power from other spells is almost difficult to compete with.

I thought of Stella who was slaughtering the phallus zerg inside right now.

The sword of St. Carlona flashed white light.

Stella is tangled again.

"Then, what's going on?"

The scepter of the cross is only superior to the sword of Saint Carlo in terms of the number of effects and the weakness of the ability, and there are no post-conditions for even activating the ability.


"Even the scope of influence is so exaggerated..."

Recognizing the church's own magic power, the equally hidden key absorbed enough magic power, and immediately reacted with the cross statue behind him.

Because of lack of wisdom, those devouring insects all over the heart ring courtyard can be controlled by the cross scepter!

After You Yujun stepped down, he pulled up the scepter.

Lilyat was created by the original scriptures, and the product of the previous step-by-step iteration degradation is basically within the scope of the ability of the cross scepter.

The lower **** outside of "Thus Spoke Zarathus Costa" is dead, and it is not aimed at the gods outside the Bible.

While thinking about the problem, You Yujun poured the holy magic power he had just changed into the cross necklace in his hand.

The moment Trina held the cross scepter, she successfully gained control of the treasure.

As for the valet on the other side...

Where is my problem?

The magical power of the "Hebrew Bible" actually produced a violent repulsion effect with the magical power of "Thus Spoke Zarathus Costa"!

According to the information collected in [Four Precepts Secret Meeting], resist that suction at that time, UU reading www.uukanshu. com I can control the power of the cross statue, which controls people's hearts.

That is the key brought out of the Holy Grace Chapel by the self-sacrifice of Trina.

The two touched each other tightly and merged into one in the blink of an eye.

Terina voluntarily gave up the cross necklace.

If you didn't do your homework before coming here, ordinary people wouldn't be able to realize even if such a treasure is in front of you.


I didn't get a single one.

Lilya took a deep breath, and took off a small cross necklace from her neck. If you look casually, you can find that the pendant and the statue behind the eyes are scaled-up models, and the details and even the vicissitudes of the years are exactly the same.

The bad thing is that You Yujun's body has long been used to the magic power of "Zaratul You Yujun Spoke", and the "Hebrew Bible" has just been activated.

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