Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1567: suppress

Latest URL: "Hiss—"

Under Lilya's control, the Devourer stayed put.

So when the venom was sprinkled, these bugs did not dodge at all, and directly touched the venom with their bodies.

A rain of venom fell on the phagocytosis zerg.

These bugs have a hard blue carapace, which can even resist the fire of a sharp knife. This type of carapace should also have high resistance to liquid penetration.

But this specially crafted venom is different.

Once in contact with the phagocytosis zerg, the venom quickly penetrates the carapace and then integrates into the body.

Following the body structure of insects, the venom will soon flow throughout the body.

The whole process usually only takes a few seconds, and a powerful devouring zerg fell to the ground amidst whimpering and struggling, without any movement.

The heavy rain of venom was scattered in patches.

The devouring insects on the ground also died in pieces.

Lilya, who was holding a cross scepter, reacted immediately upon seeing this.

In such a short period of time, Ronald actually came up with a new method against the Devouring Zerg!

"I am still like a rooster in a strange farm, even the hens come to peck him. But I am not unfriendly to the hens."

Lilya hurriedly chanted a spell.

Immediately afterwards, something wonderful happened.

The venom that Ronald asked the maid to sprinkle did not appear to have changed.

But after being integrated into the body of the devouring zerg, their toxicity was greatly reduced by the intervention of magic.

In addition to making these hideous-looking bugs feel painful.

The original ferocious lethality has disappeared!


Ronald noticed Lilya's movements.

I also saw struggling below, but I couldn't see the dead Devouring Zerg.

The president of the [Nine Precepts Secret Society] maintains a certain kind of spell, which greatly reduces the pertinence of the venom on the devouring insects! Um


"From the relationship to the whole earth and sky, we will start to form our cognition."

Ronald raised his eyebrows and chanted the spell.

Then he held the sword of Santa Caterina and slashed towards the air in front of him.


At the same time, the interior covered by the devouring zerg wailed.

Lilya was injured.

Because it was recorded by the [Celestial Globe], Ronald didn't need to see the other party, and [Measuring Length] locked it directly.

Then a sword drawn in front of him suddenly fell on Lilya.

The caster was severely injured, and the maintained spell was naturally interrupted.

The Devourer went from a state of torment to an instant death encounter.

There were a large number of insect swarms all over the Xinhuanyuan.

In a blink of an eye, another batch was missing.

In remote corners, you can even see the clean ground exposed after the swarm faded!

At the same time, inside the cover of the dying swarm.

Lilya raised the holy blood bottle and poured the liquid in the bottle to the wound.

—A miraculous scene happened.

Originally in the big library, the eldest brother among the three Lenny brothers was also treated by the holy blood bottle, but it was only to delay the injury and had no special effect.

But at this moment, it is used by Lilya.

The liquid in the holy blood bottle had just been poured out, and the serious injuries on his body were immediately repaired. There was a scar running through his chest, and there was not even a white mark left in the blink of an eye!

Lilya reacted immediately.

It was the magic of the Hebrew Bible in him that reacted with the liquid in the vial of holy blood.

The two complement each other to achieve such an amazing healing effect!

"No wonder it worked so poorly on Lenny."

Lilya sighed.

The ancient church really set extremely strong restrictions in all aspects because of its hostility to wizards.

can imagine.

If the church in ancient times fought with a wizard, the holy blood bottle was accidentally robbed by the opponent.

Then when their enemies want to use the holy blood bottle to save the lives of their companions, they will definitely encounter a rather big 'surprise'.

Sighing a little, Lilya looked up into the sky.

His eyes passed through the dying swarm, looking in Ronald's direction.

If he guards the Devouring Zerg himself, the enemy will interrupt his spellcasting. Even if this attrition war continues, the dead Devouring Zerg will not be resurrected.

Under the ebb and flow of each other, these bugs will eventually be exhausted sooner or later.

The only one who loses is himself!

Lilya launched the cross scepter again to try.

However, the result was the same as before, the treasure couldn't break through Ronald's defense, but continued to strengthen his control over the Devouring Zerg.


Lilya did not despair.

After a week of investigation, he knew that there were other treasures inside the holy capital.

And with the acquisition of each item, his own strength is also constantly increasing. Even if he is not Ronald's opponent right now, it may not necessarily be the case in the future!

We must find a way to get out of the immediate predicament.

If you can obtain artificial godhead, all this will be reversed!

At the same time, Ronald above the Heart Ring Institute continued to poison.

Every gust of wind blows, and the poisonous rain that falls will take the lives of countless devouring zerg.

Compared with the desperate Lilya below.

He just needs to maintain the current situation.

When the phagocytosis zerg was exhausted and Lilya was exposed again, there was almost no possibility of a comeback.

The current strength gap between the two sides is so desperate!

"Ronald, maybe we can talk."

Seeing the balance of victory keep tilting, surrounded by the devouring zerg, Lilya's voice sounded again.

"Didn't you give up chasing me just now to deal with these bugs for the sake of the whole world?"

"In some ways, we think the same way."

"This kind of battle should not continue!"


Ronald didn't answer at first.

This is obviously a delaying tactic by the other party, and there is no need for any answer.

It wasn't until Lilya stated several times and made people feel a little upset that he said in an indifferent tone:

"Our negotiations have broken down once, there is no need to do it again."


"Very well, then we don't have to talk!"

Hearing Ronald's refusal, Lilya also gave up this futility.

Under the cover of the swarm, he never heard his call again.

Seeing that the opponent died down, Ronald naturally continued to massacre the swarm.

During the period, Lilya also cast spells to resist several times.

However, under the suppression of absolute strength, they can often only delay for a moment before returning to the demise process of devouring the Zerg.

Until four-fifths of the bugs in the entire Xinhuanyuan were eliminated. UU reading

The rest of the Devouring Zerg were all concentrated inside the square.

Ronald suddenly heard a subtle movement.

Under the burial of the bug swarm below, there seemed to be a sound of objects shattering just now.

What is Lilya doing?

Is this some kind of delay?

Curiosity lasted only for a moment, before Ronald realized what was happening below.

His face changed instantly:

"Stop it, Lilya!"

"If this continues, everything here will be destroyed by you!"

(end of this chapter)

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