Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1564: Trail of the Queen

Chapter 1565 The Queen's Trace

The Devouring Zerg has distinct individuals, and each type has a good combat effectiveness.

But for the Zerg, their greatest advantage in winning the war always comes down to the aspect of 'number'.

After encountering Ronald's master and servant.

The difference in individual combat effectiveness between the two sides is already obvious, and on the side of the Devouring Zerg, they only occupy a fragment of the holy capital, not the entire world.

Even with the potential to win with crowd tactics.

But the current speed of invading this world can't keep up with Ronald's slaughter progress.

The entire Xinhuan Institute was filled with flesh and blood.

Especially around Ronald and Costa, the broken corpses were layered on top of each other, forming a thick carpet on the ground.

But the bugs are still in a steady stream, and they can't be killed in a short time.

Ronald naturally thought of the clues provided by the spell, the rules of the devouring Zerg's activities—with the queen as the core.


His eyes quickly swept around.

These devouring insects can enter the fragments of the holy capital. Normally, they should look for weak points in space, and then they can easily invade.

So where is the weak point on the fragments of the holy capital at this moment?

It must be near the space rift!

"Kostat, hold them, I have an idea to try."


The maid responded, and the range of the hurricane controlled by her instantly expanded.

After Ronald left, the flames of [Power of Solar Power] also gradually weakened. At this moment, Costa was thoughtful.

While controlling her hurricane, she tried out new spells.


The first red-gold lights up in the wind.

Immediately, the flames of the sun bloomed again, and the intertwined force of wind and fire erupted immediately.

This is the spell of the Mahabharata.

Although the analysis time is not long, Costa has already completed part of the spell learning. Based on the myths and legends of the son of the sun god, the scorching power of the sun is completely liberated.

The sudden burst of powerful force caused even Ronald in the distance to look sideways.

Slightly sighing Costat's progress in deciphering the original scriptures, he cut off several devouring worms attacking him with one sword.

Ronald lowered his head in the air, and by this time he had reached the target position.

Because of the triangular relationship of the space rift, it is actually quite simple to infer the location, and the direction in which Ronald came from is excluded, and the number of alternatives is also small.

He was lucky, the first one was the location where the Devouring Zerg invaded.

The original invisible space crack, because it was pierced by the phagocytosis zerg, now shows a faint spiral pattern. The bugs that invaded the holy capital also poured in from here.


Ronald was silent.

The ground was densely packed with bugs, but there was no figure of the queen.

Is it that the culprit hasn't come through the space gap yet, or is it already lurking nearby?

The information from the previous spell told Ronald that the Devouring Zerg usually devoured a world before looking for the next target.

In other words, the opposite should be a world where resources are depleted.

This is not a base camp with abundant supplies and then launching an external invasion, but a full transfer after the resources are exhausted.

With the characteristics of the Zerg, the Queen will never come last, and may even be lurking here.

If this is the case, where will the other party hide?

Ronald glanced around, but couldn't find the queen's location, so he simply recited the spell:

"We come down from the mountains and stand by the sea. The eyes roam unrestricted on the vast sea."


The spell of [Geological Evolution] is activated.

Centering on the space rift, the ground began to distort piece by piece. In the invisible underground, the original topographical structure was violently transformed. On the visible ground, many devouring insects were also engulfed by the rolling earth and rocks.

Seeing this situation, the devouring zerg that can absorb magic power immediately drilled into the soil, absorbing the magic power in the spell to calm the restless land.

But it was too late, the Twisted Earth had worked.


With the sound of insects, the ground in front of the space rift exploded violently.

A giant worm with a size of 7 or 8 meters rolled up from the ground, with a long white ovary hanging behind it.

This is obviously the Queen of Worms.

However, due to Ronald's previous spell, the queen's fragile **** were already covered with scars, and white tissue fluid and immature eggs flowed directly from the wound, spilling all over the ground.

If it is a normal termite, the queen at this time can already be pronounced dead.

But the phagocytosis is different.

After realizing that her reproductive structure could not be repaired, the blue-black upper body of the queen began to struggle violently. With a 'pop', its body was pulled out of the reproductive structure directly!

The reproductive structure of the queen is not completely integrated with it.

It's an external organ.

Breaking away from the bloated reproductive structure at this moment, the queen possesses flexible speed and powerful destructive power!

Seeing this scene, Ronald was also quite surprised.

Without saying a word, he fell to the ground, picked one of the immature eggs scattered all over the ground, and then exerted force with his hands.


The soft eggs exploded instantly, and white tissue fluid flowed into Ronald's hands.

While looking very disgusting, "The Origin of Species" also began to analyze the genetic sequence of the phagocytosis zerg.

This species is so powerful that it can even travel through the void.

But from the perspective of biology, it is still in the category of biology, unlike some artificial gods or great existences that transcend the concept of biology.

Ronald shook his hand, shaking off the disgusting white liquid.

But his expression was not uncomfortable at all.

The other talents of the Devouring Zerg are not important to Ronald, but the gene of digging space and advancing in the void is an ability that even the original spells cannot give to people!

"I should really thank you..."

Ronald thanked very politely, then raised the sword of Santa Caterina, and rushed towards the roaring worm queen in front of him.


As soon as the sword fell, the ferocious sawtooth in the queen's mouth instantly disappeared by half.

The Queen of Worms didn't expect Ronald to be so fast.

It reacted, raised its hard head high, and slammed down on Ronald's body like a battering ram, trying to smash the enemy into a pulp.


With a loud noise, the queen flew out instead.

The power belonging to the Zerg is indeed powerful, but Ronald's power has long been beyond the scope of common sense.

So that there are two opponents, one big and one small.

On the contrary, it was the queen who had an obvious advantage in size, UU Reading was kicked out by Ronald in the head!

The queen flew out backwards, screaming.

The other phagocytosis zerg immediately surrounded them, trying to prevent Ronald from chasing and killing their queen.

With one wave of Ronald's hand, [Power of Sunshine] attached to the blade.

The besieging swarm is in front of you!


At this moment, a sense of dizziness suddenly appeared in Ronald's brain.

A force tried to influence his thinking, but it quickly retreated under Ronald's huge magic defense.

Ronald immediately realized - it was Lilya!

Xinhuanyuan Faith Cross is activated!


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