Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1561: dissipated mist

Chapter 1562 Dissipated Fog

"useful information?"

The gray figure nodded, and immediately led Ronald deep into the cathedral.

On the ruins of the huge chapel in the past, the gray figure waved away a few pieces of gravel, revealing a corpse lying on the ground, but its body had been beaten beyond human shape.

"Two heretic wizards broke into here. They destroyed the church and stole the key to the Heart Ring."

Having said that, the gray figure sighed:

"We should have kept them all."

"But these heretics seemed to be ready to die, and they insisted on staying alone in the rear, helping his companions escape from the cathedral."

Ronald stepped forward to take a look.

Although the appearance of the corpse can no longer be distinguished, from the analysis of the clothes, it can also be recognized that this is the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] caster who appeared in the big library before.

In other words.

Except for the president Lilya, the holder of the original space code, the eldest brother of the three Lenny brothers, and the spell caster who broke the seal of the book in front of him, all died in the holy capital!

If [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] no one else is still active in the city.

So the only enemy Ronald will face now is Lilya, the president of the [Nine Precepts Secret Society]!

This is obviously good news, but Ronald's cautious attitude has not let up.

He cast a glance at the gray figure, and then stepped forward to examine the corpse.

"It's true that he died completely, and the magic power and original scriptures were also extracted. The specific time of death... [precession] can't be recovered."

After confirming the situation, Ronald stood up again.

He didn't ask where the original text on this person went, but asked another question:

"In the previous battle, Martha was also involved in the space storm."

"She is the current holy priest of the church. I can't confirm her location. Is there any way on your side?"

The gray figure looked extremely bad.

His voice changed several times in a row, and finally he gave an answer that made Ronald helpless mixed with joy:

"We have sent her out of the holy capital."

"If this place is destroyed, then this young man will tell the outside world what happened."


"Alright, at least we can confirm that she is safe."

Hearing the news about Martha, Ronald smiled wryly, then walked outside.

"I still have to go after the enemy."

"If you have nothing else to do here, we should say goodbye... or say goodbye forever."

The gray figure followed Ronald's footsteps, and the figure changed again:

"We live in the cathedral, and with the damage of the building, demise is only the inevitable end. It's a pity that I can't help you anymore, young man, I wish you..."

The gray figure was still talking, but Ronald was completely unmoved.

He quickly walked out of the Holy Grace Cathedral, and walked directly to the space rift where Lilya escaped.

Every second counts now!

With the mental state of the gray figure constantly fluctuating, there is really no reason to waste time.

"Wait! One more thing."

At this time, the tone of the gray figure changed several times in an instant.

In the end, a certain old consciousness took over and stopped Ronald, who was about to leave:

"We are limited by the blessing of the Cathedral of the Holy Grace and can only operate in this area."

Ronald turned back and emphasized his tone:

"Time is running out now, you'd better say something useful."

"It's too late." The gray figure almost wailed and said, "With the holy blood bottle and the first code, he is already unimpeded in the holy capital!"


"You should have nothing to say."

Ronald turned his head and walked away as soon as his expression was drawn.

But it was this decisive action that made the gray figure sensitive. He stood at the door of the Cathedral of the Holy Grace and wailed in a desolate tone:

"Heart Ring Institute! He is going to Heart Ring Institute to obtain the right to use the Cross of Faith!"

"That power is the same as the one on your sword, and it will control all rational humans!"

The Sword of Santa Caterina?

These words finally stopped Ronald from leaving.

As the holder of this saint's legacy, Ronald couldn't be more aware of how strong this power to control people's hearts is. As for the ancient church, which is the starting point of all power, this is definitely not something that can be ignored.

Ronald turned back and asked in an undeniable tone:

"Is there any way to stop, or defend against this power?"

"Will, powerful will, and magic power!" The gray figure immediately answered the question, and then his tone changed again, becoming a low and firm voice:

"Young man, you must stop him!"

"Xinhuanyuan is just a stage on the road. His real goal is the godhead! He is going to obtain the godhead we have hidden!"


Ronald subconsciously looked at his hands.

On the "Cousin Slate" residing there, what the other party paid attention to was carried.

Ronald didn't know how the gray figure knew Lilya's purpose.

But feeling the power contained in the godhead, Ronald couldn't be more aware of its importance.

"You can rest assured about this, I..."

Ronald was trying to comfort the other party.

As a result, at this moment, the gray figure came out of the Holy Grace Cathedral with the determination of self-destruction!

In just two steps, half of the mist that made up the opponent's figure dissipated.

He also took this opportunity to come to Ronald and reached out to grab Ronald's shoulder.

The hands made of mist should be weak.

But at this moment, Ronald seemed to feel infinite power.

He looked up, and on the gray face that had no facial features, a certain kind of firm emotion was conveyed:

"Destroy that godhead!"

"It will distort people's hearts, and then endanger the whole world! Absolutely, absolutely must not let it be obtained!"


The voice fell to the ground, and the gray figure completely disappeared in front of Ronald.

After the cathedral of the Holy Grace was damaged, the shadow books of these sages had already entered the path of destruction, and it was even difficult to communicate with others.

If you choose to live on your last breath.

They retreated back into the depths of the church, perhaps with a few more days left to live.

But in order to convey the final news to Ronald, the sages gathered into gray figures came out resolutely, gathered everything into these few paragraphs, and handed them to Ronald.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Ronald was a little stunned.

He didn't expect that the gray figure, whose mind was already confused like that, could leave a reminder for himself in the end.

Look over your shoulder again. UU reading

The place where the other party hugged his hands left a faint gray mark, leaving two paragraphs of text on the clothes.

Ronald looked into the Cathedral of the Holy Grace.

In the empty ruins, there is no movement at this moment, and the last will left here has completely dissipated.

In other words, it turned into hope, into two lines of text left on his clothes.


Ronald took off his clothes in silence, keeping this reminder in his heart.

Then he took Kostat and chased Lilya in the direction where Lilya was fleeing.

August 20, 2023

Time: 11:45PM


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