Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1560: race against time

Latest URL: "First, 60° above..."

"The second one, parallel 120°..."

"The third one, 60° above..."

In the ruins of the broken holy capital, Ronald quickly shuttled between the various fragments.

He passed through space cracks like lightning.

After landing, immediately release spells to explore the surroundings, find the corresponding space crack, and then enter again.

In order to pursue the fastest speed.

He gave up his previous precise positioning of the city fragments.

Instead, only use conspicuous reference objects as coordinates, write down the approximate location of the fragments, and continuously accumulate the number of city fragments in memory.

The new approach quickly bore fruit.

In just over ten minutes, with enough samples of urban debris, Ronald figured out the law of the transfer of space rifts.

[Seven Strings Seal] After being damaged again.

The city fragments floating in the void, now every three form a regular triangle connection; at the same time, each fragment has an additional space gap connecting to another triangle directly up or down.

The former of these two rules is clear and clear, and the latter can also find out the next position in advance through the relative position of the city fragments.

"about there…"

With the rules organized to such an extent, it is no longer a problem to move freely between the fragments of the holy capital and go where you want to go.

Ronald took Coster and rushed towards the direction of the enemy immediately.

Memorize the rules by heart, and act accordingly, the speed of advancement will only pause briefly when the space rift is confirmed.

Only a quarter of an hour passed, and the fragments of the enemy's city came into view.

Ronald stopped in his tracks rarely.

Because what appeared in the field of vision was a very familiar building.

That was the place where he met the sages of the church to take a picture during the trial of the temple - the Cathedral of Holy Grace.

However, in less than half a day, everything here is no longer as brilliant as before.

The pool surrounding the cathedral was split in the middle, and the water spilled into the void and disappeared. As for the cathedral itself, only half of the tall and sacred tower top remained.

Due to the angle of view, Ronald could not see the front of the Cathedral of the Holy Grace.

However, judging from the damage marks around it, it can be guessed that the place has been severely damaged.

[Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] The base point of destroying the seal is not elsewhere.

It is the core of this entire holy capital!

"I see."

Seeing this scene, Ronald was finally relieved.

He was still scruples before, how the people of [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] could accurately find the base point of [Seven Strings Seal].

Now it seems that the opponent is aiming at the core of the holy capital.

Even if there is no detection spell like "Divine Comedy", as the core of the entire city, the Cathedral of Saint Grace is indeed eligible to be targeted.


At this moment, Ronald felt that Lilya had shifted his position.

The president of the [Nine Precepts Secret Society] was originally located inside the Holy Grace Cathedral, and has not moved his location for a long time.

But just a second ago, Lilya suddenly accelerated and ran out of the building as if fleeing for his life!

It was only for a moment that Ronald was surprised by this.

The president of the [Nine Precepts Secret Society] plunged into the space rift and traveled to another city fragment.

"Costat, we're going to speed up!"

The abnormal behavior of the enemy lifted Ronald's spirits, and he brought Costa a bit faster.

no doubt.

Lilya destroyed the Cathedral of the Holy Grace, and also advanced the damage of the [Seven String Seal].

But it wasn't all smooth sailing for the man.

In the Holy Grace Cathedral, Lilya must have encountered a special situation or crisis, so she escaped in such a panic!

Has the figure of the sage in the Cathedral of the Holy Grace been shot?

Or is something else at play?

With curiosity in his heart, Ronald calculated the correct position as quickly as possible. Along the way, the black mist of **** rolled in, and it took a few minutes to accurately cross a space rift.

With such an exaggerated progress, Ronald soon came to the fragment where the Cathedral of the Holy Grace was located.

Maybe it's because of the solid texture.

Compared with other city fragments, the Cathedral of the Holy Grace is very large, and the building itself has not suffered any damage from space division.

After landing here, Ronald looked straight ahead.

Not only was the top of the front tower cut off, but the original magnificent main entrance of the Cathedral of the Holy Grace had completely collapsed, and the walls on both sides were also directly smashed to the inside, revealing the interior of the cathedral.

The holy place of the church in the past, the gathering place of people's faith.

Now all that remains are the broken ruins, and the messy fragments that have been crushed in the ruins.


Ronald had only seen what it looked like in its heyday not long ago.

Even in it, discuss ideas with past sages, communicate in depth, and finally pass the test.

But now...

The huge difference between the two gave him a false sense of trance.

But time was running out, and Lilya was still fleeing among other city fragments.

Ronald didn't dare to delay, so he walked inside with strides, intending to find out what happened here as soon as possible.


The moment his feet stepped on the ruins of the Cathedral of the Holy Grace, a powerful wave of magic power appeared around Ronald, surrounding him without leaving any gaps.

Immediately afterwards, the wind rang.

Wisps of gray-white mist flowed out from the gaps in the ruins of the Cathedral of the Holy Grace, lingering towards Ronald.

No reminders of any spells are required.

Just by looking at them with the naked eye, you can find their malice.

Costat, who was standing outside, was still analyzing the original scriptures. She was startled by such a huge formation, and she immediately stopped moving, and instead used spells, trying to drag Ronald out of danger.

"Sir, it's dangerous here!"

"No need!" Seeing Costat's magic wind was coming, and he was about to rescue successfully, Ronald raised his hand to stop the maid.

Standing in the mist, he unhurriedly called out a noun:

"Temple Trial!"


Sure enough, the fog instantly stopped enveloping Ronald.

They stopped in the air, as if wondering why the man in front of him would say this word.

Ronald smiled and continued:

"We debated in the trial just now, don't you remember it so soon?"

This sentence completely dispelled Misty's doubts.

The originally dangerous magic power subsided, and then UU Reading entangled with the mist and gathered in front of Ronald.

It's just a few breaths before and after.

A gray figure stood in front of Ronald again.

"Young man, you are a bit late."

The voice sounded old and vague, as if mixed with several different wills.

Ronald speculated that this was the result of the fusion of many sages, so he didn't care, and directly explained the current situation and needs:

"[Seven String Seal] itself is collapsing!"

"The enemy who destroyed this place just now took away the things in the prompt. Apart from the holy blood bottle and the original scriptures, do you have any information that can help?"

[Thanks to Ai Wuzeyels for the reward! 】

(end of this chapter)

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