Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1562: Void Aliens

There is a great distance between them and Ronald.

Lilya, who continued to flee forward, also sensed the pursuers behind her at this moment.

The president of [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] doesn't know the space rules here.

He completely relied on his own speed to shuttle between space gaps. Due to the triangular connection between the pieces, he soon finds himself back on a piece of the piece he had been to before.

"They're... still at the cathedral."

Lilya looked behind him, he left a concealed reconnaissance spell in the Cathedral of the Holy Grace. When the two of Ronald were in that piece of debris, he could get far more accurate information than at other times.

At this moment, a dangerous enemy entered the cathedral.

And is staying!

He must reach the heart ring courtyard where the weapon of faith is stored before the other party launches a new pursuit!

Lilya quickened her pace.

But after spending a few minutes, he returned to a piece of debris he stepped on before, and Lilya immediately realized that he had just circled here, and the rules of the space rift changed!

"The sound of the strings breaking is indeed closely related to the seal."

Lilya affirmed her previous judgment.

Immediately afterwards, just like Ronald a few minutes ago, the president of the [Nine Precepts Secret Society] also understood.

He moves quickly between several city fragments.

It didn't take long to guess the same result as Ronald.

"Triangle, up and down direction, heart ring courtyard... still need to pass through about seventeen space cracks, we must hurry up."

Lilya calculated a path and immediately started to act.

Although not as good as Ronald, they have the map of the holy capital provided by the King of Beasts, but they entered the seal a week in advance, and the people of the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] are not just for nothing.

They basically understand the structure of the city.

For several of the areas protected by powerful enchantments, special attention has been paid in advance.

At this moment, the key is in hand, the oldest church scriptures, and the holy blood bottle that can heal all injuries are in hand.

Now Lilya just needs to move forward and fulfill her long-cherished wish.

Always monitor the situation of the Holy Grace Cathedral.

Lilya seized the time to shuttle through the space rift.

During this period, Ronald stopped several times and turned his head, and the process of being stopped by the gray figure again made the president of the [Nine Precepts Secret Society] feel suspenseful.

In the end, the gray figure disappeared, and Ronald resumed his pursuit.

After clarifying the enemy's actions, Lilya breathed a sigh of relief.

In the following space rifts, Lilya encountered priests revived by spells several times.

There are so many resurrected dead, Lilya has no intention of wasting time on these guys, and when they meet them, they will hide and pass quickly.

Until Xinhuanyuan is in front of you.

Even though Lilya had made all the preparations, seeing such a scene, she would inevitably stop.

Xinhuanyuan is a collective name for a ring-shaped building.

A cross statue is placed in the center of the square surrounded by the building. In the past, the priest stood on the square and spoke, and people in the surrounding buildings could hear it.

This is not a well-protected secret place.

The entire circle of buildings are leisure places such as restaurants or chess rooms, which are excellent places for ordinary people to have fun and rest on weekdays.

In normal times, Lilya would definitely make a mockery of it.

The church will be able to control the statue of people's hearts, standing in the leisure place that ordinary people like to stay, the intention is self-evident!

But at this moment, Lilya's eyes did not focus on this aspect.

Because in this uninhabited city fragment, there are countless strange creatures occupying it at this moment, which looks like a magic den from another world!


Even before going to the holy capital, the organization had already predicted with prophecy spells that this would be a disaster.

But Lilya never expected that she would encounter such a scene!

Could it be that the church in ancient times was crazy enough to start dangerous research on alien creatures?

When exploring the holy capital before.

Absolutely never seen these things...

Thinking of this, Lilya strengthened her concealment spell and touched it cautiously.

At first glance, the monsters all over the Xinhuanyuan have insect-like purple shells, and their two to three meter long bodies are composed of dozens of ring structures, and almost all of them are crawling on the ground.

But when Lilya approached, she discovered the difference between them.

Some of these purple monsters have sharp clawed feet, some have harder and thicker carapaces than their counterparts, and some of them are as small as bees flying around in the air.

— This is definitely not something that was cultivated by the ancient church.

Elijah's insight, he immediately made a judgment.

The monsters transformed and cultivated by the caster basically have a unified appearance and function. If other work needs to be done, the caster is also more inclined to cultivate a professional species rather than fine-tuning from the original template.

These monsters must be foreign invaders!

And judging from their division of labor, this is still a fairly complete system.

"In the previous holy capital, there must have been no invasion by these things."

Lilya turned her eyes around and immediately landed on the purple void.

[Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] has collected a lot of school secrets over the years.

As far as he, the chairman, knew, no school in the real world should have cultivated such aliens.

In the current environment, there is only one possibility.

Due to the continuous spatial shocks in the holy capital, it attracted the attention of these alien creatures from outside the world and triggered the current invasion.

"This speed is too fast."

Lierya immediately made a judgment.

It has not been a long time since the turmoil in the holy capital.

But these creatures in front of them have already occupied the entire Xinhuanyuan. As long as they are ready, how can the creatures that can enter the holy capital from the void be spared from other places?

At that time, it will not only be the holy capital in the seal.

I'm afraid that even the outside world is very likely to be discovered by these monsters, and then invaded.

Thinking of this, Lilya's eyes began to flicker.

He looked at the center of the Heart Ring Courtyard, where there is a statue that controls people's hearts, and the key to unlock this treasure is in his hand; he also looked outside the Heart Ring Courtyard, UU Reading www. Scary purple aliens crawling around like a magic cave.

With his ability, the former sneaked in easily.

The latter continues to explore, and must take the risk of being discovered by these monsters.

Even just behind more than a dozen spatial rifts, that desperately powerful monster in the skin of Ronald is still chasing him!


Lilya closed her eyes, thought for a few seconds, and then opened them again.

There was firmness in his eyes.

He didn't go to the center of Heart Ring Courtyard, but followed the edge of the fragments and touched the surrounding void border.

"Since entering here from the void, there must be a way."

"Come on, let me see your details!"


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