Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1557: unintended effects of spells

The latest website: The feeling of passing through the space gap is like passing through a thin water curtain.

Ronald took the lead.

The next second after the footsteps were taken, the scene in the field of vision changed accordingly.

During the period, there were no accidents or twists and turns, except that the "Bradshaw Railway Guide" was still reminding him whether to resist the transformation of space.

Kick off your feet and stand firmly on the ground opposite.

Ronald moved from the ruins of the large library to a place full of scattered houses.

"here it is…"

Ronald was a little puzzled.

But after fighting with the enemy, at this moment he no longer needs to hide his spells like before.

So don't even have to wait for Costart to follow in.

He activated the spell and flew into the air, condescendingly looking around.

In this way, he quickly confirmed his location - this is a part of the Shengdu market area.

The location where the former Great Library was located is adjacent to the civilian area and far away from the market area.

If the holy capital is still intact.

Such a small step can never cover such a long distance.

"Tsk—" Ronald murmured, "The spatial pattern in the city is completely chaotic."

Through the [celestial globe] to lock the enemy's position, he knows the movements of the president of the [Nine Precepts Secret Society]. But the holy capital, which had been shattered into disorder before him, became the biggest obstacle for him to approach the enemy.

At this time, Costa also flew into the air from below.

Seeing the solemn expression of the master, the maid couldn't help asking:

"Sir, what's the matter?"

Ronald explained straight to the point:

"The current holy capital has been divided into fragments. And because of the disorder in space, the relative positions of each other have been completely distorted and disrupted. Now we seem to be in a random maze full of space passages, even if we know the enemy's location, and it is difficult to catch them in a short period of time."


Costat's eyes flickered.

After all, what maids are best at is fighting. She wanted to help, but was powerless.

At the moment, I can only recite another spell that increases the probability.

It is hoped that the effect of this spell can help them find the passage to the enemy's position faster.

After a simple investigation, the fragment of the market area was not harvested.

With the previous experience, it is faster to find a new channel.

Costat directly used spells to set off a storm, rolled up the dust and threw it around, and quickly found the space rift to leave here.

It was still Ronald who walked in front, the first to enter the crack.


"kill him!"

"The invading heresy cannot be spared!"

Only through the gap in space.

A completely different movement from before appeared immediately.

This time, in front of Ronald and Costa, there was a sky-shattering shout of killing.

The two continued subconsciously preparing to fight.

But when the picture in front of them really caught their eyes, they all stopped moving.

Because the people who are screaming and beating and killing are not the casters of the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting].

Instead, a group of churchgoers in clergy robes!

in the center of their encirclement.

The eldest of the three Lenny brothers was wearing a sun armor, trying his best to resist the siege of the surrounding priests.

Even if he is a powerful Codex holder.

But at this moment, it has also fallen into a disadvantage.

These priests have a certain amount of advance and retreat, and they cooperate closely with each other, and the attack rhythm mostly reflects the fighting skills against wizards.

Under the ebb and flow, the battle situation is almost one-sided suppression.


Without any external force inserted, Lenny will be exhausted by these priests until he dies.


Ronald and Costat looked at each other, and tacitly put away the spells they had just prepared.

The language used by the group of priests in front of them is somewhat special.

What they shouted was not the common language popular today, but the language used by the ancient holy capital.

The facts are obvious.

The clergymen from the time of the Holy Capital have been resurrected in this era!

This thought comes to mind.

The first reaction is naturally not to believe.

When Ronald carefully perceived the state of these priests, an unexpected result made him understand what was going on.

—【Fossil track】

At the moment when the space was chaotic, Ronald tried to use spells to wake up the undead sleeping in the holy capital.

At that time, there was no feedback from this spell, and he thought he had failed.

It now appears that the result is not the case.

The spell that was successfully cast just didn't work on Ronald's side.

Because of the changes caused by the cracking of space, those huge magic powers were paid elsewhere, awakening the sleeping dead in the holy capital.

If you really want to look closely, the clergymen who are besieging Lenny at this moment are all summoned by Ronald earlier!

Costat asked in a low voice, "Sir, do we want to intervene?"

Ronald only replied with one word: "Wait."


On the other hand, the eldest of the three Lenny brothers is at the end of his rope.

In the previous battle with Ronald, he lost an arm, and after being rescued by his companions, he finally closed the wound.

But what followed was the battle with Costa.

The maid's ruthless spellcasting skills covered Lenny's body with flames and storms. If it wasn't for the protection of Karna's armor, he wouldn't even be able to wait for the support of his companions, and he would have died a second before.

Eventually, space collapses.

Although the sun's armor protected Lenny very well, the fluctuating space randomly threw him to this isolated island, and then he faced the siege of these priests.

Continuously encountered twists and turns and blows.

The original code holder was on the verge of the limit both mentally and physically, and it was difficult to keep standing with his crumbling body.

"Damn! How could this be?"

Lenny cursed, and then said the spell in one breath:

"At this sacrificial ceremony, all of you are of high morals, shining brightly like the sun and flames!"

The flames and intense light erupted instantly, and the swaying flames formed the shape of an altar, burning all the priests in the circle closest to Lenny to ashes.

But how can these rigorously trained priests be so easy to deal with?

After the nearest circle of clergymen died.

The clerics in the outer circle seized the opportunity that Lenny had no time to cast the new spell, and attacked him.

Sparks burst from the Sun God's armor, and death was almost at hand.

"Now it's my turn..."

Lenny, who summoned the original text, felt a sense of determination in his heart.

He thought of the that the president promised them a bright future for the practitioners. He also thought of his brother who had just died, and his companion who sacrificed himself to save the situation during the battle.

Almost squeezing out his last magic power, Lenny was about to activate the spell he had prepared in advance:

"At the very least, I have to send this to the president..."


Just wait for him to make a move.

A line of blood appeared on his neck, and then his lifeless body collapsed powerlessly.

In the distance, Ronald silently put away the long sword.

—【Measuring Length】.

This spell is usually very easy to use. It is too simple to sneak attack an enemy who is exhausted mentally and physically.

(end of this chapter)

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