Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1556: cracked city

The seal was damaged again, the space was broken, and a chain effect was triggered.

But in Ronald's arms, Costat's eyes flickered at the moment.

The maid knew very well that Ronald possessed the "Bradshaw Railway Guide", and the protection of the original text made him not afraid of this threat at all, let alone launching such a powerful spell like [End of Human Law].

The only reason for Ronald to do so.

It was he who was protecting himself, the maid who was rescued at a critical moment.


Kostat lowered his head and remained silent.

Under the protection of the top defensive spells, Ronald and Costat certainly did not suffer any damage.

And around them, an indescribable scene is happening.

Under the chain reaction, the surrounding space cracked into a spider web-like shape, and then the cracks were sunken in different directions, as if a bomb net was sunken by a stone.

Only seconds passed.

Due to the incoherence of the space itself, the propagation of light cannot be maintained.

There was darkness in front of Ronald and Coster, and soon even the sound disappeared from their ears.

All things return to unfathomable nothingness.

In addition to being able to confirm that the surrounding space is still rioting through magic induction.

They can only stand in the area guarded by [Boundary of Humanity], waiting for this terrible space change to end.

The collapse of space itself will not continue indefinitely.

A few minutes later.

The light shone in front of the eyes of the two of them again, and the sound of broken and distorted space was once again reflected in their ears.

But it's different from when the chain reaction just started.

At this moment, the collapse was coming to an end, and the sound of glass shattering also changed from dense to sparse, and finally completely silent.

When everything returns to stability.

Looking at the picture in front of them again, Ronald and Costa are still standing on the ruins of the large library.

Thanks to the defense of [Boundary of Humanity], the two of them were safe and sound.

But the surrounding scene is completely different from before.

The original holy capital is in the [Seven Strings Seal], and the simulated sunrise and sunset, as well as clouds in the sky, can be seen around. It is almost impossible to detect the falsity of this world without going to the border.

But now, the outermost camouflage of the entire world has been completely stripped away.

Looking up into the sky, what caught my eyes was a large expanse of purple in the void, accompanied by lightning that appeared from time to time, and there were countless bright spots among them, dotted like stars.

One can tell at a glance that this is a purely alien scene.

Looking back at the holy capital, the city has disintegrated in the disaster just now.

Fragments of the city, together with the land below, float irregularly in this purple space. A city divided by space looks like sliced ​​cakes scattered around at first glance.


In silence, Costat walked to the edge of the ruined library beneath their feet.

In front of the maid, the purple symbolizing nothingness occupies everything in the field of vision, and one step forward can step into this area.

Costat was ready to reach out and try.

But before her fingers touched the void, Ronald grabbed Costa's arm and forcibly dragged the maid back.

"Don't touch this stuff, it's dangerous!"

Costat looked up to see Ronald shaking his head at her.

Unlike the maid who was going to experience it for herself, Ronald used the spell immediately, and [Greed] told him the structure of this void.

This purple is the unstable void.

Unless there is the way to open up the way of [Sifangtian] back then.

Otherwise, rush in.

Either being thrown into an unknown space, an unknown world, or being torn apart instantly by the instability of space.

Costat learned of the situation from Ronald and frowned:

"In this case, how should we track down the casters of the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting]?"

The maid's obsession is very real.

Looking around, Ronald and Costa were safe and sound standing in place because of the protection of [Boundary of Humanity].

But there are several casters of [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting], as well as the holy priest Martha.

They all disappeared on this land along with the space riots.

Not to mention how to cross the void and reach other fragments of the holy capital, just to determine the location of these people has become very difficult.

However, Ronald was not worried, and was even confident about it:

"It's okay, I've already prepared for it."

"Now we need to find the enemy, and I'm sure he's in this direction."

Ronald pointed to a larger fragment of the city to the northwest.

Although it is separated by the void, the situation on that piece of debris cannot be observed at all.

But in the battle just now, Ronald had activated the [celestial globe] spell earlier, and at the same time locked the enemy with the spell.

At this moment, the [Celestial Globe] is operating normally.

Even if the two sides are far apart, Ronald can determine the enemy's position without any perception.

The only problem that bothers them is how to get to the opposite side.

"Costat, let's take a look here first, it's best to find a way to other places."

The maid nodded upon hearing that, and walked ahead again, ready to scout the way for Ronald.

But this time is different.

Ronald stopped Costa directly and walked first.

"My defensive spells are more suitable for unexpected situations. You are right next to me, just use the airflow to scout the surrounding details."

Costat also wanted to say a few words to fight for it.

But Ronald shook his head vigorously, and stopped the maid's next move with an attitude of involuntary explanation.

The battle with the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] just now was extremely fierce, and even destroyed a library building.

But the entire large library presents a circular distribution.

Even if one building is destroyed, others remain intact.

The two wandered here and searched until Ronald's crime of greed could be used again, and they failed to find a way to leave here.

So, Ronald reactivated the spell.

Targets the spell from the surrounding void to the sanctuary itself.

—Seven Strings Seal【3/7】

—The spatial structure is decomposed, and it can only travel through the spatial gap of the boundary.

—The seal has entered a state of collapse, and will be completely disintegrated after 1240 days.


"We're running out of time."

The time given by the spell seems to be plenty.

But Ronald knew it was because of [3/7]. Once another seal base point collapses, this time will probably decrease at an unimaginable speed.

Inform Costa of the situation, and the two leave immediately.

On the edge of the fragment of the library, they began to search according to the guidance of the spell.

Although the space rift itself is invisible and intangible.

Even spells are not easy to detect.

But the earth beneath their feet was real.

The two of them used the most primitive method, UU reading www.uukanshu. com grabbed a piece of sand from the ruins and beat it around.

For a while, dust was flying around the library.

Ronald and Costat, two guys with far more physique than ordinary people, would inevitably feel like children playing around when they did this kind of thing, but the actual effect was not bad at all.

Then after a storm.

Unlike those sands that disappeared into the purple void.

In one particular direction, a transparent ripple flickered away, swallowing up the bait they threw.

Ronald's eyes lit up, and he walked over without hesitation.

"That's right, it's here!"

(end of this chapter)

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