Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1558: "Mahabharata"

Latest URL: The eldest of the three Lenny brothers has been decapitated.

Before he died, he summoned the original book, so without even touching his body, an ancient tome fell to the ground with its master.


swipe swipe—

Almost at the same moment, the priests turned their heads and looked at Ronald who put away his long sword.

The caster who besieged the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] before.

These revived souls had no time to care about others, so naturally they would not pay attention to Ronald and Costa.

But the sword that killed the enemy just now, and the corresponding magic power fluctuation.

They all told these people to switch their targets again.

Looking at Ronald's master and servant, these revived clergymen showed a fierce look in their eyes, and the murderous intent in their eyes was undisguised.

After all, in their opinion.

There was no difference between Ronald and Lenny who had just died.

These two spellcasters are the chief culprits of the wizard heresy who invaded the holy capital and disturbed the peace of the dead.

"Eliminate evil spirits, kill aliens..."

The leading clergyman shouted loudly, and he was about to lead people to besiege him.

Don't wait for them to act.

Ronald, who was watching everything, sighed and waved to these priests:

"I'm sorry to disturb everyone."

In a deep sigh.

The power of [Fossil Track] was extracted from the bodies of these dead.

Even if he couldn't control the will of these people, as the caster of the spell, Ronald could easily cancel the spell.

These angry undead lost the support of spells.

In an instant, it turned into dust all over the sky.

After the whole fragment became quiet again, Ronald and Costait walked up to Lenny's body.

The practitioners of the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] will not rest in peace.

On the edge of his fallen body, the head was obviously confused and puzzled.

A powerful spellcaster who was able to dominate the outside world just died here for no apparent reason.


Ronald felt a little emotional for a moment, and remained silent.

Costat was completely unmoved, and picked up the original scripture directly from Lenny's corpse:

"The Mahabharata."

The maid read the name of the original book, and then handed it to Ronald.

"Ah, yes. Indian mythology and epic." Ronald nodded while opening the original book to check the spells recorded in it.

The ability of "Cushin Slate" is activated.

Without any hindrance, Ronald learned of the ability of this original book.

The stories recorded in "Mahabharata" can be known from the names of the original scriptures. Among them, Maha in Sanskrit means "big, many, and victorious", which is intended to describe the prosperity of things, while Bharata is more simple, referring to the Bharat tribe in ancient India.

The name of this original can be roughly understood as the story of the 'great Bharat tribe'.


Realizing the power of this original book, Ronald was a little surprised for a moment.

This tome of spells...

It's too grand!

The original work of "Mahabharata" records the struggle of the descendants of the Bharat tribe, the Pandu tribe and the Julu tribe, over the succession to the throne.

But in fact, the content of the book is much more than that.

In addition to the royal family's internal strife, it also records the Indian society in the era of strife among nations. Contains a wealth of folklore, fables, myths and fairy tales, as well as a wide range of religious, philosophical, political and ethical content.

In this way, these contents endow the canon with a great deal of power.

The spell that Lenny used before is just the evolution of one of the hero's epic stories. I really want to count the magic trials in "The Mahabharata"...

Difficult to count!

In Ronald's impression, this is even far beyond the scale of "Galaxy Empire"!

An original book can be said to be a whole system.

Only the "Rune" rune system owned by Nicole can barely reach the same level as this thing.

There is also a limit to using the spells of Mahabharata.

— penance.

After reading the text of the original scriptures, the caster must choose a story or a certain hero in the book, and then perform the penance of the corresponding behavior.

Penance to a certain extent, to be recognized by the original system.

The caster can obtain the corresponding series of spells.

From Ronald's rough look, there are even outrageous spells such as [Immortal Body] in the original scriptures, but the corresponding penance is too difficult to be completed.

"Sir...?" Seeing Ronald not saying a word, Kostat naturally became concerned, "Is there any problem with this original book?"

"It's nothing, it's just that the spells on it are a little difficult to master."

Ronald replied to Costa, and then clapped his palms on the original text.

Just heard a 'pop'.

The "Mahabharata" was scattered and turned into a pile of bark and bay leaves, on which the words of the epic were engraved. Grab them again and knead them, and the complete original canon will appear again.

This is the characteristic of Mahabharata.

Different from the separation of the three volumes of "Divine Comedy", this epic was passed on orally or recorded in birch bark and bay leaves in the vast land of India before it was assembled into a volume.

This point evolved to the original scriptures, and this natural ability to disperse and gather into books appeared.

placed in a specific period.

An original code with this characteristic will definitely become a rather unique existence.

After discussing a few words with Costat, a surprising thing happened.

The background of the maid is very special, it is a personality evolution from the gestalt ability, and she is born with the ability to learn various spells regardless of conditions.

She can't change the physical conditions of "Alma mater of Astronomy", which requires meteorites.

But if the original is in hand, let her analyze it.

Then, once the analysis is successful, she can completely master the ability called "penance" like "Mahabharata"!

Without any hesitation.

Ronald handed over the Mahabharata to Kostat.

He asked the maid to analyze the original text as quickly as possible.

As long as one acquires even one series of spells in "Mahabharata", it will be a huge improvement in combat effectiveness!

As a result, the exploration rhythm of the two changed.

Costat hugged the original text, lowered his head and followed closely behind Ronald, focusing almost all of his attention on the work of analyzing the original text.

Ronald let the black fog of **** appear on the stage after a long absence, and did a coolie's work.

Although the power of the mist formed by the spell is very small.

But it is more than enough to stir up dust and test the cracks in space.

In order not to disturb Costat's interpretation of the original scriptures, Ronald also enjoyed In this way, the two of them passed through the space rift three times in a row.

Among them, I encountered a clergyman who was resurrected by magic.

It's a pity that these resuscitated dead are full of anger, and they can't communicate even with the control of speech, so Ronald had to send them back to peace.

When the two passed through the space rift for the fourth time.

Ronald stopped suddenly.

He turned his head to look at the sky in the northwest direction, his eyes solemn.

Because it's there.

The top of a white building tower that was originally intact exploded at some point, turning into ruins all over the place!

[Thanks to Ai Wuzeyels for the reward! 】

(end of this chapter)

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