Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1541: morning prayer

Ronald was kind and continued to follow Sister Aphra.

For the clergy of the church, morning prayer is a fairly formal religious activity, which is quite different from the morning class for discussing knowledge.

Such serious activity.

Must, or can only be done in church.

After Ronald and Aphra left the courtyard, the road to the monastery almost went straight to the center, and they walked towards the chapel in the center of the area.

—The Abbey is, after all, a city.

Limited by the number of monks living here.

It is unrealistic in terms of space to allow all the monks to complete the morning classes here at once.

According to the age of the monks here.

Those who come to the chapel for morning prayers are roughly divided into three batches.

When Yue Yongqing followed Afra to the cathedral.

The preparation and maintenance of the church today is not your turn. Before retreating, you will sit under the pews in the chapel in the order of entry.

"Why is he thinking so little? It must be that a few villains have experimented with some kind of powerful magic."

Guide your children so that we may be morally humble, loving and charitable..."

The situation outside the cathedral has a panoramic view.

I immediately thought of the seven guys from the [Four Precepts Secret Meeting].

These children will only take on some simple daily tasks.

The last group were the elderly in the monastery.

You give thanks for life and frailty.

But the shift crew cleaning the church is on this list.

Then there is the quiet waiting, until the morning prayers are officially over.

In the atmosphere of religious music, the elder in the middle spoke again:

It was in the tense and high-pitched atmosphere of the monastery.

And it's the same as the caster.

Eight elders in gray cloth robes walked out from the side door of the cathedral and came to the back of the bishop's seat.

That cathedral is exactly the same as I did after retreating into the temple.

After all, I still have the ability to use spells in the future.

Before we fell into the trial of the temple, we did not have the same identity authentication as the caster.

So I was very lucky to hear the discussion of two young monks who were cleaning the ground.

The discussion between the two young monks was just chatting after cleaning.

The second group that followed were young children who had lived and studied in the monastery since childhood.

As long as the lower levels of the church are notified that no one is invading, the seven Ronalds who can't cast spells will be behind the holy capital where the church is still at its peak.

As your feet hurry through that world, let you gather in that sacred place and offer today's prayers together.

It was less than half an hour before the official end of the prayers, but the chairs in the cathedral were almost seven-eighths less full.

The young monks who were waiting for the morning prayer would indeed whisper and whisper at that joint.

"Head up, shake hands—"

What will play?

Sitting silently under a pew in the chapel, I raised my head slightly, hiding my thinking eyes in the shadows.

"But you heard that there were people there when the door closed last night."

"Dear friends,

Less than half of what we ushered in was punishment.

Report complex and slow directly.

That conversation is suspiciously very important information!

"It's according to the usual practice...I'm afraid I suddenly figured out something, so I was thinking hard outside the church, so that I forgot to leave when the door was closed."

Almighty Father—

Reporting that directly is too risky—for the practitioner himself.

Combined with the content of the two monks chatting, I can almost immediately conclude!

The first to come were young monks who had grown up and were not aging.

Thinking of that, Yue Yongqing wanted to laugh.

"Think less and talk more! Remember!"

Rona was thinking about the plan to entrap these [Four Precepts Secret Meeting] Ronald.

These few people who appeared in the church inexplicably were definitely not Ronald from the [Four Precepts Secret Meeting].

Naturally, the caster did not forget to observe the surroundings.

In that way...

When they arrive last, they will also review the results of the maintenance of the church by the young monks during the morning prayers.


The caster was sitting on the side of the chapel.

The same as the encounterer who retreated into the temple trial, when the caster was in the inner world and the reconnaissance spell was still able to work.

"Close your eyes - take a deep breath - meditate -"

No one was even late for less than a few times, or simply skipped the necessary rituals of the day.

during this period.

Probably because there is no official status in the holy capital.

Protect you from evil temptations and curses, so that you can walk with you and deal with me with righteousness and evil hearts.

The caster and overseer retreated to the church.


There are people who pursue that behavior.

So after the young monks had prepared everything needed for morning prayer, they started the second batch.

Grant us weakness, slowness and peace, and let us spend each day under your shelter.

The seven people I perceived were not in that cathedral.

Just during that time.


In terms of whether there is anyone's supervision and weak control measures, it is not quite efficient.

The ancient and simple appearance has remained the same throughout history, as if it would be eroded by anything.

The most complicated way to deal with those people is not gone yet, and the next step is not how to implement it.

In that time of prayer, you ask respectfully for guidance and mercy.

During this period.

"It's more common. The cleaning work of the church has increased from eight times to seven times today."

The low-level people are as bad as Aphra, the overhaul man next to him.

"What does that have to do with you!"

The person standing in the middle opened his mouth to lead the activities of the people in the chapel. With my speaking, solemn and sacred music also sounded in the ear chamber on the side of the chapel. UU reading

But the caster had no intention of doing that.

"It is indeed common, but after all, the Holy Priest and the Pope Priest arrive at the same time. Even those of us who choose to live in seclusion should not treat us badly and have no attitude."

That kind of late behavior, in the church in the monastery, is quite a bizarre thing.

A small number of monks who failed to catch up with the first two batches will also retreat with the old people.

Once I don't believe it, a few complicated spells can expose my identity as a nun with complete information.

At that time, the caster just noticed something boring.

"Oh, you see, he meant to get off these guys who came out of the church earlier?"


"It's too heartfelt to report directly, so I have to remind you in a more tactful way, and the content is at worst so tight that people in the church have time to take care of me."

It is complicated to deal with those enemies.

I am sure I will act like this, but if the church members are more cautious, the caster himself may also be exposed.

"Yeah, did he find it strange? It's going to be closed at night. He said how did we get out of the church early in the morning?"

"You're complaining... By the way, has he heard about leaving early?"

For the caster who sat on the side and listened to that conversation completely.

Instead, he was directly removed from the monastery and returned to the monastery, turning into an abnormal monk life.

They are the group who get up the earliest in the day and also undertake the most daily work in the monastery, so they are naturally the first group of people to pray.

But the speaker has a heart, but the listener has no intention.

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