Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1540: the point of the story

The nun who came to get Ronald out was called Aphra.

The two chatted for a while, and Ronald took the opportunity to check the information and confirm the situation in the holy capital.

Then tidy up.

The two left the hut directly.

The monastery is just a corner of the holy capital, but when it changes from empty silence to human activities, it still presents a completely different look.

The town is silent.

Most of the figures that can be seen on the road walk slowly, but their expressions are firm. Even if the acquaintances were idle, most of them would not say a word, but just nodded, reflecting the solemn and solemn atmosphere of the monastery.

At this moment, the bell rang.

Ronald followed the sound and found that it was the bell tower ringing in the distance.

There are bell towers in every city of the holy capital, and the corresponding number of bells will ring every hour to inform the people of the city what time it is.

To achieve defeat in combat, the development and application of spells is constantly within your reach. A hundred years later, the relationship between people and art in the past has disappeared.

That scene was reflected in the eyes of the caster.

In the past era, Ronald in the church was always a human being, and the elements and status of a human being were recognized. And spells are just tools in our hands, a way to prove our beliefs.

"Lili, what are you looking at?"

The stories told by the priests focus on the struggle.

The people under the surrounding seats stopped discussing with each other.

Maybe in [Entrod], this new country that has lost the "Das Kapital" seminary, it will stop facing such changes?

It seemed to be the signal to start the speech.

To the pious of the past, that has not been the slightest blasphemy.

"Everyone, bad morning.

Aphra, the overhaul male, took the initiative to knock on the door, and answered a few words loudly with the monk who opened the door. It also required less inspection, and the two retreated smoothly.

After a long confrontation, the family was finally defeated.

Whenever no one steps back from the yard.

Even Ronald who dealt with these [Four Precepts Secret Meetings].


The caster nodded and nodded, pretending to be like this.

This is where the various roads of the monastery meet.

That is not the monastery where I sensed that the other party is pregnant with you, but the information that can be judged only from the eyes.

"The ground repairs under Yinyuandian Square are only done a few times a year, and even that kind of opportunity has been won for me."

The originally quiet courtyard aroused a lot of quietness amidst the tranquility.

Before explaining, Aphra, the overhaul man, was less emotional:

But not only did the family live a worse life, but they were even more exhausted after comparison, as if we were being herded by lambs. "

And excessive fighting makes cause and effect reversed.

Just from that story and the discussion of the priests, I feel that retreating to the temple for trial is a waste of time.

—Technology changes but people change.

Within the wall over there, there is only an open field similar to the shape of an altar. Old or aging monks sat in a circle around the center, and there was no podium in the center, and a middle-aged woman with a kind smile was standing.

A few minutes later, Ronald followed the little nun down the street and returned to the square of the monastery.

But when I listened carefully to the discussions of other priests, I realized that my views on that era were not a little arrogant and outdated.

It is the same as the courtyards used by other monks for daily life.

It is near from open space.

But in the process, there are no problems, or some changes are undoubtedly happening. The lower echelons of the church saw and valued that change.

"It is said that after a thousand years, no family lived by shepherding sheep.

Look back at the world inside the seal.

"It's a bad time, shall we go to church for morning prayer?"

As monks of the Yinyuan Code, it is our innate mission to break through that predicament.

— People change, but techniques change.

Unlike the holy capital after it was sealed, this place, as the center of the road, finally has some breath of life.

Our flocks are smaller than in the past.

The proportion of the relationship between people and magic, and the monastery is changing.

We came to the gate of a courtyard with a small footprint.

"It was Mr. Matthew who just passed away next week. In order to show the piety of my belief, I donated a small sum of money outside the will, hoping that my tombstone will be inlaid under the square of Yinyuandian."

During that movement, the caster and the woman made eye contact.

In the reality of more pursuit of efficiency and craftsmanship, no one has discussed that issue yet.

But in the eyes of thinking church people.

If you follow that trend, things that are always outdated will be eliminated sooner or later. This will be a result that everyone would like to see.

Just after walking out of the alley, Ronald saw a priest in black, pushing a wheelbarrow, transporting a black stone tablet from another city.

But with the battle with heretic wizards.

After thinking about it, you feel that there is not a single story that should be shared with Xiaojia. "

Bypassing the priest who was changing the floor, led by the overhaul man, we turned back to another alley.

For hundreds of years, the church has gone through various stages in its battle with wizards, and now it has finally won the dawn of defeat.

During this period, no one whispered to each other, and the whole venue maintained a quiet and solemn atmosphere.

After hearing this, the caster initially thought it was a metaphor for the struggle between the church and wizards.

The performer had no emotion in his heart.

Therefore, with the careful care and management of generations, the flock of sheep will naturally prosper, and our family will be able to live happily because of this.

Stop and take a closer look, it seems that you can still see the handwriting engraved on the stone tablet...

Can I use the woman behind my eyes to deal with [Four Precepts Secret Meeting] Ronald who is in a trial?

The big repair man on the side noticed the stop of the caster, and immediately came over:

I would smile at the new arrivals as a welcome.

That time it was only a few minutes away.

Although there is no straightforward discussion.

Thinking about the relationship between people and magic is not completely similar to the alienation of capital.

Because of that, people worked hard to study, and having weak magic power was the prerequisite for gaining a place in the church.

In a quiet atmosphere, time passes.

The power of spells is constantly increasing and decreasing.

I can't help being brought into that collision of ideas.

Shen Qinwei almost lost his mind.

Although I can still see the evil consequences of that change in the future.

After the story was told, the middle-aged woman stopped talking, but picked up a water glass to moisten her throat.

About a quarter of an hour ago, the seats outside the courtyard were not fully occupied.

At that time, the small gate of the courtyard was closed from the inside.

Bad things seem to have become too important side details.

They dug out the original floor of the square, and then replaced it with a newly shipped stone tablet.

The two villains also exchanged some views with you.

From then on, a fierce and peaceful life was followed. UU reading www.uukanshu. com The family fought their neighbors over territory for their sheep.

Those entering the venue often nodded their heads, including Shen Qinwei and Daxiu Nan among them.

But also face up to and discuss the significance of that change in a more lateral way.

As if confirming something before, I finish telling the story:

After all, spells come from Shen Qin, but from God.

We are lazy and sincere, kind to others, and have the spirit of hard work and hard work.

It lies in the transformation of the relationship between the shepherd's family and our flock.

Confident temperament, confident gaze, methodical movements.

In the past, people regarded spells as tools, and no matter what, people were the core, and spells were only auxiliary.

The information revealed by that demeanor is difficult to fake.

The Xiao family must also know that the priests and priests returned to Yinshenqin yesterday, preparing to select candidates for the next priest.

The middle-aged woman standing in front of the central podium opened her mouth at the same time as the small door closed. The voice was long and lingering:

With just one look, I can feel the ordinaryness of the other party.

"Oh, that's it!"

At this very moment, when the discussion in the courtyard lasted for less than a quarter of an hour, Aphra, the overhaul man, once again issued an invitation to the caster:

"Lili, it's almost time to start over there."

One day, a neighbor who also made a living from this came next door to us.

Magic has become the number one power, eternity is change, and people in the church have almost become vassals of magic.

"Looks like my luck was wrong."

Speaking of that, the middle-aged woman paused for a moment, her eyes swept over the crowd around her.

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