Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1543: Heresy hunting!

It is also the trial of entering the temple.

The five members of the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] are also facing their own predicament.

Especially different from Ronald who possessed the "Divine Comedy", so he resisted immediately and investigated the trial of the temple.

Although the five entered together, they were at a loss about their current situation.

They don't know the essence of this place as a temple trial at all.

When the light in front of them dissipated and they appeared together in the chapel, their first reaction was only blankness:

" the inside of that church?"

"Are we in?"

"What's the matter? Where's the nun!"

The five of them looked at each other, but subconsciously regarded the changes in front of them as some kind of defense mechanism of the chapel itself.

But they are also very capable spellcasters after all.

After only a few seconds of initial confusion, someone discovered their biggest difficulty now.

- Spellcasting ability is blocked.

"My original code still has induction, but I can't communicate the power in it!"

"The permanent spell on my body has also failed."

"An enchantment that deprives the ability to cast spells?"

Realizing this, the eldest of the three Lenny brothers immediately walked towards the door of the chapel, preparing to leave the place first.

Boom, boom, boom!

A helpless thing happened.

Although the church of the monastery is just a plain and simple building.

But the bricks that make up the walls of the church are strong and durable, and the gate that is sealed at night is cut out of a solid beech wood and fixed by strong metal hinges.

After losing the ability to cast spells.

As an ordinary person, the caster of [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] has no possibility of forcibly opening this place.

The eldest brother among the Lenny brothers clenched his fists and slammed the door hard.

The end result is just that his palms are painful and red, and he has no effect on escaping from here.

"Damn it!" He cursed, stomping his feet and looking at his companions, "We're trapped here!"


The faces of the five casters became quite ugly.

Under the predicament, someone thought of Ronald who was standing together just now but was nowhere to be seen.

Among the three Lenny brothers, the third who was supposed to 'enjoy' Ronald's expression became fierce:

"Wait, that nun isn't here!"

"Eric, it's the nun you brought over!"

Glared at by peers.

The two casters who brought Ronald here just thought about it for a moment before they suddenly woke up.

There is no power of words to sustain the disturbance.

They are thinking clearly now, and they also recalled the scene of them being manipulated by the nun with the spirit of speech.

"No, we were controlled by that guy with spells!"

"That guy's origin is unknown, and he controlled us with a strong power of words and spirits, so we took her here to look for you."

Hearing this, the second of the three Lenny brothers immediately frowned:

"There are still old monsters alive in the Holy City?"

The eldest of the three Lenny brothers is less convinced:

"Really, are you controlled by her spells?"

"According to the information unearthed in the past few days, the church is indeed quite accomplished in speech and spiritual spells, but it is impossible to control the holder of the original for a long time."

The second of the three brothers immediately agreed with what the elder brother said:

"That's right, I've never heard of such a thing, using the spirit spell to control the holder of the original for a long time!"


In a critical situation, the casters of the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] began to argue with each other.

But among them, the eldest of the three brothers was the calmest. After a moment of quarreling among his companions, he opened his mouth to offer a unique opinion:

"I think everyone's attention should not be limited to the holy capital. Don't forget, we still have very dangerous enemies chasing after us."

As soon as these words came out, someone immediately understood:

"That monster with the skin of the descendants of the Adler family? But he can't..."

"It's "Origin of Species"!" Almost at the same time, someone guessed a possibility, "That original book has the ability to change the body structure at the root level, we were deceived by that monster!"

Between a few words.

The five members of the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] already had a general understanding of their situation, and it could even be said that they came up with a fairly accurate result.

But the only mistake was their ignorance of the temple trials.

So based on the previous analysis, they believed that Ronald used the opportunity of destroying the church's enchantment to cast a special spell on them, and at the same time sealed their spellcasting ability and trapped them in the church.

"Why didn't he just kill us?"

"Our death may alert others... President! There is danger over there!"

"No, we must find a way to escape from here immediately!"

Thinking of this, the discussion among the five members of [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] became more and more tense, and some people even broke out in cold sweat.

But at this moment, the tension stopped abruptly.

Because they heard voices.

From outside the church, the sound of someone walking this way!

Was it Ronald who had come to execute them? Or did someone discover the situation here and come to support them?

The five powerful casters held their breath, as if waiting for the fate to come.


The door lock was opened from the outside.

What came in was not what they imagined.

Instead, it was a few priests wearing monk robes.

And after seeing the five of them, the expressions on the faces of these young men were also quite surprised.

"What? Is there anyone here at the church?"

"Another person stayed here so late last night that they didn't even go out when the door was locked?"

The young monks who opened the gate were undecided.

But for the practitioners of [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting], this is great news, and it is also an opportunity they will definitely seize.

The young man who opened the door of the church has not yet reacted.

The eldest of the three Lenny brothers hurried up to fool around, and before the young men could react, the five left the church immediately.

Then everything suddenly became clear.

What unfolded in front of them was the once prosperous holy capital.

With such a magnificent scene in front of us, all previous suspicions and worries were shattered by the vivid reality.

"We should have fallen into an illusion."

"This is an opportunity to experience the glory and heyday of that church. We can get a lot of valuable things from here!"

"That's not what we should be doing right now."

"The problem now is how do we get out of here!"

The five members of the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] discussed the situation in front of them.

In order to expose their existence, they reduced their activities as much as possible and hid directly in an unoccupied courtyard of the monastery.

With their superb spell insights.

Soon he had a new understanding of the environment he was in, and even deduced that this might be an environment similar to the original test.

But in the meantime, time is also ticking by.



The striking bell rang.

As the bell rang, the atmosphere of the entire holy city seemed to change suddenly, and the pedestrians on the street also became weird.

Although spells cannot be used.

But as experienced practitioners, the five members of [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] also understand that this sudden change is definitely not good news for outsiders like them.

The eldest of the three Lenny brothers rushed straight out of the courtyard.

Almost at the instant it all happened.

A powerful torrent of magic power covered the courtyard, imprisoning these people in place without moving.

Immediately, a majestic voice sounded:

"Find the invading heretics, and they're all here!"

(end of this chapter)

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