Mystic Dominator

Chapter 151: work content


"I think the exhibition you're talking about isn't the one I saw in the newspaper, right?"

Hearing Everton's question, Ronald raised his eyebrows.

Talking to yourself, the other party will not ask some common-sense questions, this should be something in the words.

"Of course not the one in the newspaper!"

Sure enough, Everton immediately smiled and clapped his hands.

After that, he stopped asking questions, but said straight to the point:

"Since a knowledgeable spellcaster like you is invited to help, it can't be an exhibition for ordinary citizens."

"Actually, as a member of the [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance], the main purpose of my visit to Berlenwich this time is to make more friends here and open up new markets for the next business alliance activities."

"It is precisely because of this that I need to carry out corresponding activities in the business world and the mysterious side of Burrenwich. The private exhibition deals with the world on the side of ordinary people, and the mysterious side..."

Having said this, Everton stopped talking, but threw an unfinished smile at Ronald.

Ronald nodded slightly to show his understanding, and then followed Everton's words and replied:

"And on the mysterious side, there are naturally exhibitions suitable for this circle?"

"That's right!"

While loudly admiring Ronald, Everton continued to explain:

"But you should know, Mr. Ronald."

"Some time ago, there was a sudden uproar of cult warlocks in Burrenwich City. Affected by this, not only the exhibition for ordinary citizens was forced to be postponed, but even the activities on the mysterious side were greatly affected."

"And now..."


Speaking of this, Everton couldn't help sighing, and the color in his eyes sharpened.

"It's a very different story now that we're going to start these things again."

"The first-mover advantage on my side has been lost, and there are naturally many people who want to make trouble. The situation is not good."


Introduced here, Everton stopped talking and raised his teacup.

He watched Ronald silently as he drank tea to moisten his throat.

With just one action, the businessman handed over the right to speak to Ronald very gently.

Everton's attitude is clear, he respects Ronald's choice.

Knowing this and intending to continue the conversation, Ronald took the initiative to continue the conversation.

If you don't want it, then it's over.

Under the calm gaze of the businessman, Ronald only pondered for a few seconds before making an immediate decision.

Will give each other a smile, he immediately replied:

"Next, let's talk about specific work."

"Very happy!"

Hearing Ronald's answer, Everton's smile grew even wider.

However, he did not rush to start the topic, but first took out a few pieces of white paper with text from under the coffee table and placed it on the coffee table in front of Ronald, obviously prepared.

"Come on, let's look at this first."


Picking up the page from the coffee table, Ronald immediately began to examine the contents.

However, look at it this way.

He was silent.

In front of Ronald, the content was written clearly in black and white.

[Under the protection of the sacred law enacted by Her Majesty Queen Daantrian, this agreement is inviolable and will provide legal protection for both parties...]


In a nutshell, this is a contract to commission work.

Although not as comprehensive as the labor contract that Ronald saw in the 21st century, this contract has detailed specific responsibilities and corresponding rewards for both the client and the client.

And because of the nature of the work on the mysterious side, the contract is especially strict about keeping its content secret.

Honestly, Ronald doesn't hate things like this.

But the mysterious person honestly signed an entrustment contract protected by national law...

Always feel a strong sense of disobedience?

Due to his previous work experience, Ronald naturally took a good look at the contract from beginning to end.

With his level of knowledge, he has not found any obvious contract traps for the time being.

As a businessman, Everton can offer such a contract in the context of this era.

Ronald is really not sure what to say...

At the same time, watching Ronald carefully read the contract to the end.

A look of admiration appeared on Everton's face.

"Mr. Ronald, it's rare to see someone in Burrenwich take contracts as seriously as you."

"In this city far away from Springs, most people still rely on the so-called 'School Guarantee', 'Secret Contract', or 'Guarantor', to this purely written contract. Instead, there is no due caution.”

While looking at the last content, Ronald replied:

"It's understandable that living in the mysterious side circle, I like these more."

As he said, people who have always relied on the power of the mysterious side will subconsciously despise this paper contract, which is also a normal psychological reaction.

And as Ronald's voice fell, he also read the last words.

After stacking the pages of the contract on the coffee table, Ronald turned his attention to the businessman across from him again.

"I have read the contract, and there is no problem."

Immediately took out a pen from his pocket, Everton took the contract and quickly filled it in with his own content.

Immediately, he pushed the contract and pen to Ronald.


Nodding and signing his name, Ronald did not forget to ask the other party as he wrote:

"Mr Everton, can we talk about the job now?"

"Of With a very good mood in his tone, Everton said generously:

"In the manor I rented on the outskirts, two days a week on weekends are the time to hold the Mystery Side Exhibition. Usually I'm sure to protect the safety of the place, but it's not very good during the two days of opening."

"And your job is to help me with my defense over the weekend."

"The Bureau of Mystery Investigation on the Burrenwich side has already dispatched personnel to provide some protection. Your job is actually..."

Speaking of this, a wry smile suddenly appeared on Everton's face.

I don't know if it's true or not and shook his head vigorously, at least he said in a generous tone:

"Forget it, it's useless to say something nice at this time."

"In short, my opponents will definitely find ways to do some damage to the exhibition, or attack guests, or steal exhibits, or make trouble in public. In short, your job is to avoid as much as possible, or deal with these things after they happen. Just fine."

Ronald suddenly raised his head and stared at Everton:

"The treatment here should be to deal with the matter, right?"

Everton immediately returned with a smile:

"Of course--"

"I'm a law-abiding businessman."

[Thank you for watching the genuine reward! 】

【Someone came to vote...】

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