Mystic Dominator

Chapter 150: Flower Season Hotel

Fall in love with, the mysterious ruler

There is a carriage ride, and Haywood Avenue in the business district will soon arrive.

Different from the apartment block where Ronald lived.

As the neighborhood with the most commercial atmosphere in Burrenwich, the gas lights next to Haywood Avenue are also being replaced with electric lights, and the speed of public facilities construction is only behind very few important urban areas such as Long Beach Street.

Just jumped out of the rental carriage.

Ronald saw many shops in operation around him.

The management of the Burrenwich neighborhood is relatively strict.

In the winter, the salespeople who sell products on the road basically curl up near the storefront, and cooperate with the stand behind them to sell products or services. In a sense, they can be considered orderly.

The passers-by shopping, the vigorous publicity, the goods in the window...

This scene after scene is reflected in front of the red brick shops.

The characteristics of the commercial street are almost head-on.

Turning around and handing over the fare to the driver of the rental carriage, Ronald stood there and looked around for a while before walking towards his destination alone.

- Flower Season Hotel.

Ronald didn't know the origin of the hotel's name.

But only from what you see in front of your eyes, this hotel can definitely be called a word of style.

Located on the shopping street of Heywood Avenue, the exterior wall of Huaji Hotel mainly adopts a deep red color, and the visual sense is similar to the architectural tone of Harvard University.

And a total of six floors of the hotel.

On the side of the street, it spanned a width of more than 30 meters!

In addition to the business floor on the first floor, only the second to fourth floors are the usual guest room floors, and the two upper floors are just double-storey attics covered under cyan tiles and sloping upwards.

Compared with the surrounding single-storey or double-storey shops, it is simply the gap between giants and children.

And according to the number of hotel windows, it's just a visual observation.

Ronald felt that the number of rooms in this hotel was at least 150 or more.

Such a hotel is located in a shopping street, an absolute five-star hotel!


"It's no wonder that you can offer that amount of compensation."

After sighing in a low voice, Ronald walked towards the hotel door.

Passing through the arch-shaped rain cover that extended outside the gate, and a few steps into the lobby, the hostess greeted her.

"Hello, sir."

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

Ronald nodded to the host:

"I'm looking for Mr. Everton Virginia. I made an appointment before."


The waitress paused, and then asked:

"What's your name...?"

Ronald replied immediately:

"Ronald Adler."

"It's Mr. Ronald!"

Hearing this name, the smile on the hostess' face instantly became much brighter than before.

While walking towards the stairs with the road, she explained to Ronald at the same time:

"Mr. Everton, live in room 214 on the second floor. I'll show you the way."

"Thank you."

Nodding his thanks, Ronald followed.

Taking Ronald, he led the way to the door of a guest room on the right side of the second floor. The waitress also knocked on the door three times for him.

bang bang bang —

"Mr. Ronald is visiting Mr. Everton!"


"Here it is!"

A sophisticated response sounded inside the door, and then the door was opened from the inside.

However, it was not the businessman Everton who greeted Ronald.

This is an old butler with a crisp stance and gentle eyes.

While making way for Ronald to enter the room, the old butler glanced at him with a gentle look, and asked the waitress to leave the door knowingly.

Immediately, the old housekeeper carefully closed the room.

Facing Ronald with a straight posture, he first nodded slightly, and then said:

"Mr. Ronald, the master is having lunch in the restaurant. I'll show you the way."

"It's work."

After a brief conversation, the two continued to enter the room.

As a businessman with strong economic strength, the room Everton rented in the Flower Season Hotel is definitely the most luxurious type. After passing through the living room in front of the door and passing through a small corridor, Ronald saw Everton in the dining room by the window.

This businessman from Springs is now holding a knife and fork against the steak in front of him. The knife and fork make a crisp sound on the plate, and there are traces of sauce on the napkin on his chest.

Obviously, this businessman is not the kind of person who pays too much attention to etiquette in private.

At this time, the old butler who came with Ronald said:

"Master, Mr. Ronald is here."


Immediately, Everton's attention was removed from the steak.

Looking up, he saw Ronald who had just entered the restaurant.


"Mr. Ronald is here?"

Put down the knife and fork, undid the napkin around his neck, Everton wiped his hands on the wet towel, then got up and walked towards Ronald.

"Mr. Ronald, let's go to the room inside and talk."

Ronald nodded and said:

"Of course, no problem."

The businessman simply turned around and led the way, while not forgetting to instruct the housekeeper behind him:

"Tang, help me throw away the rest of the steak."

"I want to spend some time alone with Mr. Ronald, and no one is allowed to disturb me."

"Master, as you wish."

The butler's voice remained in the dining room, while the businessman led Ronald into the tea room next door.

Like the living room and dining room, even if it is a small tea room, the most advanced suite in the Huaji Hotel is extremely comfortable.

Sofas, coffee tables and other things are readily available.

The designer successfully arranged a large number of furniture in a small space, fully and reasonably. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

When the two of them sat on the sofa respectively, the businessman waved his hand immediately.


With a soft sound, the room closed automatically.

There is no mechanism, no trace of magic power activation, and no trace of other people's help.

Just like that, there is no intermediate process.

The door was closed.


What kind of magic is this?

Ronald didn't care whether the other party was putting pressure on it or what it meant.

He just quickly recalled the knowledge he had acquired during this period in his mind.

To achieve this effect, there are three types of schools on the mysterious side that can do it.

——A rune caster like Nicole.

This effect can be achieved by engraving the runes in advance.

——The decree caster.

A spell that sets rules for something, and then works according to the rules.

—A deceit or illusion caster.

This is a literal type of spell, and it doesn't need any explanation.


The businessman in front of him would be one of the above three spellcasters.

What type of character?

Just when Ronald was thinking about this.

Everton was also looking at Ronald, and he seemed to like Ronald's silence.

Smiling happily, he immediately said:

"Ha ha-"

"Mr. Ronald, what is your understanding of the exhibition?"

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